
Danmachi |Latin Origin Protector| ENG

**Synopsis:** Our protagonist is Joel Gómez, a 23-year-old Argentine, charismatic, and extravagant. A fan of parkour and martial arts, he's an airport police officer caught in a terrorist attack. He manages to stop it but dies in the process, only to awaken in a fantasy world. Now, Joel must adapt to this new world.

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3 Chs

**Prologue |My Final Act|**

Before we begin the story, although as Vegetta says, technically we've already begun. "Latin Origin Protector" is a story created by me. I apologize in advance for any errors in my English, as it is not my native language. However, I hope you can give it a chance and enjoy the story.

I wanted to say that this is my first story and as such, it's open to constant revisions and changes. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them, as I'll use them as inspiration for the story. I must emphasize again, I'm a novice at this, and I'm doing it just for fun, so I might not be consistent with the content.

I want to make it clear that I won't create an overpowered protagonist with exaggerated powers. I want every skill to have its pros and cons. Also, I'm rewatching the series to refresh my memory, and this will help me create a more coherent story within the world of Danmachi.

If you're familiar with the anime, manga, or novel and spot any major errors, I'd appreciate your feedback so I can fix them.

**Synopsis:** Our protagonist is Joel Gómez, a 23-year-old Argentine, charismatic, and extravagant. A fan of parkour and martial arts, he's an airport police officer caught in a terrorist attack. He manages to stop it but dies in the process, only to awaken in a fantasy world. Now, Joel must adapt to this new world.


**Prologue | My Final Act**

In the bustling Ezeiza airport, where lights flash and people hurry in all directions, stands Joel Gómez, a 23-year-old Argentine airport police officer described by his colleagues as charismatic and extravagant. For Joel, life is an adventure, and each day is an opportunity to bring a smile.

Raised in the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Joel has learned to move through the city with grace and agility, thanks to his passion for parkour. Moreover, his love for martial arts has kept him in excellent physical condition and provided him with impressive combat skills.

However, Joel's life wasn't always filled with bright lights and frantic movement. He spent most of his childhood in the countryside, near the big cities, where his grandparents raised him with love and wisdom. In the vast expanses of the Argentine Pampas, Joel discovered the value of hard work and connection with nature.

His grandparents, wise and loving, taught him the secrets of the land and the ways of the countryside, instilling in him values ​​of honesty, loyalty, and courage. Despite being surrounded by tranquility and serenity, Joel always felt the call of the city, the desire to explore its bustling streets and discover new horizons.

It was this duality between the calm of the countryside and the excitement of the city that forged Joel's unique personality, a mix of charisma, mischief, and extravagance. One day, while Joel was patrolling the airport corridors with his colleague and friend Luis, nearing the end of their shift, his instinct alerted him without apparent reason, but he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Luis: noticing that he had stopped, asked teasingly, "Hey Joel, what's up, tired already? You know, the ladies don't like men with low endurance, if you know what I mean."

Joel: Playing along, he replied, "That explains why you don't have a girlfriend."

Luis: "Look who's talking, you don't have one either."

Both look at each other and then laugh, heading to the locker rooms because their shifts were over, while Joel leaves after changing from his uniform to casual clothes when he sees a group of men in the distance, dressed similarly to maintenance staff, which leaves him a bit confused because he had never seen them before. He wondered if this was the chill he felt earlier.

"Hmm suspicious, nah, it must be nothing, just imagining things due to work fatigue."

But apparently fate is playing a joke on him because the next moment, he noticed something suspicious about those people, and his curiosity led him to investigate. By chance, his clothes closely resembled theirs, resulting in a confusing and dangerous situation.

In his thoughts: "Okay, this is not funny anymore, who are they?"

I'll see if I can get closer and pretend a bit to see if I hear something suspicious.

—Who's this?— asks one of the criminals, with a British accent, looking at Joel with distrust.

—But if it isn't the other one who was with Jimmy, the idiots who have to watch the entrance.— responds another, with the same accent, looking at him with suspicion.

-Who are you calling an idiot, huh?, because there's only one, and I'm looking at him right now- I said feigning anger and with the best British accent I could muster, giving him a defiant look. Although deep down, my heart was racing, thinking if it would be best to pretend madness and get out of this mess as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, another criminal enters the conversation to separate us and tell us to hurry. "Well, it doesn't matter, we don't have time for your nonsense, just follow the plan, then go watch with Jimmy, just follow the plan. But if you mess it up, you'll regret it, got it?"

Joel smiles confidently.—Sure, I'll meet Jimmy.— says, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. The terrorists look at each other, downplaying Joel's importance. He, on the other hand, maintains composure, although his heart beats strongly in his chest.

Finally, one of them nods.—Alright, get to your post—

Joel nods solemnly, feeling a shiver run down his spine. But he knows he can't let fear paralyze him. With a smile, he walks away from the group, carrying with him the false confidence of the terrorists.

Once safe, Joel slips through the airport corridors. "Damn, lucky me, just when I was finishing my shift I get into this mess," he muttered to himself. "But it seems they mistook me for one of them, hmm, this is not too convenient, well, as they say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

Seeking a way to stop the attack, he acts quickly, alerting his fellow police officers and coordinating a plan to evacuate the area and neutralize the criminals. While one group diverted the attention of the criminals, the other evacuated civilians.

When an explosion rocks the airport and fire threatens to consume everything, Joel is on the front lines, facing the terrorists and protecting the innocent. Though his life hangs by a thread, he doesn't hesitate for a moment to do whatever it takes to stop the threat, because after all, he didn't feel like dying today.

And in that moment of chaos and danger, Joel understands that, despite his doubts and his attitude of extravagance, there is a hero inside him who never gives up, inspired by the values ​​instilled in him by his beloved grandparents. However, his duty is not yet over.

In the midst of chaos, Joel spots a man following his steps. Due to the smoke and soot in the place, he cannot tell if he's an ally or an enemy, but as he approaches, stealthy and cautious, he realizes it's one of the terrorists, and to top it off, it's the criminal with whom he had exchanged insults.

The terrorist, armed and dangerous, notices his presence late, but his weapon flies out of his hands, courtesy of a kick from Joel. This infuriates him, and he tries to subdue Joel, but the young police officer is faster and more agile. With movements learned since his childhood in the countryside and his training in martial arts, Joel dodges the enemy's blows and counterattacks fiercely.

In an instant, the situation turns into a hand-to-hand combat, each fighting for their life. The fight is fierce, with both men fighting with all their might. Joel knows he can't afford to lose, not when his life and the lives of so many others are in danger.

Finally, with a precise blow, Joel manages to knock down the terrorist. The man falls to the ground, panting and defeated. Joel stands up, breathing heavily, but full of determination. He picks up the weapon from the ground and hurries to communicate with his fellow police officers, knowing that every second counts. He won't rest until the terrorists are apprehended and the city is safe once more because this is his condition, or rather, this is his duty.

When all seems lost and the smoke clears, Joel emerges as a true protector, with a smile on his lips and a heart full of gratitude for being alive. In the midst of the chaos, Joel spots a young woman trapped under the rubble, with danger still lurking around her. With courage, he rushes to her, defying the flames and debris threatening to bury everything. With superhuman effort, he manages to free the woman and drags her to safety. But just when it seems they've escaped danger, a final detonation shakes the ground beneath their feet. Joel steps in between the woman and the explosion, sacrificing himself to protect her from the deadly impact.

The world turns black and silent around him. The pain fades, replaced by a sensation of peace and lightness. Joel closes his eyes, preparing for what he thinks will be his last breath. However, instead of eternal darkness, Joel finds himself surrounded by light. He opens his eyes slowly and discovers that he is in a completely different place, far from the chaos and destruction of the airport.

He's in the midst of ancient ruins, surrounded by lush vegetation and breathtaking landscapes. The air is imbued with an aura of magic and mystery, and Joel feels like he's in a completely new world. He tries to get up, but a wave of pain stops him.

Looking down, he realizes he's wounded, or rather he was, because to his amazement, his wounds healed and closed, disappearing as if he never had them in the first place. He feels the blood running through his skin, but he also feels a strange sense of calm, as if he were floating in a dream.

"Ah man, this sucks, I'm so exhausted," he said to himself, letting out a sigh. "Today was supposed to end my shift, and I was going to my apartment to slack off, watch anime, and enjoy my life."

Deciding that it was time to stop complaining, he decided to look around and find answers to his situation.

He notices he only has simple clothes, and near where he woke up, there was an old and tattered adventurer's backpack, as if after

 years of being stranded there, someone had finally stumbled upon it. Approaching it, surprisingly, it was intact.

Then, his gaze falls on a backpack nearby. He approaches it with curiosity and opens it. Inside, he found some travel rations with a leather canteen full of water, along with a folded note.

He unfolds the note and reads the handwritten words: "Good luck on your new adventure, Joel. Here's something for the road. I'll also indicate the location of some weapons as a gift so you can defend yourself. Enjoy and learn to master your new mysterious abilities! - |A friend|"

After eating and drinking water to regain strength, Joel follows the instructions in the note and leaves the ruins in search of the weapons it mentions. Shortly after, he finds a small hideout among the rocks. His gaze falls on some rocks nearby. He approaches them with curiosity and begins to move them, revealing a hidden chest underneath. He opens it carefully and finds inside some familiar weapons: a six-shot revolver pistol and a karambit knife.

[Author's note: If you're wondering, it's the Sheriff Singularity from Valorant and the Karambit Reaver 2.0 from Valorant.]

The sight of these weapons feels surprisingly familiar to him. He had used them in his police training. The pistol, in particular, catches his attention. It's engraved with strange symbols and emits a magical aura that Joel can't explain.

Alongside the weapons, he finds another note. He unfolds it and reads the handwritten words: "These weapons will serve you well in your new life, Joel. The pistol uses magic instead of bullets, so don't worry about running out of ammunition, provided you have enough magic. Here are the instructions to reach the nearest town. Follow the path marked on the map and you'll arrive soon. Good luck. - |A friend|"

Joel smiles at the kind gesture. It seems like someone is looking out for him in this unfamiliar world. The ruins, the lush vegetation, everything feels like it's been taken out of a fairy tale. Then, a noise in the distance catches his attention, and in the distance, he glimpses a small part of a walled city amid the ruins. After stowing the weapons and the note in his backpack, Joel follows the map's instructions and heads towards the nearest town.

But questions linger in his mind: What has brought him to this place? And what destiny awaits him in this world of wonders and dangers?

Welcome to the beginning of Joel's story, the airport policeman whose act of bravery has led him to a destination beyond his imagination. And the beginning of his story as the protector of another world.

