
danmach: monster Hunter

after Everything that happen to him bell decided to take a litte and opened up a cloud's shop and everything started from there

Tommy_Novalianto · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

chapter 1: before and aftermath of the incident

Bell was getting ready for his date with loki and waves to his familia

Bell: see ya later guy's

Hestia: bye bell

Welf: see ya later dude

Lili: later master bell

Mikoto: see ya around Sir bell

Haruime: see you master bell

As bell left his familia begin to talk about why bell keep going to

Hestia: where the heck is bell keep on going!?

Welf: to be honest I don't know

Lili: I suggest we follow master bell

Haruhime: that's a great idea lady lili

Mikoto: i don't know isn't this an envision on privacy?

Hestia: I don't care let go!

Meanwhile with loki

She was also getting ready for her date with bell to her familia it a 'bisnis meeting'

Loki: already I'm off

Finn: okey be careful lady loki

Lefiya: see you later goddess

Tiona: see ya goddess

Tione: bye-bye lady loki

Rivarie: goodluck on you bisnis

Ais: stay safe

Loki: okey

And she leaves and the same thing happened the are now follow there goddess and....they bumped into the Hestia familia

Everyone-bell and Loki: aaaaaaahhhhhhh

Lefiya: it's the Hestia familia!!

Hestia: it's the annoying elf and Ms wasitface

As they all are arguing with each other we'll more pasificliy lefiya and Hestia as they do finn notices something

Finn: umm guy's!

Lefiya and Hestia: what!?

Finn: I think we found out what lady loki and Mr crenal is up to

As he said that they all see what he meant they see Loki and bell by each other side holding hands and calling each other by pet names

Loki: hey bun-bun 💕

Bell: hey trickster 💕

Hestia and lefiya: what in the world!?

Lili: did they---

Haruhime: just call----

Tiona: Ed each other---

Ais: by pet names?!

Tione: it Sims so

Revarie: you have to adamite it's kinda cute

Finn: yeah it's admirable got a goddess to love a mortal is a biggest achievement to make and he has gotten it

Welf: good job bro good job

Lefiya and Hestia: I'm going to send/kill him/her back to heaven for dating my goddess/bell!!!!!

Ais: it's my bunny!!!

They said that and the couple feel a Chile down there spine

Bell: d-did you feel that

Loki: y-yeah

Bell: soooo wanna-----

Before he can finish his sentence Loki did

Loki: prolonged the date because it feels like it going to be the last Then yes yes I'd liked to

Hestia,ais,tiona,lili,haruhime: they even finish each other's sentence!?

And so the Hestia familia and some of the Loki familia keep on following them as they did they found out more about their relationship with each other as they learn that they have been dating each other for about 3 mounts in secret and as the date come to a close they saw them kissing each other passionately and Hestia,lili,ais,lefiya,and haruhime are yelling in anger apone seeing Loki and bell doing it as the two of them sapreite from each other and before they could go to them a portal open up under the couple and swallow them in the latest things the two of them fall they hear there friend's calling them

Hestia familia: bell/ master bell / sir bell!?

Finn,lefiya,revarie,tiona,tione,ais: lady loki/miss loki/goddess/bunny

As they fall and vanish...

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