

Kim Lalisa is a girl who has always wanted to be an idol but two things are stopping her which is her mum who doesn't want her to become an Idol and also her being poor which couldn't make her go to her dream school. But Lisa is a girl who doesn't give up easily decided to follow her dream when an opportunity came for her after meeting with a rich girl who also attends her dream school Lisa being a talkative babbled about her dream to her which the girl help her to apply for a scholarship going on then.

Mhiz_Omowunmi · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs



I am pretty sure you love the artwork done on it" I said already getting mad at him.

Excuse me, did you just expect me to say sorry for what I did? "Like you were the one who looked for my trouble and now you want me to be sorry you must be sick,"I screamed at him.

Lisa!!! What is wrong with you?? Hmm that's my mum

"Mum why scream at me when he was wrong," I asked mum.

"Sir, Lewis am sorry for her behavior I will try to correct her, It won't ever happen again".My mum said

"Like didn't you teach her not to talk to just anyone anyhow and do you know what your daughter did? "She f**cking broke my windscreen and not.even apologizing". He yelled.

"Am so sorry for not teaching her the right thing, I will try to do so from now?" she said what the heck? she kept bowing and asking for forgiveness from someone she can birth like bowing to him, it hurts.

Mum, will you just stop bowing? "He started it first why should that be my fault" And slap!! Slap again "Will you shut up and apologize, do you even know who you are dealing with? She asked.

It hurt my mum doesn't scream at me no matter what I do but now she just slapped me in front of the person who I now hate most in this world.

I couldn't do anything I just bowed and apologized just to end it then I saw him smirking satisfied with what he is seeing. I was furious but I just can't do anything. Then again I heard the stupid voice I feel like slapping and slamming his stupid face on the wall but my hands were tied like I don't want my mum to be mad at me anymore I just glare at him.

"Alright, am just gonna forgive her because of you, if not I would have made life so hard for her".

"Thank you so much sir Lewis," she said still bowing she forced me to bow to thank him I did cause I don't want her to bow anymore I just did what she wants and he left us standing there, I hate him.

When I was sure he was gone, I ran out of the stupid mansion I was angry, hurt seriously words can't explain how am feeling right now. My mum followed yelling out my name but I didn't look back I picked up my bike and ride it home.

Getting home I rushed into my room locked my door and sat on my bed hunger long forgotten if you expecting me to cry no I am not that type that cries for stupid brat.

After some time my mum started knocking on my door as stubborn as I can be I didn't make a sound.

"Lisa I know you are in there open this door this instant!!! To avoid more talk I open and seriously I regretted it."

"What was the meaning of that? Do you know what he can do to you? "For goodness sake, I warned you not to do anything stupid, why couldn't you just listen to me? You know that where we get money for the things we need. For once don't let your anger get over you, it can ruin our life just once in your life keep shut when a rich person talks,!!what are you going to do if he doesn't forgive you? He can be dangerous when you don't do things his way.

She continued saying and asking questions on and on yeah you should know how mums are? I was just staring at her all through.

Did you even listen to everything I just said?

"Yeah, mum I did I will try to control my anger issues" I just wanted this conversation to be over.

We stood there staring at ourselves, I should have gone inside but since I know my mum well I dare not move from that place.

After the staring competition for some time she left me there, Thank God I can go inside now.



You will look for it again🎶🎶

Hottest menus that will never cool off🎶🎶

Imprint those flavors on your palate🎶🎶


Just put everything in🎶🎶

Don't mind the other, put more🎶🎶

Don't hesitate, pour more🎶🎶

Mix, mix🎶🎶

"Yes, sir and ma'am"🎶🎶

(DU DU DU)🎶🎶






It's easy to choose what you want in this store🎶🎶

Anything on the menu will satisfy your all five senses🎶🎶

Even passing Travelers, pigeons, Magpies🎶🎶



"Well that was great" said Chris.

"Chris is a month younger than us while Woo bin is the youngest but the extrovert type, Chris is a very quiet type he hardly talks to people apart from his parents mine and Us seriously I know we don't associate with people, but he is worst like he doesn't talk to an outsider he rather just stay there and keep staring at them than talk.

Lewis you seems pissed today, what wrong? Asked Woo bin.

"Every f** cking thing is wrong starting with you Liam" he pointed to me with anger, okay i know he is gonna be pissed but not this much.

"Following by Jinny's minions touching me and a girl fucking broke my windscreen , asking me if i like the art work isn't my day such a blissful day? He yelled with annoyance.

Who is Jinny? I asked confused.

"Oh great he doesn't know his girlfriend name". He said

"My girlfriend name" wait you mean Jina ? Her name is Jina not Jinny you assh*le. I said annoyed.

"Whatever" he said.

Did you just say a girl broke your windscreen ?Woo bin asked.

"Of course a b*tch b,roke it and not only that she asked if i like the artwork done on it isn't it great? He asked.

We all burst into laughter.

Why did she do that? Chris asked.

"I mistakenly splash water on her when driving and she thinks that the best idea she has". He said

You didn't apologize if am right? I asked.

Yeah why would, I? He Said as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"You deserve it, dude," Chris said,

What the heck!!! Lewis screamed at him. Chris just sat down not listening to him anymore by putting on his headset, he isn't the type who likes it when someone doesn't accept he or she is wrong. So I think the conversation is over.

"Hmmm guys i need to Io skype with Jina," I said happily

"Whatever," Woo bin said. I think I made a mistake when saying Lewis doesn't like Jina not only him but all the boys don't, Chris doesn't say anything but it does show his face whenever her topic is brought up he wouldn't say anything about it. I just left them, for goodness sake, Jina is pretty, nice, and calm, hmm maybe not calm but kind of.



Hi! My name is Chris Park, you should know little things about me now. I am 19 I also attend Starlight High School. I am in grade 12 you should know what that means I will means did with my high school life very soon. Like seriously i am so happy, can't wait to be done with it. Well about my parent my dad is a partner with the twin's dad while my mum has her company where she makes dresses and also trains models, and a lot more girls' things which I am not interested in.

Well about my name my mum and Mrs. Yoon are best of best friends, they don't even call themselves friends anymore so they use sisters. So you should know why my name is Chris my sister's name is Catrina she's the total opposite of me. She is in the same class as Mary, the twin's younger sister she has been my crush since we were little. But I dare not tell her, why?

Because she is the ICE QUEEN she is just like her dad, the only person she plays or shares her thoughts with is Catrina, sometimes I do wonder how she was able to do it. Like Mary has no other friend apart from her. Enough with the introduction.


Woo-bin removed my headset, and asked me a question that I am always curious about but can't ask.

Do you think Jina loves Liam? He asked me looking at me with a curious eyes

"Seriously I don't think so" Lewis answered his question.

"That shouldn't be our business though, it's their life," I said

"Mum is not gonna accept her and I know that for sure" Lewis stated firmly

"Whatever I need to do something at home so I will leave first," I said leaving both of them to do their thing.



"Good morning mum"

"Morning sweetheart how was your night?

"Great mum I am sorry for what I did yesterday"

" it's okay sweetie I forgive you already," she said giving me a peck

"I need to go now see you in the evening," she said taking the things which she need for the day.

"Okay mum"

_______AFTER SCHOOL_________

Hmmm coming back from school still riding on my bike and singing.

Passing by a car it opened and hit me so I fell scratching my left hand on the floor I was about to abuse the person who is so blind not to notice me passing before opening the car.

But I was dumbstruck when I saw a pretty girl putting on Starlight high school uniform getting down quickly and apologizing.

"Oh my God I am sorry I didn't see you there am really sorry did you get any injury or maybe we should go to the hospital," She said worriedly.

"Like what the hell a rich kid talking this way to me.

"Hello, there are you listening? She asked trying to get my attention back.

"yeah I am listening, no problem I wanted to get mad at you but your speech cooled me down.

She smiled at me and said something which surprised me cause I don't think she is the type who likes talking much.

"I like you"

What? I asked

" l am sorry for not introducing me my name is Mary Kendrick and yours? She asked

"Mine? oh I am Kim Lalisa nice meeting a beautiful girl like you"

"Awwwn nice meeting you too which school do you attend?

"I attend Shin ha academy it's just a public school my dream is Starlight high school but since the school fees are da*n high I can't attend there"

Then immediately her eyes flicker as if she has been waiting for me to say this, those eyes look familiar but I can't just figure out why it looks familiar to me.

"Haven't you heard of the scholarship the school is giving?

"Scholarship no I haven't I do follow their website but didn't see anything like that"

"Oh not everyone has the privilege if you can give me your information I can help you fill in the form my parents have a good connection which can help me.

"What!!!! Like seriously oh my goodness I will be really happy to do so but why are you just helping me? you don't know me we just met and you already helping me"

"Oh that seriously I don't know you but I like you I don't usually talk to people but you are different and again it should be a kind of compensation for what I did to you. Others would get mad at me but you didn't you still shared something bothering you with me since I have the power to help why don't I just do it seriously I like you can't say why but I just like you"

" Well if you say so I am sorry but I don't think I can reject this offer because it has been my dream school," I told her and quickly tore out a paper from my book I wrote the necessary things on it and gave it to her.

" You should give me your contact so I can reach you when am done with it"

"Okay sis I looooove you," I yelled.

She smiled and drove off.

TBC ....