
Epic Fight : Two Extreme

"Amazing. This is the second-best fight we have seen in the last 10 years. One has immense strength and Stamina and the other one has none of that but Essence Techniques." Chairman spoke to the audience.

"I know some of us here didn't know what Essence Technique is, so let me explain. When you practice something to your very limit, you will get an Essence in that thing. So Essence Technique is Pure Perfect Mastery of a technique to the point you can apply it in all situations. It means it was ingrained in you. It became part of you, or even you!" He explained.

"I rank it number one of the two in 10 years and it will go as an Epic Fight for the sole purpose of it being the clash of two extreme forces of two extremes. Even though people considered me to have reached the pinnacle of knighthood which is not true, I still learned something!"