
EVIL 101

After I read that note, the memories of Dan Phantom rushed through my brain. I now know all he knew.

(I threw an ecto blast at the note destroying it)

next to where the note was is a schedule, it is my hive academy schedule.

"Hmm, looks like I have stealing 101 with catwoman better hurry. I don't want to be late."

I rush out of my room, flying in my ghost form. I notice I seem to be a teenage version of Dan, which is better seeing I am starting out with adult Dan's full power and because I am still young I feel I can be stronger then original Dan in his prime if I Train hard enough.

Good looks like I made it just in time.

I sit next to who I think is jinx.

Man, she is beautiful,

(Jinx winked at me)

crap she noticed me staring at her. I winked back, and she giggled. Maybe she likes me.

The teacher is here better pay attention.

"Attention class today, we will go over the basics to be a great thief, but afterwards we will have a practical test you may work in pairs or alone but you need to steal something valuable from a city before tomorrow that's your homework.

now to be a great thief...."

The class went on for an hour

after it ended, i walked up to Jinx,

"Hey, your Jinx, right? want to be my partner for the homework assignment?

I'm Dan Phantom, by the way

(she raises her eyebrows in surprise)

hmm, maybe what is your superpower?

(thoughts) (How much should I tell her?)

"I have ghost powers , so I have more than one

ability, but the ones that will help for this job are my flight, invisibility, energy blasts, and intangiblilty.

(Jinx thinks to herself for a second)

(That would be useful, and I could finish it faster with power like that, plus he is kinda cute.)

"You got a deal, cutie. I will meet you at your room after classes end for the day.

"Sweet, see you later, beautiful."

Jinx blushes as I walk off now on to the next class. I wonder what will happen next.