

(MATURE CONTENT**) "Why did you do this?" ."Answer me!". Josh an easygoing guy who was immune to love because of how his father was being treated by his mother, decided not to fall for any woman . But, fate had his own cruel way of making him find love. "I don't care Josh no matter what I'm not like all women. I will still wait for you cos I love you ". Sabrina couldn't stop crying. Sabrina who fell in love with Josh after a crazy night in her car meeting him for the first time, couldn't stop loving him no matter how much red lights he showed about women. Will she succeed in breaking down the walls he had already built because of his past? Josh gritted his teeth in anger. "Why?"...... Find out how Josh will have his revenge on the woman who took his life from him. His father. A story about betrayal, and a quest to win your lover's heart

Agenyi_Rejoice · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
101 Chs


Sabrina felt tensed seeing how Josh was too close to her. "I..it's nothing. I must have made a mistake." She tucked her hair behind her ear nervously. They were just too close. She wanted to step back and leave the kitchen, but her feet were rooted to the ground.

Josh put his hands in his pocket and continued staring at her face. "Are you sure? If you are okay, why are you red and you look nervous." Josh noticed that she was occasionally red all the time. He didn't know whether she was sick or something else. He couldn't figure it out.

Sabrina raised up her head to look at Josh with her eyes wide opened. Why did she always have to be so obvious? She also noticed her hands were quivering. Was she so in love like this? "Red? I'm not red. Is..um..I..um." She was at loss for words. She knew she was truly blushing. She used her hair to cover her face.