

ugh! where am I? what's with the weird clothes? is it a costume? I'm just an ordinary young woman who suddenly finds herself transported into the very story she once read. With a twist of fate, I become a character in the fictional world I once admired from the pages! This pitiful character I possessed, i'm gonna defy the novel settings and live happily! i don't want to be just a plot progression material! I swear, this damn family of hers going to regret what they did to her!

Lily_1079 · Fantasi
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This is unbelievable! How can this happening to me? This situation, I thought it only possible in novels!

ehem, hello, yes, as you already probably know, I am currently in the situation where all fantasy readers dying to be in! I got reincarnated or maybe accurately i got transmigrated to this character "Ayla Elsher" body. Contrary to the usual response, i am actually very happy!

i was just an ordinary girl before I got transmigrated into this body, I died on my previous world due to overworking, i was a workaholic but to distract myself of the high pace life i've been living, i often read those reincarnation fantasy novels and silently pray "If only I too got the second chances like them"

well here we are.

If i'm going to be completely honest, I wish I did say what novel i want to be transmigrated into... since this character, I mean this body, has the worst character settings ever!

"Ayla Astria Elsher" despite being born in the famous ducal family called "Elsher", she's a very lonely child. Her family, well rather calling them that, even housemate sound like a big compliment. Those scummy people didn't even acknowledge this poor child's existence.

In the original novel, "Ayla Elsher" is an existence to prove the 'kind-hearted that has know no bounds' characteristics of the heroine. The said heroine will befriend Ayla. To Ayla, the heroine existence is like her saviour to her lonely life. Later, she ended up sacrificing herself to save the heroine. 

I mean, the author is so cruel! Ayla has lived her life all alone and she didn't even get her own happy ending. Also, she died tragically to save her only friend. what an irony! 

Ayla is a character that is alone until her very end. Even after her death, her family blames the heroine for it. But that's just because "Ayla Elsher" is engaged to the hero and they make a big fuss since it's their loss that they lose the connection to the hero's family. After that, the scene change with the hero and heroine supposedly realizing their feelings to each other after the big incident. what the @#$%? Ayla's only existence to the novel is for plot progression. 

After reading that part, I can't help but to pity Ayla.

BUT. I am "Ayla" now! I'm determined to live as happily as possible until the very end, I want to make many friends, that way I can make peace with the fact that the original Ayla is lonely until the very end...

The first step of the "new" Ayla is to strike this damn Elsher family! i'm not letting them step all over Ayla and ignore her again! I mean 'me'!