

Mom always reminding me that things happen for a reason, The more you have to wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it...all you need to do is wait for it ... But be sure that you're ready no Matter what, cause if things happen opposite by what you expecting ...it can change your life mostly your beliefs

I'm Heilish Craige 14 years of existence, grade 8 student in Manelly high. It's just a public school but how I wish that I can study in a private ≧ω≦

Today? I can guess what will happen today, surely it's just a another day what mean is another day of my life like hell .i just forgot to say that I'm a wannabe nerd like in school but I'm different...yeah you read it right. I'm unique (oh fuvk sometimes I'm asking myself if I'm an alien?)nerds are intelligent but I'm not. Average type of grade but not average type of person

*tik tok tik tok your handsome bestie is calling you tik tok tik tok your handsome bestie is calling you*

Oh shit he always changing my ringtone..and it's really annoys me

"hey why you always changing my ringtone? Don't you have your own phone to.... "

Irritation mode on ..he don't even let me finish what I'm saying

"don't you like it? Besides I'm your bestie so its just OK right? By the way, I call you cause mama call your mom to tell if you can study here with me"

"what did she say? "

Hope she say yes,oh gosh I can't wait..*-*!

"she said no"

Silent covered the atmosphere...my dreams????...what about my dreams?? Wahhhh is this the end of my dreams .....i let my phone fall to the floor TT -TT

"hey are you still there? "I heard him say

"hey I'm just kidding hahaha don't cry honey"

"oh fvck you bastard" I get my phone to the floor.. Trying to spot if theirs a damage in my phone.. Thanks god,my phone doesn't have any damage

"why do I always notice that you're always cursing at me? Why don't you say that to the people who always bullied you?"

"drama again , seriously?.. Hayyysss argh sorry ok "

"at least you admit it, I'll forgive you hahaha"

"duh!, Apologizing doesn't always mean I'm wrong and youre right .It means i value our relationship more than my ego"

"awww how sweet I love you "


"hey stop acting like you don't saying it back to me when we're child haha you even kiss me in my lips and hey don't you dare deny it cause I still remember all bwahahah and when.."

"oh shut up you're really eewww don't act like we're still child..dont you think that I'm a stupid when I'm was a child "

"oh don't you know that you're still stupid until now?"

"tsk! "

"by the way, mama says that you can stay here, go and pack your things. I'll get you their wait me OK bye love lots muwaaaahh"


Tot tot ,he end the call

I still remember when we're a child, he always there when I needed him the most, by the worst and by the best.. He always supporting my stupid ideas


7 years ago, I shout in front of their door...and I really do my best to shout as loud as I can haha sounds like really crazy? Yeah I know


that day I'm very mad at him..dont you all know the feeling being rejected by the person ? Haha in the age of 7 I already want to marry babe , haha haha that's what I though I want

"hey sweetie what happen? Are you alright? " his mom open the door

"Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh " I cried hoping crying can make babe will marry me

"stop crying baby, what's wrong? Do Babe do something wrong to you?"

"He don't want to marry me wahhhhhh "

His mom laugh but I don't know why, I just continue crying while his mom hugging me

"OK sweetie I will just call him, just wait here " then his mom smile at me then left

"ohhhh.... Keyyyyyy *smile* "

After a few minutes I saw babe with his mom coming to me

" say sorry to here" his mom


"then? " his mom

"I will marry you"

"Really?? O.O! OK let's go " then I grab his arm

" where we going? " he ask me

"were getting married "