
Damn, I'm In My Own Novel

He hated cliffhangers and bad endings so much so he made his own novel! And while he was reading a transmigration novel, he got transmigrated himself! Follow Leo's adventure living in his 'own' world!

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55 Chs

Chapter 34 - We're dead.

My eyes jolted between looking at the ogre and looking for Rio.

There were only 2 things I could think,

Where's Rio, is he okay? And-

What kind of crack was I on to add an Ogre in the first mission? No, seriously, there must have been something wrong with me, I must have been taking drugs or something because an Ogre!? Out of every possible scenario I could have made, I chose an Ogre?

Was I trying to traumatize everyone or something? Kill off a few characters this early?

No way, even if I didn't remember writing this mission, I trust that I wouldn't have put an Ogre here. Was it the butterfly effect? But I did nothing that would cause that...

Ignoring the lesser problem, I scanned the camp for Rio.

I saw him, he was too close to the Ogre...


The Ogre had slammed down his club-like tree on the ground.


I wasn't calm, thousands of scenarios raced through my mind and all of them ended everyone here dying.


The Ogre let out a battle cry.

Do I run?

No, I can't leave Rio.

Fuck... God damn it.


The Ogre had slammed his club down again,

It looked like it was toying with us, its smile put even more fear into everyone.

Everyone was frozen, either in fear or shock.

I put my hand on my heart and repeatedly thought to myself: Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down.... Fuck I can't calm down.


A student screamed and the Ogre looked at her, it made an even bigger smile.

It was playing with its food.

I looked at Rio again and he was frozen, shaking in fear, his eyes were locked on the Ogre's back. He was sat down and in no position to move.

Shit, shit, shit, shit-

The Ogre had picked up one of the students by the leg,

"NO!" The student screamed

"GENE!" Kazu screamed out,

The Ogre threw Gene. He flew through the air like a sideways arrow and hit the ground a few dozen feet away.

The Ogre looked back towards Rio and the others and had a shit-eating grin.

Slowly starting to walk towards them with his club in hand he arrived right in front of the closest student and lifted his club high.

The closest student was Rio.

I went through all kinds of emotions as I saw the Ogre life his club up, I needed to do something.

As the Ogre swung down his club, I shouted desperately with more emotion than I've ever shown since I've come here.


My voice sounded like it was breaking, my chest was hurting, and my throat stung.

Rio had put his hands over his head and looked towards the ground.


The club had landed on what looked like a blue forcefield.

I panted heavily, spellbreak had activated.

Near Rio's neck was a shining green light.

Rio was still looking down like he was waiting to be hit.

Though he blocked the attack, the Ogre wasn't done yet. It lifted its club high again after showing a disgruntled look on its face.

Spellbreak could probably only block maybe 2 more attacks before it broke.


The Ogre had swung its club down, again being stunted by the blue forcefield.

The students were all screaming, it was chaos.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK-

I don't have a weapon; I don't even have any skills-

The Ogre had lifted its club high again, the blue forcefield had too many cracks in it, it looked like it was about to break.

Wait... I do have a skill, don't I?

I didn't notice it but the ring that Rio gave me was shining black.

As the Ogre swung its club down which would certainly break the shield I started to sing,

"Alright, alright

This is just the pinnacle, you'll be alright, yuh

Bones, I hear 'em snap

But I'll be alright?"

But unlike the calm, collected singing voice I had before, my voice was shaking.

The Ogre had stopped its swing mid-way and looked towards me.

Crowd-Pleaser, my newest skill. I thought it would make attention track towards me; I figured it was like a tank's taunt skill if this were a game.

The problem with this skill was, I'm not a tank, I'm not strong, and I was scared.

Doing this may of lead me to a faster death, but it saved Rio, that was my goal.

"You fucking... ugly-green shit, what're you looking at?" My voice was shaking as much as my arms.

The Ogre had a disgruntled look on its face, and it started to walk towards me.

'I'm fucking dead. I'm fucking dead. I'm fucking dead. I'm fucking dead.' The only words that could repeat in my mind.

The Ogre was about halfway towards me, and I couldn't move, it's funny... On that test I said I would either fight or run away if my life was in danger, but I couldn't move at all.

The Ogre's legs were suddenly frozen, the only people who could use Ice magic were Ayaka or Taku, so it was one of them who did it.

But the Ogre only stopped for less than half a second, he continued to walk as if it didn't affect him at all, his eyes settled on me.

At that point I could barely hear my name being shouted,


It was Rio's voice, but I couldn't look at him now, the Ogre was closing in.

The ring I wore shone even brighter

Move, move, move, move, MOVE! I tried to command my body.

The Ogre had lifted its club high and swung down at me.

