
Damien: The child from hell

It had been foretold about the coming of the Antichrist, a child who would represent the Devil from hell dominating the world with his tyranny and his counterfeit kingdom. Robert Thorn an american diplomat who knew nothing of this child origins secretly adopts the him, just so he could be the replacement of his wife's dead son without her finding out. After five years, strange events plague the Thorns following the death of Robert's second unborn child and his wife. Will Robert be able to kill Damien before it too late. Find out more in this thrilling yet horror short novel DAMIEN, the child from hell.

AshafokheGlory · Seram
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13 Chs

13 Premonition of people's deaths

Robert thought it over while Keith showed him all those photos. These visible lines could all mean premonition of how people will die.

Keith took Robert to where he pinned other pictures at his flat's wall. In the pictures, he explain to Robert these were photographs he took of Father Brennan at the mortuary. While he did so, he had manage to gain much information from Father Brennan autopsy from other pathologist disguising himself as a medical examiner and investigator in order not to raise any suspicion at the mortuary.

He told Robert,

"Reports has it that he was diagnose of cancer. That he injected himself with morphine two to three times."

"He knew that he would die." Robert find it hard to believe when he said it himself.

"Apparently, yes."

Now Robert recalled what Father Brennan had said at Bishop's park. "He said he wanted to be forgiven by Christ." Robert felt guilty thinking of that day. The last day they talked.

Keith explained further, while he drew Robert's attention to the pictures on the wall. "Judging from this pictures, externally his body is perfectly normal, except for one thing."

He picked his magnifying lens close by and told Robert to look through it. Robert looked while Keith describes what Robert is seeing, "His right thigh had the 3 sixes, the six hundred and sixty six. Its is confirmed that it is a birthmark." Robert looked away bringing his focus on Keith. "The best is yet to come Mr Thorn."

Keith took Robert on a trip to Father Brennan apartment at the Catholic church. The same church he was found dead outside. In Father Brennan room, many papers was pasted on all over the walls with allot of crucifix both carved in wood and drawn on portraits are seen on the walls of his room. Robert look round the room petrified.

"Pages of the bible," Keith explained, "thousand of them. All in every inch of the wall covered, even the windows."

Robert walked to an opening or a window that overlooks the church alter. Keith said, "He even needed to be closer to his church." Robert turned his gaze away from the window to the crucifixes on the wall. Keith followed his gaze before explaining, "They are 47, I counted all of them. I think he was trying to keep something out. The police thought he was insane so they didn't mind me rummaging around to see if I could find anything of use."

Keith brought his bag forward, he had brought it along when he and Robert came down to the church. He placed the bag on a study table at one end of the room, bringing out all his findings. Most are story headlines cut out from newspapers. He search through it to show Robert what he needs to know firstly about Father Brennan. Robert stared down at for what he might be looking for.

"Here it is, the first item I mange to find in this room is his diary." He flip through the pages of the small diary. "He didn't say anything about himself but about you Mr Thorn. What time you left your estate home, where you went, what time you had your lunches in various types of restaurants. Even what time your speaking engagement were. His last writing says he was suppose to see you at Bishops park." Robert odd face gave a questioning look while he listened to Keith. "That was day to the day he died." Keith spat out leaving Robert awestruck.

Robert was silent for seconds, recalling his meeting with Father Brennan. But Keith interrupts his thought by saying, "The brilliant item amongst my findings start here." Keith search through the pieces of newspapers headlines. He brought one out and gave it to Robert to see and read.

"This report is about an astrological report on an unusual phenomenon. You see Mr Thorn, a comet changed his shape like a glowing star resembling that of Bethlehem's two thousand years ago. Yet this one was on the other side of the world. The European continent five years ago, 6 June to be exact."

Now that has gained Robert full attention away from what he was reading on the sheet of paper.

"So does that day ring anything to you." Keith asked

"Yes." His voice became hoarse all of a sudden.

"I found out that the hospital where your son had been born announced his birth on the newspapers dated 6 day, 6 month of June. Am sorry, am just trying to work out the birthmark, the 3 sixes. " Robert nods his head knowing that it was true but what he confessed next left Keith spellbound. Robert almost lost his balance recalling his stupidity five years ago. He had made an adoption without knowing the child's parent.

"My son is dead. I don't even know whose son am raising." His hoarse voice got mixed with emotions, both guilt and regrets. He braced his head for control of his balance.

"If you don't mind Mr Thorn, I would like to help you find out who they were." Keith said, taking pity on Robert.

"No, its my problem." Robert interjected.

"No sir, you are mistaken. It is now my problem. Come with me." Robert followed Keith to a mirror on the wall closer to the bed. "When I came here with the police, I took some photographs. I happened to caption mine too from the reflection of this mirror here." Keith pointed to the mirror before handling over the picture he took of him from his pocket. Robert was shock to the bones when he scanned though the picture. The same visible line even more pronounced ran through Keith neck. Keith knows he had no time left, he is certain this premonition of his death will happened anytime soon.