
Miss perfect

Vincent knocked on the door but got no reply.

He knocked again but there was still no reply

He knew he was in but wouldn't open up. So, he controlled the door with his mind and it went open for him

Vincent walked in and found him sitting on the floor,his legs crossed on each other and his hands spread out. His eyes were closed and it was obvious he was meditating.

Well, Vincent wasn't there to wait.

"Damian"he called but there was no response as he continued sitting on the floor still on the position.

"Damian"he called again and this time around, he snapped his eyes open they opened with a mighty force,a glass from the table came crashing on the floor.

Vincent stared, but didn't flinch.

"Did you really have to interrupt me?" Damian asked,his tone unruffled as he remained on the floor."if you had been someone else,you'd be dead by now

"I had to, Damian. Sorry for that" Vincent replied.

"There's an important message from the leader.

He wants me, you and Carlos to go to earth for an urgent mission".He added and a scrawl crept into Damian's face.

"Earth"? He scoffed "Why would he wants us to go to that damn place?".

"it's important, Damian.And we only have six months to accomplish the mission and return here. So,I came to inform you because we're to leave at the break of dawn


Four months later


In America 🔥

Diana brown stepped out of the jet, are hands akimbo and a bubble gum in her mouth.

She suddenly paused and smiled can't believe she was back in DC

"Welcome home"the driver said when she got closer to the car .

"Yeah whatever" she mumbled and waited for him to open the car for her .

He did and she walked into the car sitting comfortably,hmmm. Home sweet home.

She ran her hands over her soft cheeks still feeling pretty

She brought out her iPad, logged into her page and made a quick post back to DC . "Get ready for me girls" .

She giggled as she saw the likes and comments flooding in.

Oh! How she loved this. How she loved being adored .