
Damaged Mafias

Two powerful Mafias who fell in love with each other, but are supposed to be sworn enemies who hate each other's guts.

Author_Risia · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 4


I watched as his eyes twitched and veins popped up on the side of his neck. It's the same reaction of a maniac of a father that I have, I hope he doesn't laugh too, because that would give me the ick. Why is he suddenly acting like he cares or something?

He grabbed my hand and ripped off the bandage causing me to hiss. He traced the words on my arm that marked "Folle (foolish)".

"Who did this?" He asked, his brows furred together and his eyes twitched again.

"That's none of your business," I said as I dragged the words out slowly so he could understand. I unleashed my hands from his hand and scowled. "The only person that can and should hurt you is me!" He stated anger was evident in his voice. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and brushed past him to go get a drink at the bar.

"Isn't that Leornado De Luca?" Amelia asked surprised because of our interaction."Of course, it is, you should be able to tell by his cockiness and him being so delusional"I responded and sipped on my vodka.

She gazed at him, then back at me. I'm happy that she stayed quiet and decided not to ship us because I would drag her back to the car and take her back to Allision.

"You can't drink anything from here though," I said and gazed down at her tummy since I forgot she was pregnant."Oh, I know" she replied and rubbed her tummy.

"Do you have anything that doesn't have alcohol?" She asked the bartender."Does this look like a place for pregnant ladies?" He asked rudely. Amelia raised her eyebrow in confusion and looked down to the floor in embarrassment. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him so I could whisper something in his ear, a look of terror flashed in his eyes, which gave me satisfaction.

"Make her something then!" I yelled pissed off. My lips curled into a smirk when he started shaking."What did you say?" She asked wide-eyed. I ignored her question and dunked the rest of the vodka down my throat, I shook my head in approval when it burned my throat.

He brought out a malt for her and I faked smile at him. He refused to look me in the eye and avoided us at all costs. I could feel Leornado's eyes burning my soul but I refused to look at him. I drank another vodka and grabbed Amelia's hand, when I noticed she finished drinking her malt. "let's go to the dance floor."

She grinned and started dancing with her hands up in the sky. I started feeling the vodka hitting me and started twerking, Amelia cheered me on as I dropped down low. I went back to ask the bartender for more vodka, I gazed over at Leornado and he was already looking at me, his arm was wrapped around a slender plastic-looking chick, who begged for his attention. I couldn't hear, how her voice sounded but, I could tell her voice sounded fake just like her face and fake plastic boobs and ass.

Amelia came over to me and started texting Allision."Allision is coming to pick me up because we need to get some rest so we can catch our flight tomorrow" She stated and I nodded back. I asked the bartender for more vodka. I didn't even notice when Allision arrived, he hugged her and gave her a kiss.

"Easy on the vodka Ginevra, I'll text you in the morning!" She yelled through the music. I hugged her and watched as Allison carried her in his arms and out of the club.

I totally forgot and kept drinking, ignoring Leornado's presence.

I went back to the dance floor and gained the attention of the people around me. My mind felt hazy and I started seeing stars, as the vodka took over my mental state, I screamed out the lyrics of the song and made sure I showed what I learned from the African twerk classes I took along with Amelia. I flipped my hair and attempted to flirt with different men, causing Leornado to get angry, but I didn't care and why should he be angry anyways?

This man is pissing me off. I didn't care about anything in the world right now, as I felt free. I could feel the gazes of very lustful men who wanted nothing more than to have sex with me, but I ignored them.

I felt someone's hot breath fanning my shoulder, and his veiny hands grabbed my waist, he had rings on his fingers, at this stage I didn't even care who it was. I grinded on him earning a manly groan. I felt so hot and dizzy that when I turned around to look at the man's face, I couldn't see but only a blur. Although his perfume scent felt familiar, I couldn't tell who it was.

My mind went so hazy that I didn't even remember what happened after I met this man that night.


I woke up feeling sticky and had a very bad headache. I looked around and noticed I was in a hotel room. My eyes widened when I saw that I was fully naked and didn't have on not one piece of clothing on. What happened last night?! Did I lose my virginity?!

I look around looking for the person who took it. That's when I noticed the devil himself smirking at me, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, with nothing but Calvin Klein grey boxers.No!No! I held my head in embarrassment, ain't no way I had sex with my enemy.

"What are you doing here?"I asked angrily as I attempted to cover myself up with the blue blanket.

"Before you get angry at me, we didn't do anything, I promised"He stated as he folded his hands across his chest.

"Then why am I naked?!"I yelled out yet again embarrassed.

"You undressed your own self"

I scoffed and frowned. I would never do that, why is he lying?!

"Although I never expected the mafia princess to be a virgin, I'm impressed, "He said and smirked. He came closer to me and I moved back further.

"How would you know that?"I asked angrily, clearly seeing through his lies.

"Well I wasn't the one begging for my virginity to be taken away from me," He said with that same stupid smirk.

My face flushed in embarrassment, as I tried to process the information given to me.

"Then why are you partly naked?"I asked still feeling embarrassed.

"I don't sleep with clothes on Principessa(princess)."

He came closer to my face pinned my hands over my head and basically strangled me with his body.

"Since you looked so appealing last night now, I'm regretting I didn't take it, but I'm not the kind of man to take advantage of women"

I struggled to try to break free from his stronghold.

"Why don't you start begging like a female dog in heat like you were last night, and maybe then I'll consider it."

I scowled and spit in his face. He let me go and took a step back, wiping off the spit in his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to control his anger. I take the chance to hop off the bed, cover my body with the blanket, and rush past him into the bathroom.

I found my clothes on the toilet mat along with my knife on the ground. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't find any marks on my skin, which meant he wasn't lying. My face flushed in embarrassment when I remembered what happened last night. He was right, I begged him for it and tried to force myself on him. I am not the victim here, he is.

At least we never did anything, so that calmed me a bit. If he wanted to kill me, he would have done so already. That's when the thought came again, since I already have the job to kill him, it wouldn't be so bad to do so right now. In fact, it would be great to do so.

I quickly put on my clothes and gazed at the knife in my hands, I hid it up my thigh again and opened the door a bit so I could peek. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed and one hand behind his head. I slowly sneaked up on him and sat on his lap, he opened his eyes and smirked.

"You should have kept those clothes off!

"I know, but wouldn't it be fun, to undress me instead?"

He grinned showing off his pearly white teeth.

I grabbed his throat, pulled out my knife, and placed it on his neck. He looked at me with a glint in his eyes but it wasn't fear nor surprise. I pressed the knife deeper, trying to threaten him, in case he tried anything.

My eyes widened when I felt a bulge beneath me. Regardless of me threatening his life, here he is acting like a pervert.

I moved a bit feeling uncomfortable."Don't move!"

I froze.

"Push the knife deeper, and I might actually take that virginity of yours"

Great this asshole got a knife kink. I scowled and got off his lap.

He had an amused look on his face.

"Go home Ginevra, Enzo is maybe looking for you already"