

Found by the road, the lovely couple took her home. Unknown to herself, she has a whole new world to explore. The rebellious little girl who may be the last hope to stop the disaster from occuring. But can she accept who she is?? would she understand the need?? Is she the one who's meant to be the one?? How far can she go, for the ones she loves??

Clarice_6301 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Fifteen Years Later....

"Dad, you made it on time!!" Daisy jumped to Daniel's embrace.

"Of course, Nothing is more important than my baby!!!", he patted her forhead.

Meanwhile Lily came out with the food packet,"You two, just don't listen!! Daisy, if I receive even a single complain this time..."

"YOU ARE GROUNDED!!!" Daisy and Daniel completed together, and high-fived.

"Mom... I never make trouble intentionally. I love you!!" Daisy hugged her before running to catch up with her friends.

"Why do you never listen? Do you know what trouble she can get in the day they realize who she is!!!"

"We will protect her... She's our daughter!!" Daniel said before leaving for bed, the night shift had got him seriously tired.

Meanwhile, Daisy and her classmates reached the mountain base by evening, for a two days, hiking and camping program. Soon after, the camps and bonfire were set, with packets ready.

After the meal, leaning against her, Rachael said,"I heard the wild are full of mystical creatures. They get active on full moon nights..."

"Guess what, today is the full moon night. They may come feed on us." Daisy teased Rachael.

"I am not talking, you always do this. Let's get to the tent." she pulled her to the tent, where the moment they sat, Daisy heard a shriek, "HELP!!!".

"Did you hear that?? Someone called out for help. Let's go.", Daisy said, alarmed.

"Stop acting..."Rachael said, arranging their stuffs in the tent.

"I am not. I heard it."

"You misheard. The end." Rachael said, before putting her face mask on.

Rachael was about to put her mask on, when she heard the same voice again,"HELP!!"

Unable to control, she rushed out, "I will be back...", and was gone, even before Rachael could respond.