
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


I could see the faded markings on the window frame, I wish I could translate it. It seamed as though everything was a clue. I couldn't figure why I never noticed it till now.

I went back to the living room probably there was something in the draws. I went through everything I could get my hands, nothing made sense. Just old newspapers and paper. It felt like trash. I was so keen on getting something figured out. A paper torn out from a book fell off, I held it trying to understand the image. I saw a sketched diagram of a girl on a table in a circle. This is not like the normal ritual but a deeper form. The picture was on page 56/57 with the other side having a message. It read "At night time will reality conjure with darkness and her blood will seal it in unity!" It was so glaring and scary. "Which book is this?, Who is the lady being referred to?" This is the closest I have gotten to an answer but it felt like a bigger question.

I kept the page in my hand, I have to hide it. What have I gotten myself into?


I panted so much when I got to the hospital, I needed water urgently. I wiped off my sweat, nothing happened. I gave that look of calmness, I dusted the dirt off my slippers. I just hope I see doctor John, I gave a look of scrutiny; checking everyone's movement. I got in and didn't see anyone, immediately I was dragged to a corner. "What are you doing here?" Madame comfort spoke panicking. "I don't trust you, you gave those monsters his number" I spoke in anger. "I had no choice, she forced me" she spoke looking around if she was being seen. "Who?" I could see the look on her face. "N--u--r--s--e Nancy" she stuttered looking so afraid. "That's not possible, she is my mom's friend" I was trying to defend what I thought was true. "It is only her I gave the number to" she walked passed me like we didn't talk. How is that possible? Nurse Nancy brought a call from my mom so how can she be the one? What about Mrs Shalom, isn't she a suspect. I stood in by hospital entrance not sure who to trust. Everything felt as though it was a movie on the TV but no it, displayed my life. I need someone to help me, I promise not to break down.

I asked a nearby nurse for direction; "I am looking for doctor John's office." "Who are you if I may ask" she looked so cautious. Why won't she, I am a girl looking tired and still had traces of sweat. " I am the daughter of one of his patients" I gave a definite look. "Alright take this way to your left, the first door by your right is his office." She gave another weird look. I simply ignored her and went towards the direction given. "Alright Daisy you have nothing to fear" I got closer to the door. I opened the door to see my greatest shock, Mrs Shalom!

What is she doing here?

"Oh Daisy I was just talking about how you've missing." she spoke trying to give me a hug. I shrugged from her, I wasn't ready for hugs. It stinks already, so stay back. "Daisy what happened? you had us worried!" doctor John spoke with much concern for me. Why wasn't he Alone?

Should I say anything?

I tried calculating my next move, who can I trust. "I need help!" I had to speak up, I don't want Mr Frank to die. "How!" Doctor John stood up from his seat, he came closer. Mrs Shalom gave a look of confusion. I explained everything to them, I couldn't hold back any more. "This is serious!" I would contact the cops immediately and you have nothing to worry, your dad is safe. Doctor John was trying his best to be the man in the same situation. "I have an inspector friend, I would bring in on the situation" Mrs Shalom spoke affirming her support. "Alright" I just sat down on the sit near by, it is clear I needed it.

"I really wished you said this earlier" Mrs Shalom continued "Your mom is like a sister to me and I can't imagine anything happening to you." Her words sounded genuine. I don't know why her voice sounded like Rakas' boss. If I am correct, it means I sealed my faith with the devil.


I tried understanding everything I had seen, it still didn't make sense. I saw a ghost in my room, the room felt possessed. I saw blood stains on the broken windows. Now a torn page from a book, describing a ritual i don't understand. What does that statement mean? I chose not to be afraid and I won't. Ash told me Abigail isn't someone to joke with, what does my mom have in this. I really wished I can enter her room.

Answers should be there, probably!

Should I break the door?

No one is around not even mom.

I was so much ready to do so, but patience now is key. I would get my answer in time.

For now let's understand what the man meant by her, at night I would ask him better.

Yes! I need to speak to him, the last thing to do now is fear.

I have seen people die, pierced, hanged and even drowned. So what other form of death is yet to be experienced.

I need guidance from anyone even ash/man. He told me what to do but this time needs to tell me why I need to do it. This could be my monkey syndrome.