
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasi
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30 Chs

My Mum, or a Monster?

"Why on earth would you think of running away again my precious" the blood now dripped more vehemently.

She approached me, flaunting the glass piece to me.

I fell on the floor trying to shift back..

This look on her face isn't normal.

"Do you think I don't want the best for you or am I not a good mother" By this time she placed her tongue on the bleeding finger tasting her own blood.

"my own blood has no use, pointless. But you see yours' my precious, it means the world to me and if I have to slice you to get it everytime I need it I would do it" she spoke like a psychopath.

She drew nearer to me and I was now at a crossroad, no place to run.

She took the glass piece and used it to slice her wrist.

"Stop!!!!" I shouted on seeing that.

"So you care about me, yet you want to leave me" she held up the wrist and the blood was all over the ground.

"I would kill myself if you leave" her words pierced me to the greatest length

She went further to where I was and bent down.

"Mama Loves you" her hands were full with her blood, she then used them to rub me in a form of petting.

"Please don't make Mama a monster"she looked at the now Shattered window.

"There is no escape not even through walls" she spoke and left me in fright full of blood stains on my face.

I had no words to say, all I could do was cry deeply inside but tears failed me once again.

I tried to stand up, certainly my mind had not recovered from what just happened.

"Daisy!!!!!!!!" Her scream pierced through my lungs choking the last air I could find in it.

What does she want now.

I staggered both in my mind and legs.

A little steps is all that matters..

I came downstairs expecting the worst, what now does she wants to do.

Does she want to smash the television, break the paintings or even turn over the couch.

I expected anything.

"Your food is ready" I heard her say from the couch.

What is going on?

Some moment ago she was all violent ready to devour, her teeth could tear anything on sight.

But here she was, calm like a lamb. She even made my favorite meal

I sighted her wrist and saw she has treated it.

When did we get to this point?

When did this family become a shadow.

"Am not hungry" I said trying to walk back upstairs.

"My precious are you angry at mummy, she didn't mean to scare you, mummy is just too protective of you. You know you are everything to her" she said this trying to appeal to my emotions.

How can I forget that.

I saw a monster some minutes ago and nothing can change that.

"Am still not hungry ma" I walked up the stairs trying so hard not to cry.

"Daisy, please don't make mummy angry" her words echoed through the stairs.

I wonder what next she would do.

I just simply laid back on the spot I was before.

All I could do was Cry

Asking the only question i never I get a reply to.


"Miss it is morning" a cleaner tapped me to consciousness.

I had slept so long, I didn't even realize.

I was scared to wake up into this same reality.

A reality so confusing, my dad is in critical condition in the hospital, my mom is no where to be found, my house is not safe and to crown it up; my life was in danger.

What a perfect life I had.

I rushed to my dad's room, I have not even gotten a chance to speak any word. To apologise for reacting that way, leaving the house in anger.

I wished I can just say sorry and then hear him talk back.I looked at him from the window, so many hospital gadgets on him.

A Nurse said he is lucky to still be breathing.

Now more than ever I needed him he turns out to be the one who needs me; my hero.

I remember when he would carry me on his back, we would do crazy things.

He would dress up like a Disney princess and even drink tea with me.

He was more than just my father, he was a friend.