
Dairy of a boy who attempted No Nut November

Dairy of a boy who attempted No Nut November Let the challenge begin

bacon_bacon · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

2. I almost fucked up

Birds chirping melodies…

Warm sunlight splashing through my windows…

Cozily wrapped within a blanket…

And a raging b*ner ready to start the day!

Ah, perfect conditions set up for a good nut fest.

I picked up my tissue box, carefully locked the door, got my trusty earphone and started to do some business.

Oh? Did you say I forgot the lotion? Nah bro, I do it raw all the time. Just my worthy hand against the world.

But then it hit me. It was No Nut November.

The realization sent shockwaves throughout my body, dissolving the horniness that tried catching me off guard.

Fuck, I swore with my ***** still whipped out, now looking like a floppy noodle from the intense setback.

This is gonna be a tough journey.

Yes I don’t use lotion. Now don’t bother to me

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