
Dairies of a lost soul; Beyond Boundaries.

This was originally a delicious box of old scrap personal diaries that follow a stranger. Although as the further into the books I became, I had the urge in seeking the rest of it. Given this was a time of machines. I had my luck in finding the right souls. A sort of system has scanned, registered and submitted all data into some hidden storage database. Apparently 'any alterations were consult with administrator. All data from corresponding subjects was included among the scanned records, sometimes blended into the narrative. Makes for easier storage and reading flow.' I wasn't the only one who fell into the reading then. ___________________________________ Real Author (Kittah): This story is not a typical female lead novel, not a lot of romance but coping in a post apocalypse. Which I don't get why female lead novels have to have a element of romance. It starts out as a diary should but further on, things change. The world around was the one we know of now but this story is later set in the unknown future. At times it can feel like I am trying to write a horror novel, but that's not what it is. This really is just a bumpy journey of a female character. I must rewrite my disclaimer which is the author note of chapter one. This seems like it relevant to today with the global pandemic. However the inspiration is my personal experience during the swine flu outbreak in the UK around 2012 or 2013. The majority of this story is prewritten but I have been changing it since putting it online. And, yes story does spill over into the author notes. You will understand in the later chapters. It's a writer's choose. May the odds be in your favor.

Squeaky_Kittah · Seram
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131 Chs

Leaving to the lorry and week 1.5

Dawn was misty and grey shimmer no short from the inch of ones nose. The gathering point to the lorry was 9 miles away from a human occupied search base. This is the furtherest an ai network locked can go, if not piloted by ai. The geographical network fencing was just a road over from this base.

This location has a physical fence that the ai team had rolled into mesh to the side. One them had just put the final touches of petrol and oils into the 18 wheeled lorry, one the biggest types of truck that Kate has ever driven. It worries her that her lack in confidence to drive it was going to be tested with how dangerous this area is. Not just from the mindless but from her brothers ai friends whom can code switch at a given moment if the signal is moved a little.

"Wow... that truck is massive." Dog man tail thuds a box in the van storage behind, snort pointed out to the driver windscreen, "I hope into the passager side of that. It be more comfortable for the long drive." He is let out and that exactly where he goes, quickly without speaking or stopping. He was once again safe with the door closed in the lorry.

"Well I will drive, you two are going to look after the bird and van." Puppet got out next and was in the driver side. Leaving the Kate's emotional side to watch the bird and the system brother to drive the van. Smooth in passing the mesh fence and with parking right behind the lorry.

The fencing was put back and Purple99.8 is the only ai whom waved them off. Giving the go ahead for them to move. It really is 1 days slow drive, long enough to speak long topics about the zoo with the injured bird.

Some topics like the rules were vague for now, as the bird wasn't allowed to tell all of what the code colours over the intercom meant.

Not unless it was Black, Red, Purple or Green. Black was for outsiders attacking their zoo, this happens quiet often with mindless ones. Red meant Human invaders, they always are sent off with minor injuries or one accidental death. Purple was that a violent resident was walking freely, even among themselves there is some whom attack.

Green was the code for needing a healer for emergency, expect to be escorted to the area or told where to go. Green will followed with Yellow, warning the shy residents of the healer around.

Yellow true meaning wasn't actually explained properly, the bird know to not tell.

Wondering the grounds within the area during emergency calls has some simple rules like no stopping to stare at them. Not to assume they can't speak back but don't push those whom can't speak.

Avoid the tiger, the wolf, and the black bear. They are unpredictable without a mediator to speak on your behalf. They are not mindless but they still hunt for food and kill on sight. Those three are mostly why code purple is used but there are others then just them.

The rules seemed normal at frist but the more were added both Kate and system knew them. It was important to just from it that they are to do as they are told. Like avoid certain colour clothed fences. No leaving the area they were put in without warning. Don't unlocked doors, in fact don't even dare enter a room or area that could be infected or housing a resident. Always with permission frist.

The conversation was so filling of information that the van parked at the gate without any realization that they arrived without a hitch. That all those dangers weren't a problem, this time.

"I must see my freind shouted on the fence." They let bird out from a window, whom calmed down the other birds. The more that they scanned the area, the more and more presence of life there is on such small concentration. This was a back gate of a staff entry... A sort of back door way into the territory. Maybe its why they avoided the problems getting here.

"This way van..." cloaked hooded figures had pushed puppet to a building and locked it... the van was next to be parked in there and with the lock engaged once settled. The scan of all the hooded ones making parameter checks for all seals. All but a window facing into main walkways of the zoo.

Kate immediately connected to Puppet for checks and report about the bird. All small body models were deployed to scan every inch of this internal building. Finding all the working and powered hidden cameras which was pointed to piles of paperwork. A powered camera in a laboratory section with notes written everywhere. The only private area was a storage for cleaning. The room set up as the bedroom was one camera. We didn't need a bed. It be used for the other equipment from the van... a temporary workshop even.

She was already beck deep in medicine making and notes reading. Checking charts... and even a gore of towered flesh visiting the window. Warned as the remains of all the miniature monkeys.

The trail 2 weeks makes sense... this was warming us up to the terrors of worse case plague infections with cross species.

Her mind jokes as 'jurassic park gone wrong', in my attempt to understand. It was a bunch of films about bring back extent reptiles back to life. Strange how she thinks its a joke, but I guess I am missing the point.

It going to talk all of the frist week just to get settled in, have the medication at the right mix ratios. There wasn't a single time for direct contact unless it was for handing over meds through the window.

There is a rare occasion that some came to ask advice for what meds to use for certain situations or as a general knowledge test - on further scanning sometime it was genuine need of advice and the rest was a test. Asking things that was resident sensitive by case issue - making she we had gone through and read all of the materials provided within this locked building. They had not needed us for code Green yet.

As a minor update as mid week of 2 flew by with no changes. Always the same medication hand outs, the general knowledge questions and overall meeting another gore shape a day. It was the week 2 Thursday that a Green call was made.

Escorted by wolf... wolf is a fully a wolf with three heads and two tails. Wolf is only dangerous when the heads argue each other or they all felt the same hunger. It had to be wolf to escort through a black tape section of the public zoo pathing, along into the reptile house.

The major issue was that the crocodile part human was currently going through a stage of transformation not ever seen before. Although, two other doctors whom had been infected as half creatures are already here... both to perplexed on what to do with this situation. We already had 120 documented cases of the transformation disease doing this. Going by her research in the library (before her trigger) this was just a predicted stage of the disease. This was easy to work out with short questions like... was this a expecting child parent, how long as it been since the exhibit house was properly cleaned out of harmful bacteria and what was the last meal like?

"Other then taking a few scans and a fluids sample... there isn't much to do now. This only just confirmed research studies, and I doubt any cure works during this staging." The two mutant doctors looked at Kate with wide eyes and a finger pointing match.

"Who are you?"

"Doctor 20 as they call me. I am Kate Nick, I am a microbiologist photographer with years in battlefield surgery and 39 years of disease control study. I would shake your hands but... I note infected with your strain yet, so." The sas of shrugging towards them, "Alexandre here is in a caccoon state. Whatever DNA that is present there is being reconfigured within majority of the cells. This is 'through randomised selection' is the guess at the moment. For sure at this exact moment, that body is being broken down into core cellular types and will be put back together over the month. Its a random guess of if the mind of them is one or the other or both. As you may guess, I am still trying to figure out the whole process. Looking at it with objective step back and letting nature take its actions. No interference might be a more positive result at least in this cocoon shape."

"She's a expert of the disease study... I used her photos for a cure research before."

"A shame the government choose to weaponize the product." Kate is soon asked to go back by a resident.

The two doctors understood her professional opinion and make thier own reports to whomever is in charge. They request that she be allowed no invasion studies to better make a action plan. It was clear that the infection spreads somehow, eats stem cells and 'reborn from muddy gore' any 'dead' hosts. This was all in part of future events with what to do with Kate. It is still early times.