
Dainsleif: Grand order

It was a day like any other in the city of London. Citizens were proceeding with their jobs, and the weather was trash as usual. Every day was the same; workers going to work, traffic, students going to school. London was protected by a barrier to prevent any type of demon to enter. Demons are the main threat since the beginning of 2021. Now, the year is 2040 and it has been 19 years since demons have been on the surface of the earth. There are 5 demon classes. Class 1 (weak demons), Class 2 (Intermediate demons), Class 3 (Strong demons) Class 4 (super-strong demons) Class 5 (The godlike). Although it is rare for Class 4 and 5 demons to appear, they always send their spires to and human flesh and bring it to them. When a threat alike first appeared, humans were defenceless, however, it was at the beginning of 2022 that humans started to evolve. Humans started to obtain mysterious powers now called blessings. Blessing are powered humans have managed to receive through evolution to increase their physical power, spirit etc. Blessings are based around elementals. If humans elemental is fire, then his blessing with be based around fire elemental. The ranger organisation which is located in Berlin also gives flying skates to the blessed ones to ease their transportation. There are many types of elementals but the basic ones are fire, water, wind, rock, metal. These basic elementals create a branch of a variety of advanced elementals. Only 30% of the population have blessings, so this means any person who has an elemental is destined to become a ranger.

Yonko_master · Fantasi
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57 Chs

Prestigious schools

Jason woke up the next day, and when he went downstairs in the living room, it was a big mess. There were tens of bottles of beers everywhere and there were toilet papers on the floor for some reason.

"This place is such a mess..." Jason said in a disgusted tone.

"It was a long and very great night for us yesterday my love. You are going to become a ranger just like your father..." Trisha replied.

Jason smiled and what he said and took his breakfast. He went to the living room to eat his breakfast and switched the TV on.

He was about to change when the channel that was already on started to intrigue him. It was talking about different schools that were available to receive new students.

The reporter on the TV said: "This year we have received a lot of young talents with considerable amounts of elemental stats. Due to that, more prestigious schools such as Oxford elemental school or Salford advanced facility have opened and are scouting the young talents.

Jason was excited, notably because he scored the 4 highest marks in the world behind his classmate, and one Australian and American. This meant he was on their priority list and he had big chances of attending a great school.

Once he was done with his breakfast he got changed and started walking to Ian's House. Many people recognised him and asked for a picture or an autograph and that did not displease Jason at all. 'I'm not even a ranger yet, but I already am popular" he told himself.

Once he got to Ian's house, he knocked on the door and when his mother opened it, the house was in the same state as his. They probably had a bit party like ours yesterday night.

"That's our little prodigy!" Ian said, "you did put up a show yesterday will your level."

Jason ignored what Ian said and looked at the ceiling because he was still thinking of what school he would attend. "What school did you choose for your ranger training, I mean, you are above 5000 elemental levels, so you must have a lot of suggestions..." Jason asked

"I'm gonna try Dainsleif, I mean, I have nothing to lose, right? The tests are beginning at the end of August, and the Class A ranger Bullet Rider offered to train me. You should join me, dude, it would be great to be in the same school."

Jason thought about it and he couldn't find anyone who would train him. Suddenly, Chris Hanfield came to his mind; he was trained by his father who was also a water user, so he could teach him a thing or two.

Jason took his iPhone XX plus and called Chris. Chris answered the phone and said "hello? how are you doing kid?" Chris said

"Hey Hans, I have a service to ask you..." Jason told Chris in a tired tone because of how late it was at the moment.

"What is it kid," Chris asked

"I want to enter Dainsleif school, but apparently, they make us pass a test to see how strong I am. So could you help me manage to tame my elemental?" Jason asked

"Hmm... I can help you tame your elemental, but I can't help you with attacks..." Chris replied while Jason was hearing what could be a party in the background because of how much noise there was; so Jason decided to finish the conversation quickly.

"Tomorrow at midnight?"

Chris hesitated for a moment, but he eventually accepted the boy's meeting. Meanwhile, Jason was intrigued about why Dainsleif was so popular. He looked up the site, and there was one parameter that was giving him the option to learn about the school's history.

'Maybe I can learn more about Dainsleif and what the tests will be like. If there is one thing dad always taught me before his death it was that knowledge is the key to success.' He told himself with his hand on his chin as if he was solving a mystery.

The part that he memorised the most was "To attend Dainsleif school, you must already have full control over your elemental."

He knew he had to practice a lot on that, because at the moment, although he feels a sensation of power, he doesn't even know how to summon even a water droplet. 'I have a lot of work to do.' he told himself when raising his hands to the ceiling.

Knowing that tomorrow he might have a busy day, he went to bed, but he couldn't sleep properly because of all the excitement inside him. The next day, he woke up very early to get ready, and have breakfast, and once he was done, he took time to facetime Ian before going.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" Ian said in an energized tone as soon as he answered.

"I was just checking on you, just to know if you started your training," Jason replied

"It starts next week, but I am at the gym. right now, and Ella's with me! Oh my, she is so hot..." He said while looking at her like a creep

Jason was so disgusted he cut the phone immediately and imagined how much of an idiot Ian can be sometimes. Meanwhile, Trisha was coming towards with what was a small box that contained something shiny and expensive. "Listen, Jason, I know that your father's death affects you a lot and that I'm not the best of mothers, but I do my best, so today... seeing you at this very instant, I can't help but see some of your father in you..." Trisha sad while trying not to cry.

Jason looked at her and saw how much it was hard for her to feed us for all those years, especially that she was not their mother by blood. She then reached for the box and took out a necklace from it. "This is all I have from your father," She said while extending her hand towards Jason's, "so please, accept this as a gift from me. This is all I have to offer you..."

Once she gave the necklace, she smiled at Jason and went upstairs to her room. While he looked at the necklace, he realized how important family was, and that he must control his anger to change it into a strength. Suddenly he heard a heavy and loud engine in front of his house. As the neighbours had silent Renault, he assumed it was Chris, but the person he saw was a whole different one once he reached the door.