
Daily Life in Starview

Short stories about the inhabitants of Starview from World Flipper!

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2 Chs

Saucy Stuff [Stella & Meryll]

The village of Starview, a village filled to the brim with nothing but curious faces and even more curious origins, there stood the World Flipper alongside its keeper, Stella.

As its keeper, her day involves her looking over the World Flipper and also wandering around Starview, checking up on its inhabitants. Going through her usual route, she found herself inside the once empty library, its shelves now stocked with books from other worlds.

But as she's admiring the books, in the far back of the library slept the aspiring novelist of Starview, Meryll. She was seated while resting her head on the book, all around the table were crumbled papers, scribbles, and a bunch of reference images.

The girl was asleep, probably from overworking herself again. She has a habit of working so much on her books that she forgets to take a rest. This has happened before.

As Stella inched closer, the cover of the book beside her caught her eye. The two characters had a striking resemblance to Alk and Nimbus... Upon further inspection, it IS them on the book cover.

"Interesting..." Stella commented. The book cover was a scene of Alk pushing Nimbus down to the ground in the middle of a battlefield, their faces were bright red and Alk even had a grin on him. "Is this perhaps a continuation of the book I read before?"

Taking a seat beside the asleep novelist, Stella popped the book open and began reading. The beginning was simple enough, it's them exploring in some dungeon.

"'As the two ventured deeper, they found a fork in the hall. There were two hallways leading in different hallways. Alk suggested they split up but Nimbus said to stick together. Alk questions why and the beastfolk replies, 'Because, ya' know, I need to protect ya'.' The answer seemed to give great pleasure to Alk since he trickled his fingers up Nimbus's arm and up to his cheek. Cupping it, "I don't need your protection," he stated while cupping his companion's fluffy cheek.'" Stella whispered while reading.

The words had this flow to them like her eyes were being forced to look to the next word. Each sentence is masterfully crafted to entice the reader to read further. What a terrifying power, Stella thought. Even she, who has read countless books in her life, was being enamored by her companion's writing.

The story continued on from there, the two decided to venture into one hallway where they eventually find themselves outside a forest. The exit was a small hole which they had to crawl through, much to Nimbus's chagrin, and much to Alk's amusement. What greeted them outside was not that of friendly faces, whatsoever.

Surrounding them was a group of aggressive critters.

With Stella being completely sucked into the story, she didn't even realize she had started narrating the story. "'His companion insisting he take care of them, Alk stood in the sidelines as Nimbus jumped into the fray. With his sharp claws, he cut the enemies down one by one but strength alone wasn't enough. He lacked the speed to the point where he was getting swarmed. Seeing the extent of his friend's power, Alk scoffed, 'It's my time to help out.' Drawing his sword, the boy began quickly dispatching the critters with ease. After the horde was dispatched, he pointed his blade to his companion laying on the floor. 'Don't move alright?' Alk commanded as he pushed his companion's arms to the groun—"


Looking to the side, Meryll seemed to have awakened, her face as red as Shywe's when looking at Alk. The girl was completely flustered judging from her expression.

"What are you doing?!"

Closing the book, the keeper replied, "I was reading your book."


Stella thought about it for a second. "I was quite interested in your story before and this seems to be a continuation."

"I—It is! But—"

Before the flustered novelist could explain, a voice called out for Stella.

"Stella! Stella! I need some assistance with carrying two BUFFOONS!!!"

The two of them couldn't tell who it was at first but with emphasized anger at the end, it was obvious it came from the champion, Light. Excusing herself, Stella bid Meryll goodbye.

"Thank goodness, she didn't see the other book..." Meryll stated as she grabbed the book she was sleeping on.

On the cover was a drawing of Alk being fawned over by multiple women, Meryll herself being one of them.

"I know they told me to try writing a harem but this is a bit... Hehe..."