
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter -3 Instinct

As it approached right behind me I did the same thing before by reacting fast but more reflexively. It formed a giant fist that's physically impossible.


A disturbing noise it let out that partially made me deaf.

By making a cross with my hand to try and block it, I took a huge blow and almost went flying back.


I screamed while knocking over the ground a couple of times.

The impact was hard enough to practically kill a person. Though I somehow manged to survive, so it wasn't really fluke that I managed to survive that fall.


Eva came with a soft scream with my face staring at the sky.

Frightened by the situation, my chances of survival weren't looking so good, considering it's speed it was extremely fast meaning I coudn't try to outrun no matter how hard I try. Physically going towards it is suicide at best, coming up with a plan at this rate will take too much energy and time, I'll be dead before you know it.

"At this point I'm technically dead!"

There has to something. Surviving such a blow is impossible, meaning if another person were to get hit they would die right... would that mean I'm physically higher than that of an average person?

It was a gamble but I had no other options, taking the risk was the only choice. While it was tall, it wasn't tall enough to be hit in the face, and I did learn Taekwondo.

It came running towards me screaming, I took a step back knowing death was right in front of me. I waited for the right time, my right foot instinctly hopped and took a turn and smacked it right on it's face.


The impact was loud but wasn't sure weather it knocked it out or not. I didn't notice but, there was a cut on my hairline and it was quite deep.

"O-oi, are u dead?"

Of couse not, I'm sure it wasn't dead. As I try to make a run for it, and immense pressure suddenly put me off my hearing and vision.

"Wha-what the fu-!"

The pressure was great enough for me to plunge on the ground cracking it. It was slowly dissappereing and I got back up on my feet looking around. The monster that I almost had a death moment with was gone but it left something behind. My neck was reacting.

I went for it and it was a dark glow filled with blood

"Is this the thing I saw glowing last time on that guy's chest?"

It didn't have a proper shape. I try to grab it but my neck hurt tremendously, like it was opposing me from getting it

I try to reach it as I got curious about it. I grabbed on to it and it dissappered into thin air. I got the sudden urge to let out a scream.

I let out a scream, but that scream wasn't mine. It was like someone else was there screaming with excitement.

Yet again I was there in that dark place. No sense of touch nor was I breathing. The same eerie feeling and as quite as space, is that guy here again... That mysterious thing that kept me in fear


A low-pitched laugh that made me shiver.

"You seem to be getting the hand of it, not bad but I expect more sooner or later from you."

"Y-your the one from before. Who are you and do you need something from me...?"


It was silent. He didn't reply to my questions which made it even more terrifying than it already is.

"Listen here, I'm not someone you ask questions according to your will nor am I someone to be tampered with. Your existence helps me in a way I can help you with but it will take risks like before but far worse. I can't help you physically in an instantbut I can bring those roots of yours to uprise far more than you can imagine but it will take risks like before"

The way he talks reminded me that of a king, it's like he was ordering me...

"Though I will give you a warning, doing something irrelevant that will hinder me from you or anything else will cost you by being an annoyance to other "beings" and maybe me, understood?"

"U-uh Yes I understand..."

My voice shook as I trembled in fear. It was faint but I saw him smile, in an instant I was brought back to my senses and was normal again.

What made me confused was those "beings" he mentioned, who were they were they like him as well?


I let out a big sigh.

I walked and walked and walked looking for anything. Did no one really survive...


"Explosions...? Is it one of those guy's?!"

There were sounds of the ground shaking, like an earthquake but rather footsteps of something giant walking around. It kept getting louder and louder.

It crashed on to the building and there were people running

"Are those people...?"

"RUUUN!", they screamed at me.

I ran back and hid inside behind a car. As they were running they came and hid next to me.

It looked like a middle-aged man, One boy and girl that looked my age, and a man who looked like he was in his early 20's.

"Uh h-hi...", I awkwardly try to start a conversation.

"Save that for later, how long have you been out here for?"

Directly skipped to that huh... It's just been yesterday since it happened so why would he ask.

"I fell from my building and was unconcious for few minutes i guess I can't remember"

"Huh? So your saying you're stayed in you're

building for 4 months straight and you fell down..."

"What I never stayed in my house for 4 months...uh"

I had somewhat of a brainblast, I didn't stay in my house for 4 months. I stayed in my house for like 10 minutes and fell down then was unconscious.

Wait, was I unconscious for 4 months...

[Chapter 3 end]