
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Chapter - 9 Death Awaits

"Where is it?!"

What we were finding was not visible anywhere.

The place wasn't entirely large, so it was harder for us to move around without getting caught.

"Did you see the guy who had it dissapear off to?"

Kim was starting to get worried that we may be stuck here.

"I think he went this way."

I wasn't sure if he went here but we practically searched the whole place. The security in this place was not great. But the people here different from others, they were doing stuff with their blood. Kind of like controlling it.

"Wait I'll check it out."

I peeked a bit and saw it lying on the table but there was that same group.

"Oh crap! one of them is coming, run!"

I whispered so loudly they probably heard me.

Kim panicked and tripped creating a loud thud on the ground.

"F#k!!". kim softly screams.

I dragged him by his neck and brought to the corner that was partially hidden.

"What was that noise? Xena, Mitsu could you check it out please."

Xena... I heard the name from that lady. She's here? I wonder who she is. Her shadow helped me a lot to see where she would be.

"Oi why'd you grab me from my neck?!" kim furiously whispered.

"You're gonna ask that of all things?! you're the one who fell!"

"That's becuase you just said it out of the blue!"

"Stop talking s-!"

I didn't say a word after that or move. Her shadow was right next to me, standing still.

I could see her feet then her body and then her face.

The shivers that ran through my spine along was thrilling. She was just staring at us with a dark terrifying look.

"Xena, Mitsu what was it?

Crap were caught.

"....It's nothing, one of them from the other group just tripped."

She's... covering for us? we stood there hidden for 10 minutes straight with making a noise just to be sure. We ran away slowly while we still had the chance. While seaching for the exit a door caught my attention. It was slightly open but covered with blood.

"I think maybe that's the way to le-, Oi! where you going?!"

I opened the door at a slow pace, it was dark yet bright with light blue emitting from the centre.

There was that girl Xena as well as a lady with pale skin that glowed, white hair and purple eyes. She was like a vampire from stories.

[I'm not a vampire Rayne.]

Huh... I'm sure I didn't even speak, she even knows my name?

I walked up to her, and for odd reasons I wasn't scared of but attracted to her, not in a romantic way though.

"Uhm how do you know my name." I questioned.

[Hmm... not sure I just do.]

Her voice was oddly familier. She didn't emitt killing intent like others, and she didn't try to kill me.

[I'm Dalnim. And If you're wondering, I'm not crazy to just kill random people I see, though I'm mentally strugglin. Certainly not like those people.]

Kim walked up to her as well and asked, "Are you imprisoned here or something?"

[Well... something like that, you kids are quite odd though.]

What's odd here is how tall she is.

[You see I can tell stories based on people themselves, would you like to hear you'res?]

"S-sure?" I hesitated, kind of got an eerie feeling.

[What about xena?]

"Alright." Xena replied.

[Kim here is struggling to live on as an abandoned person and finding his dad yes? having no memories of him he's still trying his best to find him. He killed and killed gaining power to create. It has fierce and scary potential. But in the end he started to slowly lose hope.]


That's it? I expected something I didn't know, since he already told me this.

Kim sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to find more clues as to where he could be.

[And Rayne... I'm not sure but]

Not sure?...

[You're incarnation of it is deep, though I don't know who. He lost his sister and don't know if his parents alive, but he's quickly adapting. No certain reason to move forward, his adaptation gained him a clue about his potential, If I'll be honest that ugly power inside you is quite daunting and unknown.]

Ugly she says, and no reason to move forward.... Maybe I don't have a certain reason to move forward.

Incarnation of it, what's it here.

[Xena... you're a curse really. But I don't mean in a bad way. It depends on you. She lost her meaning to live and can kill her self at any given time. With no proper Core chain she can't gain power until she creates her own. But her will to live is increasing at a very slow pace which is better for her.]

"What a joke..." Xena muttered.

[Life isn't great sometimes and you have to face harsh realities. Mine is horrible, at this very moment I wish to kill myself. Immortality isn't as great as some people think it is.]

I pitied her. But there was nothing I could do.

"I can try to break the chains off of you."

Xena expression was desperate for her to leave this place.

[It's no use. Even with the 3 of you, you wouldn't be able to.]

Xena's eyes faced downwards in sadness. Do they gave a special bond? crap Dalnim can read my mind can't she...

"Oi Xena, why did you cover for us?..."

"No special reason."

Looking at Xena she looks familiar as well, feels like I've met her before.

[Kids run away quickly, he's coming!]

Dalnim's eyes widened in anger.

Confused by the situation, I ran out first through the door with Xena and kim behind me. I then bumped into something, there was a "person" standing infront of me.

It was fear that made me slowly lose my vision of him, his eyes glowed and my body was breaking down.

This fear was different from others, including the mysterious guy. My body was shredding apart from heat...

"I finally found you Rayne..."

He knows me as well?...

"You ruined my life before, but not anymore."

I didn't see him flinch or move an inch, in a matter of seconds I was ripped amd torn apart diagonally.

"Rest at ease."

[Chapter 9 end