
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter - 9 A start towards the End


We almost won, we were right there. But fate randomly decides to change you're patterns.

A man appears out of nowhere and unfolds and lifts his sleeves up. His left hand were filled with symbols and scars.

"Come out..."

Those words he spoke were filled with blood lust. His hand was turning red like blood.

In a manner of seconds, a giant finger that looked monstrous, came and penetrated right through my body.


"Oi Ray-!"

As he tried to shout out my name, a fist that was engraved with scars and an eye stiched

on it, came right through and blew him off making 2 of his limbs dislocated entirely.

"Ahh... don't blame me for you're deaths, it's only you kids fault for trying to fight."

Is he right?...

"You shoudn't have even started"

His words hit me more than anyone. Was there any reason I was struggling to live in this horrid world, no mercy shown. This is not where I'm supposed to be.

A place for me was never created in the first place.

"But you kids were strong, you'll definitely be remembered"

A lie, in the end even he didn't try to help me. They only live to forget their past. But it doesn't matter to me because one day... i'll crawl back up and rip those f#ks that ruined my life.


...[If that's a clue to what you want to do, then do it. It's just like they, anyone who gets in you're way, only to stop you to control over their jealousy or selfish desires, don't hesitate!]

Whose this women... last time as well I heard her voice. A Soothing yet dreadful voice.


My eyes were wide open.


It was quite, meaning everyone practically here are gone. At a time like I'd expect Eva to come by, though I can feel where she is... hiding as usual.

"Hm? a letter..."

- "My bad that I left you to die, I had to find someone. I thought you could take care of it but it seemed like you coudn't. The reason I didn't tell you my name as well is because... I don't trust you one bit, but who knows one day you'll probably find, or you might be dead before you know it." -

He didn't trust me, neither did I trust him, but what was the reason for him to help me in out...

"Oi, what the hell happened"

It didn't occur to me that Kim was still here. I t thought he was dead.

"I dont know, just saw you get blown off"

"And you got fingered"


Does he not think twice before what he says.


My vision suddenly became dark, I coudn't see anything but hear frightening laughter. It was the same place again, It was terrifying to hear him laugh.

"O-oi why are you laughing..."

Blood? from my nose, ears and eyes.

"It's nothing, things are just going the way it should."

What the hell did he mean by that. I didn't want to even think about it.


Kim slapped me on my face.

"Get you're shit together."

"Anyway, since I have nothing to do, I'm gonna head over there."

A place that catched my eye from the start, a large skyscraper of somesort. The more you stare at it the more pressure weighs on you.

"Alright, I'm coming with, I have my plans there as well."

This guy knows most or all the stuff I need to know, staying with him will give me knowledge about most of everything going on.

"I'll tell you the small stuff you need to know on the way"

Both of us got ready and I went to find Eva. Luckily she was hiding on top of a small building. And with that we left the place to reach that skyscraper or the right words "Fragment of War".

We kept killing "creations" that were attracted to us, with information that I now know, people or creations kill to gain eternal life for ruling over something.

And that Fragment of War connects to 3 places: The main location that is unkown, This world, and The Underworld. The 3'rd or Underworld is never talked about as it's taken a lot of people, and have been killed brutally.

"And that's most stuff you need to now at least." Kim tiredly says

"I see... by the way what that lady said was true or not?"

"I don't know my mom, and I vaguely remember my dad. One of my reasons is too mainly find my dad. What about you..."

I was hesitant to answer for some reason.

"My younger sister got killed snd I don't know if my parents are alive or dead."


"Huh, are those people?" Kim questionably asks.

"What are they running from."

A hoard of people were running. In an instant a boulder get's thrown at them. "The f#k?" It was most definitely the work of a giant one. But there were no signs of them.

Most of everyone got killed.

"Wanna check it out?" Kim asks.

You would expect a giant monster or a normal monster with enough strength to throw one but, the only thing I saw was a girl who vanished into thin air. With more people next to her, I stayed on guard and was ready for something to happen.

"Rayne, thats an Ignis. It basically takes you to you're location. If they have that, means all we have to do is steal it and in an instant we can reach the Fragment."

"But won't it close before we even reach to them."

"It won't, c'mon fast!"

He flings me forward to get a head start to reach to the so call Ignis. Luckily they already went in and we stealthly jumped through it as well.

The place where their intial destination was loud, noisy and disgustiong.

"Alright I think we kinda messed up but we have to do this fast.


We? The urge to punch Kim was growing every second.

"I just found this place is connected to one of the 15 Rulers. So let's do this fast!"


[Chapter 8 end]