
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Chapter - 8 Kai Bjørn's View

[Congratulations Kai Bjørn! You are the first person in history to achieve such lengths at age 10.]

I wanted to be praised.

[You will be awarded for you're hard work!]

I wanted to grasp this once kind and pleasentful world, and mercilessly end it.

I will be awarded? What kind award takes the life of my younger sister...

[There will be a slight issue but...]

This issue wasn't just a small issue, the whole problem was this entire world.

[But life finds it way!]

In the end, "life" doesn't always go the way you want it to.


I wasted my time during those 5 years, then I turned 10. Once a person turns 10, you're practically an adult that has to work hard. A law that I despised, my younger sister was kicked out of our house and coudn't work to due to her being handicapped.

I did everything to help her, but I guess I wasn't meant to experience something great. The one man I trusted, that "King" who I admired, shattered my dreams and my sister.

He's known as the highest "diety". No one could surpass him.

I was then filled with rage hatred. I changed my appearence, took in the job to become the King's servant. Plotting his death was the only thing in my mind.

There were conflicts going on in his "domain", an area he owns, about a Queen who was history escaping as they imprisoned her for holding great power. They were using her ruthlessly, this helped me in many ways.

"Are things finally going my f#king way?"

My plan was to kill the King by draining his life force and his base power. Right when I had the chance, I drained him but it didn't kill him.

At that moment I was shook and stood idly in fear, he lifted his hand swung at me but...

[You want to be awarded yes? I will give you a chance but in return...]

A female voice, familiar enough for me to recognise.

"A chance...?"

The item I used to remove his base power was passed on to me. Time, that was the "authority" I stole from him. Even If it was just a quarter of it, it made him weaker drastically and I left leaving him devastated.

After that incident, years passed by and later found out the 15 rulers made their move. All of them were powerful enough to conquer or destroy a world of their choice. I was in a world where there move errupted it completely, there were people still alive, a society the've built.

And later found a boy named Rayne, a solider of them? His authority looked unfamilar and disgusting, yet terrifyingly powerful and unkown. But he was just a lonesome boy who doesn't know anything, what is such a person doing in a dead world like this...

There was always another gaze I felt from him, like someone was next to him. Then there was his cat.

I for some reason envied him, he had strength to build up, a cat to hold onto. For some odd reason I was hesitant to tell him my name.

I was never born with power, to steal one made me feel upside down everytime I think about it.

I wanted to keep him by noticed this area was controlled by the 9'th queen, to find her daughter at that... by gathering souls to enter a specific parallel world.

I tried to find her leaving Rayne behind to those Creations, basically monsters who are power and strength themselves. I'm sure he can take care of it since they were low ones.

She later then approached me herself.

"You're sense is very familiar, it resembles the-"

I interrupted her, it was annoying hearing The word King.

"Shut it, and leave to that baby crib throne of you'res already"

Her eyes widened in anger.

"You're quite rude you b#tard!"

I knew her Core chain strengths, it was brute strength and agility, and Ashes of Fire. Her presence was extremely overwhelming.

Even if I were to go all-out I would lose miserably but with that in mind, I just wanted to kill all 15 of them even If I did trying.

Her fiery ashes was like Hell's flames, or maybe even hotter. The battle was one sided for sure, but Time helped me from getting killed or even getting touched.

"What kind of person are you? You're not from around here are you!" she shouted at.

She already found out, but it was about time till he came already.

"My my, to think The 9'th Queen is right infront of me, want me to ask you for an autograph?"

She was petrified when he approached right next to her, he was the representation of a shadow who lurks around secretively and sneakily. A person who never revealed his identity to anyone including me.

"I met those 2 boy's by the way, they were really different, well too bad their dead now."

I'm guessing he's talking about Rayne and someother kid? While it's a waste their dead, there's no stopping this guy.

"Who was the other guy?"

"Are you curious Kai? Kim."

Kim... to think that kid would appeard, a vessel people want. No one knows the identity of his parents.

And this girl he's with, is she Liz? Does she think she'l live if he goes with him..

"Well then I'll be on my way now, I'll be taking this girl Liz as well"

Maybe I'll leave as well, should I check on Rayne and Kim. Their bodies were ripped in half, a method used by him to kill them painfully.

"Haaa... I'll help you guy's live, but in return try you're best to Kill to all 15 'em if you can."

[Chapter 7 end]