
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter - 5 The Playground (2)

I've never feard death. If anything the thing that I fear most is after death, where does everyone go, do we even go to heaven or hell?


An unimaginable figure he displayed that screamed death right before my eyes.

"WAIT!, WAIT WHAT KING?!" I shouted at him to stop the misunderstanding.

He stopped moving forward and looked at me for a few seconds to check if I was telling the truth or not. The enraged stream of power he let out was slowly dissappereing.

"You really don't know? because I'm feeling a similar type of energy from you that has a faint resemblence to them."

"Is that so...?"

"Do you want to utilize them?"

It's like he gave me a free offer.

"That thing on your neck is half your source, the more you use it the more it will hurt and grow. Don't think of it like an infection, it's nothing like that. It only becomes like that if your state of mind is stable, seeing yours I'm guessing not."

I feel insulted.

"Mine is different, I can manipulate time but not exactly due to reasons..."

His voice went from normal to dull. It was like he was stopping himself from saying anything further more.

"Start with basic exercises for now."

For a few hours we did "basic exercises". At first I did warm ups then we suddenly went to me being beat up. A spar of some sort. We did this for 5 days straight, never felt so exhausted. During that time we found out that I have had senses for sound, not an ability of sorts, at base all I can do is feel sound at a higher level than others. While we were at it I asked him questions I was curious about.

"Say... When you said kin-"

He interrupted me as if I wasn't supposed to say the word.

"Yeah, a king. Not just one but, you'll find out later. Their exceptional beings, highly superior. If you even meet one you'd be reduced to ashes just by their presence."

"Have you ever met one?"

The atmosphere was different, it was more heavier than usual.

"I did, it didn't end well."

It was late at night so he headed back to his place and I went to bed. I didn't know if could trust him or not.

"Haaa..." I sighed out of displeasure.

Eva came next to me took a nap as well. I closed my eyes and tried to avoid that dark place again.


I could hear a faint voice. It was a soothing voice of a female, didn't know who it was though. It's like she was calling out for me.

"If you want to know how to kill them, don't hesitate and bring it out. Sooner or later you'll have control over it"

I opened my eyes and was sweating a lot, was it because of that dream...

"That felt too real, who was she?"

For a soothing voice talking about killing and bringing it out domething was kind of terrifiying.

It was the next day and apparently a monster came in amd killed 22 people. How the fuck did it kill 22 people without anyone realizing, even me...

"I saw the momster"


I let out a scream, it was the man who helped me out these few day's, What was his name?Can't believe I've never asked his name.

"By the way what's your name"

"Huh? ah right, just called me... uh"

He was either hesitant to say his name or just didn't want to, maybe I shoudn't have asked.

"Uh mine's Rayne"

I usually avoid formally introducing myself to people. I just say "It's Rayne". People find it an odd name to have but I never care. I asked my parents why and my dad said it has a cool thing to it my mom doesn't say anything, till this day I don't understand what goes on in her head. Not that I hate my name or anything, just wish they thought of a more reasonable meaning...

"Rayne...I see, cool name."

It was for a moment but I felt a sense of relief, just for a moment. We were outside and there was a speech going on about safety of people.

"Hm? what's that sound...?"

A sound terrifying enough to make you cry. It was that screeching low-pitched noise.


The guard's screamed their voices out. A monster the size of a normal human but enought strength to collapse a "small building".

"Oi Rayne, It's about time I show you how to deal with these guy's."

In that moment the outburst of power he let out was overwhelming. It enveloped the entire vicinity.

"This is just for 7 second's but watch carefully."

It was like he stopped time, well actually time stopped for everyone but me and him.

He held his fist and thrusted it towards the monster in the blink of a second. In a second the monster dissappered into thin pieces How was I supposed to watch if it was going to be that fast.

"There's more, now you do it."

There were 4 of them. I concentrated like I was taught to. I ran towards them and flicked a kick to one of them. It hit but it didn't do anything, it imitated me by kicking me. I was pushed back with me throwing up blood.

I looked back and the man who I had issues trusting was gone. For sure he didn't leave me to die. Did he really expect me to kill them...

At that moment I knew I was going to die. I looked front and there was a boy?

He was standing in front of me looking down at me.

"You plan on dying?"

A sharp and deep voice. He looked different from any other person I've met. Tall, hair slicked backwards, red eyes but looked like a kid my age.

"I'll help you but in return tell me what this place is, and where that blood sucking Queen is."

[Chapter 5 end]