
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter - 2 And so It Arrives

The smell of rotting blood, it had no anatomy,

an omnious figure with a dark glow, thousand's of fragments of flesh and blood entering that dark glow and the disturbing noises with a low pitch screehe...

As I see that "Thing" devavouring my younger sister and I felt nothing in inside me expect Fear

"A-ah ah"

I coudn't stutter a word from my mouth, for some reason there was blood dropping from all my 5 senses, all of them went numb

I feel like a coward not moving and trying to aleast show signs of helping her, but what's the point if she looks like she's already dead


As I almost vomited, that thing dissappered from thin air for 10 seconds and heard screams from outside

I try to approach my sister but suddenly I felt a dark aura with a renched breath behind me

I looked back and reacted fast by moving away but still managed to cut my chest, while laying on the ground and bleeding

"Dammit!, What The Hell Are You?!"

It looked annoyed and dissappered again like before meaning it's going to pop up behind me right?

"There was baniging from the door, that noise and well as my head started ache, my eyes were becoming fuzzy, I was desperately scared, I didn't know where it went, my sister's dead and my parents are still at work"

"I'm sorry b-but i can't reach the door" I wisphered but clinging to the wall, it look so far,

My eyes shut down and I was in a dark place...?

Silent and dark, it was peaceful yet eerie, I had no sense of touch and wasn't breathing,

Though I felt somehing breathing behind me, there was nothing but I coudn't look away, it was like my head was stuck, the sound of someone ticking, it kept getting louder and for some reason closer... and it stopped

"Are you terrified?", it asked me with a dark voice

I stood there idle waiting for something to happen

"Be ready", It told me while it got closer, be ready for what though?

My eyes awoke and there was a fire from the kitchen stove from before

"Did i-it explode?

Not caring for whatever happend, my neck hurt tremendously, I looked in the mirror and there were black veins slowly building up from my neck to my left eye

"What is this?, It fucking hurts..."

I looked at my sister once and went towards my front door, as soon as I opend the door the kitchen stove exploded and the wave pushed me, making me fall off my building


I lived in an apartment on the 9th floor so death was only approaching me, The view of the main city and the view of the sky look dreadful

The sky looked like dark faces staring down on us and in the end the impact of me hitting the ground was loud like an explosion

"huuwaaaaah dammit what was that... huh?" I yawned

I'm alive?, even though I just fell from the 9th floor, surprising as it sounds,everything was quite no sounds, nothing

"Meoow!", a cat approches me screaming meow

"huh, a cat?", My brain coudn't comprehend what was happening and why a cat came towards me

"Ah!, it's you... how are you even alive?, I'm glad though", it came to me that this was the cat that I found beaten up on the streets, my parents refused to have a cat so It followed me outside my building and I used to feed it on a daily bases

"I haven't given you a name, how about eva?"

While patting it on the head was comforting enough I looked ahead and see streams of blood everywhere, my neck as well hurt really bad, I got up and was confused-

"Now what do I do?"

'Eva suddenly hissed and ran to hide

"Oi!, w-where are you going-...?

Someone tapped my shoulder, it felt similar

Exaclty like the one before

I looked back and an 8 foot tall or something was right behind me

Can't catch a break can I?

[Chapter 2 End]