

He wants to go home right away. Make sure her sister's okay at home. It's also possible to vent his remorse for that first brother. I couldn't wait to see the sharp eyes she was always taunting.


"You're worried about young master Jifan?" that respectful voice came from his closest bodyguard. He was his age and was always his personal commander. It's only natural that he would ask such questions because there are only little Jifan and the servants and the soldiers in the palace. Obviously the master doesn't miss the soldiers any more than the servants, so Jifan is the only reasonable reason.


His master hid his love for a long time. Last week when he told me the king's secret about Jifan's successor to the Dabarath clan, the master didn't even get angry, he tended to approach his brother more often to be upset. He is a Taoist ho. A bodyguard's first name ora servant can be earned from their master. Tao got that first name from yuan, meaning he must devote his whole life to the master.

Ho Tao became a witness in which Yuan guided Jifan on foot or bought a book and even read it while he visited his brother in secret. Secretly the master made rumors that entered the palace inaudible to his sister. His master has been very persuasive lately because the sister's identity is known to the Dabarath clan.

He's a brother who loves his youngest brother so much that he would act crazy just to defend him who never even knew his worth. Brother who used to exchange a smile with his brother asa conduit for worry and speech. There was no other way to get him to engage his sister in conversation because her brain had infiltrated news of a cruel and sadistic nature -Filo. He did it. It was so that Anne was reluctant to approach him with Filo.

Up to the Yuan palace's main door, I saw Jifan running with the servants. I don't know what happened while he was away but something must have happened to his sister until that kid ran so fast. The train he was on immediately stopped and hurried down to chase his brother. Tao sure does follow his master.

"Ko Jifan Ar!" he called out in a loud voice, successfully stopping Jifan movement. The boy did not immediately turn to face the caller he had guessed who. Yuan stepped forward toward his brother standing still while he called out, "did you steal something? Ran out of there and got nervous when I called. What did you steal?" Yuan stopped exactly one step behind jifan. Slowly it turned toward him. Jifan's height almost reached Yuan chin, growing rapidly beyond his older sister's height.

"Are you really lonely? Until you got home early and bothered me right away. Truly unemployed youth," murmured Jifan at the end of the sentence. Yuan threw off his face with his petty hesitance. Right. He shouldn't be such a conduit to run around chasing that boy who's always taunting him. This boy has no manners.

"You think you're that important? I came home early because father was worried about the child being born alone in the palace. It turned out that the boy had a good time stealing things from the palace," he said with a clumsy smile and a condescending look. Jifan refused to retaliate, however he did not steal. In his heart he was grateful that the eldest did not suspect him of anything else but theft.

"Well, whatever you say. I want to go back to the room you call stuffy."

Jifan stepped away from the older brother who kept staring at her back until she was lost at the turnover of the pavilion. His head fell upon the faithful tao standing one step behind him. The tao who understands the master wishes to speak with him immediately approaches the master's side. His head bowed and stared at his master.

"Find out what he does after I go to the festival!" he commands and gets the head nod from tao sign will do his bidding. Then Yuan stepped over to his residence. He's got a lot of work to do. In a few days there will be a meeting between the clans about broken levees on the north side of the Ansashi clan. Even the leader of the clan spoke little about the current circumstances of the embankment. It became the most important embankment of all the clans because with it all the clans would not be flooded. The river is so broad and turbulent, though not deep enough than others.

Seeing the many pieces of paper with so much trouble makes Yuan breathe already sick. Nevertheless, she kept going through the reports and wrote down some important points that she thought might be the solution. Small problems in the dabarath clan until big problems that require clan meetings he read carefully, not wanting to make mistakes that are ultimately confusing in the future.

"Sir! I completed the task!" the Tao voice outside the door made Yuan stop his activity and called out for his service to come in and report to him. As soon as his guards finish the job, Yuan will be at work. The Tao sat before his master with his distinctive face.

"So?" tamya Yuan starts the report session.

"Jifan Ar came out to the festival and came back as soon as he heard you were going home. Whether he heard your quarrel with the woman or not, I cannot be sure."

"You should have come back when you had all the information. Go away and don't come back until you have all the information or I'll have your name taken away!" Yuan, who at first took pride in that the bodyguard he nurtured himself was so great at finishing the task was soon disappointed and ashamed of himself. Only small information and tao dare report to him. Yuan glaring at tao neither went out of his way to finish the job he was doing, "you really don't want that first name?" asked yuan as assured with a hint. Not only is he good at finishing missions and fighting taoists but he is good at getting his master high because of his occasional indiscretions. Maybe it was an impact because a stupid brain was unexpectedly forced into intelligent design.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I will soon get all the information I can!" Tao hurried out of his master's room and made Yuan shake his head. It's times like this he feels wrong giving someone a name. The tao was physically perfect, a handsome face and a athletic body, only sometimes his brain thought slowly made his face look stupid so that occasionally Yuan would smash his hand against his guard's head, so full of effort.

Yuan chose to go back to reading the reports instead of thinking about tao that had left his mind stumped. All the reports are about the dam he's been working on for quite some time. That's because he has to be good at making solutions to keep the father from being humiliated in front of the other clan leaders. It's a Shared opinion, so his father's name is back in the history books.

"The boy turned out to be interested in the festival," he mumbled and smiled. All of a sudden, Tao report was being repeated over and over about his brother coming to the festival. Such a small boy has his pride. His increased smile at the thought of tomorrow would upset his little brother all day.

Hah... Just thinking about it makes Yuan amused and fat at Jifan expression. Surely her brother would look away with a Stoic face not to mention the eyes that were always staring at her were shocked and slightly opened to the white in his eyes. Yuan covered his face trying to behead Jifan sudden brain.