
Lou Och

Lou och. The 14-year-old teenager can be seen crouching in an alley leading to the hall. The light blue hanfu he wore matched his pale complexion. He has wavy brown hair on a ribbon. She never liked to wear accessories in her head, but her mother, he kept ordering her maids to give her hair away. As a result, he looked like a six-year-old.

The caramels are moving dangerously around the neighborhood, not wanting to be caught slipping through the servants' radar. He's a big boy why keep him? That's what goes in his head every time the servant follows him around. Even to bathe the servants nearby and bathe them. Scrub her back slowly up to the dirt on her body. He's had four full-time servants since he was born. Therefore the servants were accustomed to the whim of their disappearing master.

Lou och upward Why are you hiding? The servants looked for you and almost scolded mom," says a woman who now stately walks up to her son sitting in the park, even with a wary stare. Lou och turned his head and gave his mother a frown. When he was found, he was locked up in his room until nightfall.

"Lou Och just wants to play, mama," cigars Lou Och says and lowers her head as she sits next to him, "don't want to study," his went on with the murmur his heard. Lou looked down more and more at his mama glaring at him.

Falesia, wife of the head of the Nebertcher clan. She married the fourth leader and had only a son. It was like every day she had to recharge the patience her son was always drain out of. When Lou was young, falesia thought he was just a kid. But it turns out that delinquency continues to this day. It was all there was to make Lou sit and study at the cottage with the ministers' sons.

"If Lou Och doesn't want to learn, Lou Och  should be smart. If Lou is smart no more," says Falesia and stroked Lou's hair like velvet, soft. Lou looked up at his mama who was also looking at him. The beautiful dark eyes of falesia and the look of diamonds, they made Lou creak. Falesia linked eyebrows wonder with the chickish "what is it, Lou?" he asked in a gentle tone.

"Why can't I be like you and dad? My eyes are bad! My hair is also bad!" Falesia laughed at his son's complaints. How adorable Lou's sulk face is. Her pubic cheeks look swollen with an advancing lip several inches. With a laughing response from the mother, Lou frowned more and turned his back on his mom, "mama is bad!" Lou Och made Falesia laugh even more explode.

"My goodness! My stomach hurts so much," he complains but keeps laughing. No matter how his son further sulked, he even folded his arms in front of his chest.

"What's wrong with you, Falesia?" a voice managed to soften the chime of falesia. He is the second-largest clan leader after Dabarath, the Nebertcher clan named Austin Lou. Austin sat down next to Falesia and then looked at his son sitting behind him. He must have come back to seduce the sole with an excessive widowers. Everyone knows how emotionally stable a Lou Och is, but his wife still likes to tease or yell at him.

"Lou Och, come here with papa!" the Austin command got Lou Och to stand up and rushed himself into the father's body. Crying and complaining about the mother laughing at the color of her hair and the color of her eyes. Austin only calmed the son by grasping his small hand. Once in a while his eyes stared at her, warning her not to do this kind of thing anymore.

"Lou Och wants black hair, papa inquisitive This brown hair looks really bad," Lou Och sighs at the end. Lou Och stood tall and looked at his father's face as he was now inferior. Hoping that papa will grant his wish.

"Brown hair isn't bad, dear unconscious. Whatever color your hair is, you're still my son," Austin says, "it makes sense."

Falesia nodded in agreement with the husband. Lou has been complaining about hair color, skin color, and eyeballs. She constantly compared with her parents or even the servants.

"Then why didn't you change Lou's hair? Lou will still be your son, right?" Lou's urges made Austin smile gently. How can he change the color of hair. He couldn't even change the hair of a horse, let alone change the color of his son's hair.

"Lou Och, why change the hair color? You can do whatever you like. You'll be really happy after changing your hair color. It's better to ignore the difference, Lou," Austin counseled. Lou ruffled his lips still with a faint thud but his head nodded in recognition of the father's advice. Then his sad face turned quickly into his cry.

"Then let Lou Och continue to play and not have to study! Lou Och would not ask dad to change the color of his hair if he let Lou play." Lou's speech successfully made Falesia, which was once swept away in child drama, react in disbelief. Soon his pigface was fixed and gave Lou close to papa for protection.

"You can't keep playing! Study is important!" it was not the mother who screamed with a ferocious face, it was her father. Lou Och turned surprised and immediately stepped away from him. His eyes blinked in disbelief at the fast-track events. Usually his father would let him play and ask him to study for a while, as opposed to the mother who kept him in a cabin to study.

"Lou's great-grandson" with the look of shock.

"From tomorrow you study from morning to evening, there's no time to play anymore Lou. The clan must immediately have an intelligent successor!" Austin's breaking up brought tears to Lou's eyes. He did not believe his father could be more cruel than his mother. Falesia, meanwhile, smiled only as the son's eyes looked at him for help. It's the first time Lou doesn't like her husband, she's always the one he avoids.

"Go back to your room, Lou. Mom will talk to dad," said falesia finally. The boy dogged down and followed his servants who had been among them for some time. The step continued toward his residence on the right side of the main building where papa worked.

The door was immediately opened as Lou moved more and more toward his residence. But the step came to a halt in the middle of the wide open door. His bad smile popped out when his brain had a bright idea. The servants looked at each other in silence, asking each other what the master was doing, but just doing the shaking, no one guessed what was in his mind.

"Auntie, tonight no one dare open the door to my room. You see?" Lou Och told me which one. Lou Och had been calling them auntie all along and there was no detailed id on those four aunts she knew. It's not important to know. His attendants obediently answered.

Lou Och then stepped in and seated himself on the futon with a smile on his face. I can't wait for tomorrow to see how his brain works. Her body lay comfortably still with the same smile until she lay fast asleep with a peaceful face.