
Revelations And the Plan

To maintain her friendship with Kelvin, she promised Kelvin that she would give him each details on her activities when she gets to Up-South.

Can you share asked Caro, of course replied Kelvin. Kelvin told Caro all about Ivie and Eddie. Caro said ,Eddie!, I know one Eddie but can't trace where i know or have heard of that name, so Kelvin a bit uncomfortable, was eager to know where she knows or have heard of Kelvin.

Caro having observed his body language lied and said 'Oh I remember, Eddie was a set ahead of me, he was the one who was in charge of our radio signals in my academy.. Having said this, he was calm and he said Ok, that's a different Eddie you've got, she said absolutely correct.

He then said to Caro, 'Can I be real with you' she nodded in affirmation. And he said, 'After my Ex's betrayal, I've not had any close friends, I'm sacred to, especially for ladies, Caro interrupted and said '..And you can wait for close to a year or two before you can pick a friend as you prefer being aloof than make friends because you really don't keep friends'.... Kelvin so surprised asked ' how did you know,' she said, I did my investigations, never underestimate me Kelvin.

Kelvin told her, now you'll believe my every words because I hate lies... He further said, Caro when I bring someone close, I love to posses, I hate being kept in the dark, I love to care, I love to add my own quoter of solution to any issue at hand. Even as you go to your new location, I would love it if tell me how things are going with you, challenges at your work place, so that I can help out.

Caro smiled and said, it's against the oath I swore. Information there cannot be let out.. Caro, I'm not telling you to tell me about happenings in your workplace, that's wrong and I won't encourage it, rather I'm saying that you tell me how you personally are facing, challenges etc. For example, perhaps you might be asked to investigate a particular assassin, Perhaps the investigation process is overwhelming, you can say, 'Kelvin, I'm so tired, in my quest to investigate an assassin based In the Up-North region of the country, I almost lost an arm.....' with this I can cheer you up, encourage you and even do my own solo investigation and give you updates.

She saw that as wise and a caring act and said I will think about it.

Then she asked him, are you still here in town, he responded by saying he will be here for the next 2-3years before he plans on where to relocate to( this was a lie he said).

Time was far spent, so Caro assured him of a stronger bond of friendship even as she relocate, and admitted that she surely will miss outings as this.

They embraced each other passionately and they got up as Kelvin was about to leave, his phone rang again, it was Shan, he didn't pick, Caro suspiciously asked, 'pick your babe's call'. He responded saying Shan is one of the workers who hinted me on their plot to kick me out and advised I shouldn't come to work tomorrow. Well I'm going to go there and see what they're up to, I'm not that man that can be threatened instead they should be the one to be sacred of me because I know who I am. You dare not toy with Timlead and go Scot free... Caro surprised said how can people be scared of a gentle and caring guy as Kelvin, and who's Timlead? This sudden violent side of you I'm just seeing this for the first time, however keep calm, don't let their words get to you okay.

One more thing Kelvin, be assured I won't hide my challenges to you, said Caro. The big smile on Kelvin's face showed that he was excited with these words Caro said. And he said, I won't too.

Caro escorted him to the gate and she assured him again saying 'nothing will I

hide from you, this is my promise to you and I do it because you're amazing' and they kissed good byes.

Kelvin reached home and brought out some hard drink and sipped it while he smiled knowing that he had accomplished his stay here.

Immediately, Kelvin received the text message boss sent him and called the number....


As Kelvin approached the office, he gave a stern look, not reciprocating the greetings said to him. On getting to his office, he did some walk rounds to make sure that stocks are intact, he requested to see Shan, and was told that Shan was yet to resume. He told one of the staff to tell the admin to prepare a suspension letter for Shan as this isn't her first time of resuming late for work.

While that was ongoing, another staff called his attention to the store which was at the underground where extra goods were kept for reserve, claiming that some items were missing and he told Mr Kelvin that he believed some persons must have connived to steal them.

Kelvin left what he was doing to address such, he thanked the staff for the information and told him to get back tow work. While walking towards the direction he was told, Shan saw him from afar off and was unable to call him because the distance was a bit far, so she knew they were up to no good ...

As Mr Kelvin approached underground, someone speedily walked behind him and hit him with an heavy object and he fell down a bit, his eyes were covered and his mouth tied. shan was at a rare distance observing the happenings. They sat him on a chair and made a mockery of him, about six of the workers who ganged up against him. Two amongst the four of them who were the ring leaders were wearing a chain he saw very familiar but unable to recollect where he had seen that sign before