
Report Briefing

around for today's meeting. Also Insp. Julius, I'm glad seeing you... Thanks for honoring my invitation despite your busy schooling activities.

Finally, I prohibit anyone from disclosing our plans and strategies to anyone, not even your family as this issue is sensitive..

So inspectors, you can start your briefings.

{Gen Stan sits down}.

Insp. Julius: Good day Generals, and my fellow comrades. While being away from this building, I didn't put aside my assignments.... I and Insp. Melvina have been making some discoveries and we were able to know the owner of the contact , we got some codes , and we were able to...

Insp. Melvina interrupted..

Insp. Melvina: Sorry to cut you short Julius.

Sir, permit us to continue our discoveries with you in person... I'd explain my reasons later, I hope you understand sir and that my request is considered.

Insp. Brian gets up to speak.

Insp. Brian: Good day Generals, and my fellow comrades. The intel I inquired and later observed is that some minors in this neighborhood are hostages that were forcefully taken from their families and looking at the age brackets and my findings, its pretty clear that if we don't act fast, they could become child soldiers for these terrorists.....

I'm currently handling a situation as we speak.

I met a child of about 8-10years of age who sells mechanical tools. I saw him sharpening some gadgets and he was with a gun beneath his trousers precisely placed beside his socks. I asked him where he got it, he told me his master gave him.. He further said his master told him to be a soldier and decided to train him privately for now..I could see fears in his eyes as he was speaking . I told him that I'm a soldier and I will train him myself..He told me that his master has friends that are soldiers. And I showed him my ID card which convinced him to follow me... As for the gun, I've sent it out for investigation and I will relate the details to you Generals. I won't be able to say further than I have because it seems we have spies in our midst if we understand the implications of that boy's words.

Gen Tim: Where's the boy now. Is he a Black boy, because most child soldiers being recruited are actually from the black regions.

Insp. Brain: Yes sir, very black in colour and short. He can barely speak well.

Gen Tim: Did he describe how his master likes like...

Gen. Jack: That's irrelevant to ask. What's most important is that the boy has been rescued.

Gen Tim: Its relevant because with his description, we can so our necessary tracks to get this person.

Insp. Brian: I didn't bother to get that information Gen. It didn't cross my mind to do such....

Gen. Stan: Where is this kid now, I need to have a word with him, he's in the custody of a trusted ally. I will disclose that with you.

Gen. Tim: I would join you in seeing this kid.

Gen Stan: Thanks but its a duty I will carry out alone. Or perhaps I will pick one of the inspectors to accompany me, so that you can handle other pressing issues in my absence.

Your update (As Gen Stan points at Philo).

Insp. Philo stands up to speak.

Insp. Philo: Ok It's been confirmed that there are female hostages being held at the seaport region, ready to be taken by their buyers, we need to intercept them before we loose them, my Intel showed that they're about 50 female captives, minors to be precise....

Gen Leo: How reliable is your Intel.

Insp. Philo: 100% Gen.

Gen Tim stood up, asking to be permitted to use the restroom.

(Door opens)...

In less than 30seconds, Insp. Michael excused himself by raising his hands up...

(Door closes).

Insp. Micheal trailed Gen Tim...

He noticed Gen Tim dialing a number, so he his behind the door to eavesdrop on his conversation. And the conversation follows.

Gen Tim: Mission aborted... Change location. You've been found out.

Caller: We need two more days before we leave there.. Our clients postponed their coming.

Gen Tim: You have less than 24hours to leave the seaport, or else, you're on your own.

Caller: Its noted, I will inform The Boss.

Gen Tim: I need my pay before the week runs out... I hate delays....

Caller: Yes sir.

Gen Tim: Is Kelvin back?. I'll see how I can come down there so I explain our next move here in details... Keep your fingers crossed....

Immediately, Insp. Michael tiptoed out of that hiding place and went back to the meeting room.

He looked tensed and confused.

Barely 5minutes later, Gen Tim came back.

Gen Stan: Insp. Mic are you alright. Why the look

Insp. Michael: I got a bad news. I lost my cousin... He was so dear to me. After a brief illness. He's actually an asthmatic patient... I had plans to see him next month because he has been asking to see me.... Now it hurts such moments won't happen anymore…

Gen Stan: Perhaps I will give you some days off.

Insp. Michael: No Gen. We have a lot at hand... I will cope.. Thank you sir. I'll try not to break down.

Gen Tim: Philo are you done with your briefing..

(Immediately, Insp. Mic gave her an eye signal...)

Insp. Philo: Yes Gen...

Any other briefing.?

Insp. Jemima: Yes Gen. I will be doing some courses that will take less this two weeks, I would love it if someone can assist me in my absence, especially during the morning hours from 12-3pm…

Gen. Stan: That won't be an issue, I would have love Samadina to back up but it seems you both can't fix your differences, so Insp. Philo would backup, atleast she's a bit knowledgeable in meds... Is that okay by you Philo.

Insp. Philo: Yes Gen Stan.

A.O.B asked Gen Jack.?

Yes,replied Insp. 'AndAll'

Insp. AndAll: I would love the location of my department and that of the I.T department to be changed. I would love it to be in the frontal part of the building rather than the backdoor end.....

When these terrorists want to attack, they start from the backdoor and their first target is to shut down all systems.... Which includes these departments....