

Insp. Michael went home and got held with flashes of old memories, he wept because he's alone.

Also a glimpse of the cabal group surfaces who are wanted terrorist with the group name ' Terririot'

Arrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!!! Noooooooo!!! 'This can't be.' How did I manage to make this irreversible mistake...

{ 'A message sent cannot be cancelled', I can't get caught, No! Not yet, Not now, I have four more revenge to achieve then whatever happens, SO BE IT. ' }

Having soliloquising within his thoughts, he gradually broke in tears, sat on the sofa, rotating his eyes round the shabby paintings of his wall and pavement in his living room. While still tearing up, he glued his eyes to the three pictures that has been hunged on the wall for the past 5years.

Gradually, he stretched his legs forward and gently sat on the uncarpeted floor, dragging his butt as a baby would, towards the pictures.

He screamed at the top of his voice and said ' I WILL AVENGE, REVENGE AND BE VENGEFUL.......Then his voice gradually became silent as a glass, then he said:

You should have held on a little bit;

You left me all here with no much evidence;

You hid vital information from me;

How was I suppose to know what each signs you signaled meant;

You promised to show me 'A BOOK, A SECRET, and A being called A.A ;

You told me to to Watch out for four Ladies;

You never disclosed who or whose these ladies are;

You only left me with a piece of paper having words and sentences you tagged as instructions which I can't articulate;

With no words to say anymore, he held the pictures to his bare chested body, wrapping his arms round about it as though he were hugging a lady he so much longed for so tightly as one who wouldn't want to let go anytime soon, as like the fading away of the stars, he slept off....

{Details of the note in paper}



Rub off dust with.

Tango and thank.

Shield and Strengthen

Bond with { She's Your future}

STRATEGY: Play on words, moods, mission.

WATCHWORD: Until you've discovered what I promised to show you, TRUST NOTHING, NO ONE, NOT UNTIL YOU HAVE DISCOVERED THEM.

ADVICE: Your Unseen Friend is a ' dependable gate and key'.

Signed: First your Friend, Then your Dad .

Goodluck and see you in the next life 'perhaps'.


{Phone rings} primm primmm primmmmm.

He didn't hear it rings, {He continues to sleep}.


The house is good to behold such that you would come to a conclusion that only the 'LA cream' of the society can afford this high taste. The wall paper design is golden, glittering with gemstones, the roofing is intertwined with decorative light resembling the regular Christmas light used on the Eve of Christmas. The interior designs is topnotch, just examining the living room, sofas, dinning set, jacuzzi, the magnifying bulbs littered everywhere with colours situation for an honeymoon dinner night or a nightclub, the shisha section specially built to cruise and get high, a special 'golden' door that is well bulletproofed with the label 'Prohibited'.

Another axis of the house designed with a glass door with the label ' THE BOSS', adjacent it at the left side are four cubicles, each with the same label 'HIS BOYS'.

Living in this magnificent house is 'The Boss and His Boys.'

A Conversation began:

The Boss: Timlead, inform the boys to assemble, I need to hear the progress report of everyone's mission. As usual, do the needful, and 2am it is...Remember I named you Timlead because you're always in charge of the boys.

Exactly one hour later, a round table was set and the discourse started:

Timlead: Let's recite 'The Creed'.

{All stood in obedience to recite it except the boss who remained seated with his head faced down, nodding in affirmation to the creed recitation.}

The Creed:

'We are The Terririot',

We don't take 'NO' for an answer,

Pain is a norm we live with,

We spare none in 'Our Way',

We are family, Others are alien to us,

Four mission, Four strategy, Four victories we aim at,

The words 'Retreat or Surrender', is alien to us,

We get all things at all cost,

We Terrify, We Riot,

We are the Terririot'.

We are born for this,

We live like this,

We die a Terririot.

The Boss: {facing his head straight and lifting up his hands, everyone sat down}.

Situation report now, from left right.

Maskman: Boss, The money required from the last drug sales has been hidden successful in a warehouse 1hour away from the military cantonment.

Silencer: Boss, five more ladies were recruited, we have a total of 15 ladies to be trafficked in 6months time. In the meantime, I will do the needful, and {smiling} as usual get some release when necessary...

Stylish: I've learnt Two skills, they are Male hair stylist and Gym instructor. Location of operation is directly next to the military cantonment.

Timlead: After my two months research, I figured out that the armed forces in the north region, recruit their best team members who were trained in ' AmyArm ACADEMY'. I also learnt that the military will soon recruit. I'm not sure of the timing, but I will be proactive and that will require me to relocate to that academy site and get a temporary form of living to enable me know who will be recruited, get acquainted with such one and have an assurance that we have our 'Inboard Spy' which is Key for other missions to be successful.

The Boss: All good. Well done. Also, all request well granted. Timlead, I will dismiss you of your duties for a period of Six months, pretend you never existed here. Now you have 100% to focus on your task. However, my eyes watches you.

See you all soon. I need to attend to a crucial matter.