
Chapter 89 An Encounter Outside of Tall Grass

Green first investigated the remaining areas of the temple grounds. The hedges obfuscated most of it but a little levitation magic solved that problem. What Green saw though was disappointing. The 'garden' beyond the hedges wasn't much of a garden at all. There was simply a scattering of bushes in rows to give the illusion of additional pathing with some colourful leaves thrown in for good measure. *I guess this is just to help build up the illusion of the temple. Clearly that guy was reading from a script and Thyme is controlling everything.*

*That first puzzle was well designed, and the atmosphere makes it easy to forget time made all this in just a few moments. Then again, I suppose it's far more likely that he planned it out before hand and summoned it from a blueprint or something. Guess it's back to grey walls.*