
Chapter 689 One, Two, Three, Four I Declare a War!

Kat took another glance around the room as if it could possibly hold some answer to the annoying moral problem, she'd somehow found herself in. Of course, it was just a blank room and that hadn't changed in the few minutes Kat had taken to chat with Green. She was no closer to a good answer and it was getting annoy. The crux of the issue, was that Thyme wasn't human. They might find creating life, using said life as a prop in a tournament, and then letting them go out into the world was payment for that gift. Thyme was a tree after all. Who knows how they think?

Now, a large part of Kat wanted to say Thyme wouldn't be that cruel, and in truth she would be right, not that she knew it yet, but the problem was the line was thin and Thyme was clearly at least somewhat crazy. Both for a dryad and for a human. So Kat simply stared, hoping for answers. Well until the fake Green said, "You alright there?"