
Chapter 608 Habits and Changes

Lily's perspective


"… and that's about everything for the minor habits that may or may not show up. Any questions?" finished Nira.

Lily swallowed as she tried to keep in mind everything she'd just heard. It was hard. Her memory was exceptional for a normal human but it wasn't up to demonic standards. She had been provided a stack of papers with all the potential habits but she wasn't just going to keep referring to it forever. "I do have a question actually. Some of those habits I already have. How will that effect things?" asked Lily

Nira gave a so-so gesture. "Some of those habits are based in your mind, and some are based in your body. We're taking your mind and soul along for the ride while leaving your body behind, but, you'll still remember having a lot of those habits so they'll be easy to do away with in some cases, or easy to keep them up if that's what you want. Is there any in particular that you want to ask about?"