
Chapter 574 Affinities Finalised

"Hey Lily…" said Sylvie considering the combination of powers Lily had decided on. "Could you use shadow magic to write on the paper you summon? If you can… can you combine them together with that writing?" Everyone in the room got extremely quiet and thoughtful at that.

*Nothing I've seen suggests that something like that is even remotely possible… but I have a gut feeling that it would work. Perhaps not exactly as we might wish… but in some capacity at least. Perhaps is she drew shadow creatures they could be stored in paper for a minor cost? Maybe just shapes? Could she make spike traps out of them?*

"I don't know," said Lily. "Nothing that I was able to get from the system even hints at the possibility of combining magic like that. Oh sure you can use them together, like wind and fire magic to get more powerful fire… but you couldn't use say… ice and fire to make cold fire. Your fire would melt your ice unless you're Kat of course.