
Chapter 433 Special Cooking Talents?

Freddy nodded, chef's had moving with his head and not wobbling at all despite what conventional physics would have you believe. "Right thas good. Glad ta have you both. Got a lot o' work lined up fer you but I'm not sure which you'd be best at, so do you mind if I go over a few tings with you first?"

*I mean… that should be fine? This isn't another envy situation right? He's probably just trying to ask us a few questions about our cooking skill… right?*

Kamiko, knowing the Gluttony faction better then Kat, wasn't worried at all about this being some sort of trick. They were suckers for food, and while some might consider it a weak point, they took it very seriously, so using food as a distraction, or in a lie for information… that brought you more ire then any demon could survive, even when compared to Wrath having access to more execution talents. "Sure what do you need?"