
Chapter 1485 Making Magic: Lily Being Cute

--- Lily ---

Lily was pouting.

While she did this Kat was standing off to the side preparing something for her. You see, Lily had just spent the last five minutes testing five spells. Lily did have more spells drawn up, but these were the most similar four to her first test. They all failed to produce anything impressive. In fact, that odd bubble the first spell produced? That was the most interesting and arguably useful effect that the five produced amongst themselves. So Lily was pouting.

Lily was going all in on the pout as well. This wasn't her normal unconscious pout, Lily had decided to make any event of it. Mostly because Kat was enjoying her expressions and Lily was leaning into that hard, but for other reasons too. She would just need to think of those other reasons at some point.