

DaoistoaCLXM · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 4~

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"uhn"!! Ella yelled as the alarm clock kept ringing over and over again.

"Cherie"! get up and get ready for School' Ella mum said entering her room with her uniform ironed

"oh okay mum" she said stretching.

"Come down stairs for breakfast when you are done", She said exiting the room.

Ella looked at her phone only to find twenty missed call from an unknown number. She decided to call back.

"Hello" The person said over the phone

"Hey" who are you? she said pissed

"oh Ella"it's me Jaiden hope i didn't disturb you?!

"Oh Jaiden"What up?

"I am cul" just arriving at the school gate.

"What"! Ella yelled you are arriving at school when i just got up from bed.

"Seriously you haven't bath or eaten"?

"Yes I haven't"

"Oh god i will advice you to be fast" he said.

Ella not waiting for anything hanged up the phone and ran into the bathroom.

~Few minutes later~

Ella got out from the bathroom only to know the time is nine.

"What nine impossible" she said panicking.

She didn't bother parking her hair she just put the comb and her cream into her bag.

She wore her black coloured skirt and shirt with white and red strips.

She put her perform into her bag before leaving her room.

"Bye mom" I am seriously late i won't have time to eat she said running out from the house.

"Joseph"!!!! I need to get to school she yelled looking for the driver.

"Ma'am Joseph isn't around" the maid answered.

"Wait what" I can't take a cab she said panicking.

"Which driver is available" she asked the maid.

"None of them are available" she replied looking at the floor.

"Damn"I have to take a cab I yelled

"Clean my room before i come back" change the sheets,duvet change my towel just do what you are supposed to do"! she yelled leaving the house.

"Cab"! Cab! Cab! Cab!

"She yelled but no one answered" the ones that answered weren't going in that direction.

She almost gave up before she sighted a car coming toward a direction.

"Hey Cherie" she heard only to see Kelly"

"Bitch"! get out from my sight. she yelled.

"I wanna offer you a ride but i see you would rather get punished than coming with me so bye"Kelly said driving off

beep! beep! beep!

"Hello" she yelled

"good morning Cherie" why aren't you at school, Mrs Cameron is coming and she looks extra grumpy today', Anna chuckled over the phone.

"My f*cking driver isn't around,And I can't find a cab".

"Oh dear"should i send my driver She asked hoping she would reject.

"No problem Candy" I would really appreciate that she said while the wind blew her hair.

"Okay i will call you when he is close" she said and hanged up.

"phew" Ella signed cleaning the sweat on her forehead.

"Ella got back into the house" parked her hair into a rough bun then used purple hair clip matching her eyes,used perform like it was gonna expire tomorrow.

She sat on the couch then suddenly remembered the didn't wear her bow

"Oh god"! she exclaimed running upstairs to take her red coloured bow.

"Didn't mum hear me " she taught and decided to check up on her

"Mum"? she called peeping into the door.

"Oh she is asleep" she said going down stairs.