

The moon light let me see him... the one that killed her. Her blood was slowly dripping out of her body and her dead eyes where looking at me. I could feel my body shivering. I was afraid to face reality.

A couple hours earlier...

- May !

- Mmmff.... Yes....

- Get the hell up ! You have school today !


I lift my head up, still sleepy. Today is Friday, and who wants fo get the hell up on a Friday when you know that its the last day of school for the week ? Definitely not me ! But, I didn't want my mom to come and get me out of bed. She his a vety kind women, but, don't ever get her angry if you're holding on to life. I rushed to the bathroom to have a warm shower. It always feels good to have a good warm shower. Once I was finished, I looked at my self trough the mirror. My long curly black hair were a mess has always.. I always wondered from who I got my green eyes too... My mother had beautiful brown eyes with her straight short brown hair. After getting dressed, I went down to eat breakfast with mom. The tv was on the news channel.

- Lady's and gentlemen, last night, during the power outage, a C.B.R broke trough the barrior and is now hidding in the part West of the city. Lady's and gentlemen, we ask you not to panic, the police is searching for him. We recommend you to lock your self home before night fall, and to avoid staying alone or to walk out tonight. This was-...

The reporter doesn't have the timr to finish, mom already turned of the tv.

- We work every single day, to be able to feed our childrens, and to pay these idiots not even able to do there work properly !

I finish eating my cereals, and run to get my school bag.

- I'm off to school !

- May, wait !

- Sorry, i'm gonna miss the bus if I wait any longer !

I ran out of the house, to reach the school bus stop. Just in time ! I seat, and starder day dreaming looking trough the window. A C.B.R got in huh ? Well, before becoming some kind of zombie, they were human. Eighty years ago, a mad scientist contamined the rain. Every human touched by the rain died, than got back up, hungry for human flesh and blood. They eyes turned red, and there skin turned pale. Before the government could reply, half of the human race was decimated. Scientists found a way to fight back first. They created a barrier that would recover the citys and town. It wouldn't let contamined water in, and would make back C.B.R dead bodys if they touch the barrior. But if they get in without intering in contact with de barrier, than, rhey can. The only way to kill it is to pierce the heart. The infection can only be transmissed trough rhe rain or trough a bite. from those already infected. But it was so many years ago, that the technology had time to catch up. Now, airplanes have barrier, cars too, but its very expensive. Of course, if a dead body that was'nt infected is exposed ro the rain, than it becomes a C.B.R. That is why every single corpse is burned. But even so, the C.B.R's body's doesn't rots at all. Neither rhose it change. If you cut a arm or a leg, it'll just grow back, just like a reptile. Disgusting. just thinking about the video that was on the internet showing a C.B.R legs grow back makes me sick. The bus finally stops, and I rush to reach my class room. If i ever get let at Miss Trionn's class, i'm dead !

Finally, its lunch. I can't wait to eat ! Pizza, a green apple, and orange jus. Perfect ! While walking to the only free table, Witney Sydney puts her legs on my way. Ho please not her !

- Hum, Sydney, won't you move your legs ?

- Ho ? May Delaunay ! sorry, I forgot how long my legs are. Well, its not my fault i'm so tall !

" Forgot " ? Great, now I feel like punching her ! She talks every single day of how long her legs are ! We got it ! Just move it ! I wish I could say that without getting in trouble with her fan boys, but, i'm also holding on to life her too !

- Humm... So can I pass ?

- Oh, shure !

She finally moves her legs, but just when i'm about to pass, without understanding whats happening to me, I'm already on the floor, my lunch all over, ans all the other kids are laughing.

- Oh, i'm so sorry Delaunay ! Didn't see you there !

Great ! Just geat ! Stephanie Dasam just pushed me down ! Why are they always bullying me ?!

- Its okay...

I pick up every thing that feel, throw it in the trash can. My orange jus is half empty. A bad smile just appeard on my face. I just got a bad idea. I walk has calmly has possible to the two b*tch's.

- Hey, Dasam ! you forgot something.

- Forgot what ? Putting shame on you ? Already did it !

- You forgot this !

I threw the rest of the orange juce on her head, and she yell's, surprised.

- What the f*ck is wrong with you ?!

I just got myself into big troubles but I just had to do that ! It feels soooo good ! Dasam tries to slap me, but I dodge, making her trip.

- Be careful, "princess", you don't want ro break one of your nails !

I'm so gonna pay for that, but, tomorrow is the week-end ! I'll think about it monday !

- Whats happening here ?!!

Hu ho.... That's the headmaster's voice. She's gonna kill me.

- Delaunay hit Stephanie for no reason !

She looks at The two girls, with Dasam crying, then me, looking nervously the floor.

- Miss Sydney, please take miss Dasam to the infirmary. Miss Delaunay, in my office, now !!

Mom is gonna kill me...