
CyPunk Online

Cypunk Online, a deep dive VRMMORPG that was hailed as a game-changing MMO due to its realism and hardness. Ayden Townson, a hard-working young man, doing his best to bring up his little sister in hopes of giving her a chance at a better life while living in the harsh reality of Neo City. After stumbling upon a discarded headset on top of a bunch of trash, Ayden brings it home to repair it after hearing about how players could make real world money in a game called CyPunk Online. Ayden, who never really got to play games before, decided to try it out in hopes of making some extra cash on the side while he worked during the day. Ayden would never have thought that CyPunk Online and Esports would forever change his life. [Additonal Tag: Cyberpunk] New Voting Goals And Golden Ticket Goals! Want more chapters per week!? Then vote and reach the goals! ***Voting Goals!**** Powerstone rankings top 50 = 1 extra chapter a week! Powerstone rankings top 40 = 2 extra chapters a week! Powerstone rankings top 30 = 3 extra chapters a week! Powerstone rankings top 20 = 5 extra chapters a week! Powerstone rankings top 15 = 6 extra chapters a week! Powerstone rankings top 10 = 7 extra chapters a week! Golden ticket: For each month we stay in the top 10, I will do 3 bonus chapters per month. Golden ticket: For each month we stay in the top 5, I will do 6 bonus chapters per month. Huge thanks to my Pat-reon supporters: Grangel/ Cole/ Gapir58/ Azurite Paladin/ Skoomer/ Draconis0kelly /Nezuko_Kamadoe/ Rasoutos/ Rojasu Neisan/ Quellec/ Lolop 12/ Liaira/ Useless/ Avokyr Grimfire/ Flashycow/ Michelle F/ LK123/ Guy Trimble/ DoneDelight/ Sir Hellington/ ME/ bertrand/ Darted Table/ Other/ Ole Martin Johnsen/ Soulsmsher/ Demi god/ Judd/ Zolomen/ Dalton/ Archthrene/ Korokoro/ Ash/ SeiTakanashi91/ Darklord Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee or join pat-reon! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (take out the ‘-’ in the address. Webnovel censors the word pat-reon) Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Game
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47 Chs


The streets of neo city were all hustle and bustle. People from all corners of life were out and about at this time of day. Ayden and Isabella walked into a shop that specializes in cybernetics. They had a range of different kinds of cybernetics from the cheapest you could find to the most expensive and even ones that were custom built.

"Welcome. What can I get for you today?" The female clerk asked. With one look, you could tell she was in full cybernetics.

"We came here today to get him outfitted with plugs and some mid tier martial arts legs and arms," Isabella replied.

"Oh?" The female clerk looked at the skinny boy, who was slightly malnourished, and frowned slightly. "Miss, I am not sure if you know this, but it is not good to put cybernetics on those who are too weak. The plugs alone would be too much for him to handle."

"Huh?" Isabella's eye twitched as she looked at the lady. "I do not think I was asking for your opinion. I was asking for you to do as I say not talk back."

"You! Look, this skinny boy can not deal with the weight of cybernetics! If you want someone to do it then go to a back alley dealer I will not be held responsible for what happens!" The female clerk yelled out. Her chest was heaving up and down from her outburst.

"Oh? A little cybernetic shop clerk dares to speak to me like this. Get your manager!" Isabella was pissed. She had never been one to take things lying down. This clerk was not only making fun of her friend and teammate. She was embarrassing her as well.

"No. Just get out. There is no need for you to see the manager. You can't just bring in any poor person off the street and try to give them cybernetics, this is now how things work." The female clerk did not care one bit about who Isabella was. She just wanted these people to leave.

"Oh? Then… " Isabella's eyes lit up as she pressed her temple. It did not seem like she was doing anything, but in fact, she was calling the higher ups of the company since the whole store belonged to her family.

Not even a minute later, a man came running out from the back room as if his pants were on fire. "Young Miss!" The man had sweat building up on his forehead as he walked over to Isabella with his head lowered.

Ayden raised an eyebrow when he saw how servile the man was being towards Isabella. He knew Isabella was rich, but he did not know why this man was acting in such a way towards her all of a sudden or why he suddenly came down. But on second thought, he remembered how Isabella could make calls without a phone of any kind.

But one thing that bothered Ayden was that he realized that he was being protected by this girl over and over, which was really starting to weigh down on his manhood. Although he knew he was too weak at this time, it still hit him hard. He needed to bring up his self esteem and work harder so he could become someone who could stand in front of a girl and not behind them.

"Good you are here, Mr. Roslen. As the manager of one of my family's stores, you, of all people, know you should never turn down a paying customer. And I want to know why this lady here thinks that just because someone is skinny, they can not get cybernetics?" Isabella looked over at the female clerk with a mocking smile.

Mr. Roslen turned to the female clerk and yelled out angrily: "What do you think you are doing!? How dare you look down on a customer. The plugs themselves are made to expand and shrink with a person's weight and muscle mass. Why can't someone who is skinny get plugs and cybernetics!?"

"Sir… I just…." The female clerk did not know what to say. She thought the young man looked very weak, and she did not think he could handle it. She was actually saying things out of concern for the company if he got injured. In the end, she got mad at the woman in front of her who told her to get the manager. She felt like she was being told she did not know her job. In the end, it seemed like she really did not know it!

"Humph! Fired. Get out!" Mr. Roslen yelled out. He did not wish for this woman to stay here any longer when the place was owned by the very lady this clerk had offended! He did not even give the female clerk a chance to say anything before two people came from the back room and dragged her out of the building.

"Now then. Young Miss, you said you wanted to get something?" Mr. Roslen asked.

"Yes, please get some leg and arm plugs for my friend here and some mid tier martial arts arms and legs. Ones that will build up in muscle mass along with its wearer." The cybernetics that Isabella was talking about were ones that would be strong in any state, but they would allow the wearer to look more natural as they slowly built up their physique.

"Hmmm…" Mr. Roslen walked over and looked at Ayden. "Excuse me."

Ayden stood there as his arms and legs were being probed by Mr. Rosen. He really did not know how to react, so he could only stand there and wait for Mr. Rosen to finish his inspection. "While you are skinny, you are mostly muscle. It's more like you just do not have enough nutrients in your diet to build the muscle correctly. Mmm… yes…. If you were to take a few supplements, you would fill out just right. I have the perfect set of arms and legs for you."

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