
Cycle to Cycle

Once upon time, there was a normal human teenage boy who commits himself to his daily life alone. Living alone was not easy for him, since he was abandoned by his mother for some reason. Since he was the son of his very own mother, his relatives didn't accept him, they were disgusted by their existence. But one night, on that particular time, his life changed. A scarlet meteor, red as blood recklessly landed to where he was standing. Fear never froze him, he just watching it thrust its way on his location with his lifeless eyes... Eyes that tells he was in despair. *Kaboom!!! The sensation of time around became odd, a mana-like and radiating figure that seems to be a lady appears, approached, embraced then kissed him. As the purple light of threads radiating around them, a disturbing light blocks his sight and lost his conscious.

Guenhartz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 14: Life and Death

"Kieran, you bastard! Where is he?!" Alorazel shouted in rage.

"Oh that lowly one? You don't have to worry about that, dear..." Kieran said, displaying a smug look. "For I have already eliminated the—"

"What did you do to him!?" A terrifying killing intent and bloodlust could be sense from Alorazel.

Kieran felt extremely fear he couldn't felt before, and his entire body were trembling.

Two golden hollows threatened to appear on Alorazel's head, the first one; revolves on the top of her head, and the second one; revolves around at the level of her eyebrows and it was way wider.

As Kieran saw the golden mana leaking out from Alorazel, he couldn't move his body and felt suffocated.

"Why? Why did you do that?" Alorazel asked and the usual bright on his face could barely seen


"Don't call me dear! Right from the beginning, I never once perceive you romantically."

"Your marriage proposal haven't even acknowledge by my mother..."

"I'm going to make you pay for this..." Alorazel clenches her fist, and golden dust light began to engulfed both of her hands to forearm.

Kieran snapped in fear and was sweating, his mind were blank and fear is the only thing in his head.

The quart-like stone around the corner of the cave began to glow red.

Kieran wondered his gaze around and couldn't believe what he just saw. "Y-you—" Before he could ever finished his sentence, a beam of light passed near at his face.

"Ahhhh!!!" Kieran cried in pain as he held his wounded face and felt the burnt of the that light.

Alorazel's right hand were extended forward to Kieran. Her expression was not pretty and only the expression of anger could be seen on her face.

Dusty lights began appeared more bright and her two hollows appeared to be more detailed.

"Wait, de—"


A beam of light blasted Kieran's leg.

"Where is he?" Alorazel asked in her coldest tone. "What did you do to him?"

Hearing her tone, Kieran felt chill down to his spine.



Another beam of light blasted on his arm and wing, and he crash onto the ground.

Alorazel vanished and appeared in front of him. "I'll ask you again. Where is he and what did you do to him?" Her eyes were glowing brighter.


Another beam of light blasted Kieran's arm.

and everytime Alorazel asked him and he didn't answer to the expected duration, she keep blasting him with light beam again and again.


An earthquake occurred in the cave and the water of the lake glow and slowly became red as blood.


A few moments ago...

'Am I gonna finally die?'

'Is it not okay for me to live the way I wanted to?'

'Why? Just fucking why?!'

As Haise sunk into the abyss of the lake, these questions and complains remained in his heart.

Wishes that he could not reach, like how he waited for a shooting star to grant his only wish.

Rain may more comfortable for him to hide his tears, a bright day always illuminate his path.

But such day... such a bright day, blinded him. The spark that was chose by his mother over the light, he come to wondered ridiculous human satisfaction really is.

'Maybe I'm not really born to live a happy life, at least the way I wanted to.'


As he gave up on something, something deep inside him cracked. With how his eyes still glowing became lifeless...


A deep yet harmonious voice of a lady resonates in his mind.

'I must be hearing death.'

He really thought that.

Slowly, his consciousness faded.


"You're finally wake up."

Haise woke up in a ruined place that could be described as devastation. All the tress and houses, and any kinds of facilities were all devastated.

Only a red gate and a giant glowing white tree with no leaves from afar remain stood. Therein, at the center of the gate, there was a glowing lady with a long red hair that reaches the ground sitting on top of the stairs where the red gate stood.

The lady was wearing a gothic black and crimson dress with a majestic design.

Haise stood there at sight of a ruined world.

"Who are you?" Haise asked.

"I been waiting for you here, jaxmith, for longest time you could imagine." The lady said.

"Now, answer me, jaxmith. What's really the meaning of death? Why ones must experienced it for a good rest?" A depressing tone could be heard in the lady's voice a she this question.

Haise was downcast. "For good rest, huh?" He muttered as he remembered his hardships.

"You could say that all mortals destained to die." Haise finally answered.

"Is that so?" [The lady]

"For the good rest... Is the end of a long journey and quest." [Haise]

"What do you mean by that?" [The lady]

"There two kinds of ending, it could be sad or happy. The sad ending represents all the forms of a negative endings, and the happy ending represents all the positive endings." Haise for some reason, he felt like he know this lady and felt comfortable around her.

Hearing his answer and reasoning, the lady displayed a simple smile and remembered someone.

"Also these two kinds of endings are actually working together." Haise added.

"Oh?" The lady was confused.

"In the end of human life, there's a different tears with emotions are formed and could be experience."

"Just imagine how a dying man was able to save daughter from danger."

The lady finally get what Haise's meant. "I see."

For some reason, as the lady stood. Wow! She's indeed tall. The nilucis react and appeared and revolves Haise.

Haise was a little stunned. Just a little.

When the lady turned around, a glamorous face yet filled with the trace of pain and suffering could be seen.

She was weeping blood, and has a wide smile like an insane woman on her face.


She laughed and laughed all she could. Her loud voice resonated around the area with a wavering pressure and wind like a ripple.

Blood tears began to flow down from eyes again, she displayed a tired look and was laughing crazy.

Haise covered his ears with his hands at the loud of lady's voice. He was even having hard time to maintain his balance at the wavering pressure coming out from the lady.

The lady finally stopped laughing crazy. "Now, jaxmith... no, Haise... would you let me rest within you and be part of your very existence?"

Haise was confused. "What do you mean, by that?" He didn't even bother to know to why the lady know his name!

The lady suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Haise, to which surprised him.

"Become me and I'll become you." [The lady]

"Eh?" Haise was indeed confused.

"Since your nilucis triggered have already triggered me to summon you here, there's no other way for to get out of here."

"All you have to do, is accept me."

Haise really didn't get what the lady means.

"Are you perhaps Vamhira?" He really was itching to asked this from the moment he got a chance to see her.

The lady, though she got a tired look, displayed a gentle smile. "Just call my name and I will follow you, and I shall be your blood."

"But remember, everytime you'll use my power, it'll harm your soul, and for worst, it'll cost your life force."

"Given the fact that your awakening is still incomplete."

"How do you know that?" Haise snapped and instinctively asked.

"..." Vamirha or the lady, let out a deep sigh. "I'm already part of your nilucis, before you even got here."

"..." Haise was confused.

"So I could sense you, I could even see it." Vamirha added.

Haise finally understood.

"Now then, are you ready?" Vamirha asked.

Haise already knew what she meant. Honestly, he was scared, but he knew he didn't have a choice if he really wanted to get out from that ruined place.

Haise close his and let out a deep sigh. "I'm ready."

Vamirha smiled and embraced him.

"Ugh!" Haise hold his voice down as he felt Vamirha's fangs pierce into his neck. For some reason, the pain was slowly faded and was replaced with pleasure. Pleasure he felt for the first time of his life.

He felt like he was being suck and something was entering inside of his body, but still his rationality remain.

"You really have a unique and deep rationality, huh?" Vamirha, who could felt his emotions, was impressed.

Haise's bluish- white eyes began to glow, as he felt dizzy and drowsy. "What's happening to me." He asked.

Vamirha smiled and with glowing golden eyes, she looked as Haise straight his eyes. "Worry not, my dear, soon will become one."

Without Haise's realization, his two fangs began to grow and felt extremely thirsty.

Vamirha was happy to see him that way. "Go, drink."

Haise, without hesitation, bit Vamirha neck. It was like he was drug that made him act that way.

Vamirha's entire body began to glow. She felt like she was finally being suck and it was pleasure to her. Her embraced became even tighter and slowly, her body dissolved and turned into a glowing blood that was being suck by Haise. "Please, continue to be you." She said in her low tone before she got finally sucked and be one with Haise.