
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
135 Chs

Who is the prey after all?

Shigure Ryouko gazed at the real-time lock-in provided by the satellite, her curiosity piqued.

This individual hadn't ventured out for days, so why the sudden appearance? Could there be an urgent situation?

Observing the black sedan traversing two small residential areas and finally halting in the Strein district, she noted the location matched the Strein Grand Hotel, as per the satellite's coordinates.

"The hotel?" Shigure Ryouko furrowed her brow. "Are they meeting a business partner there?"

In the next moment, the real-time footage from the satellite arrived.

The black sedan's door opened slowly, and Jonas emerged gracefully from the vehicle. Following him, a young woman stepped down.

The two proceeded into the hotel, affiliated with the Weiting conglomerate, one after the other.

Shigure Ryouko's expression immediately turned peculiar. "Are they here for a rendezvous?"


Inside the Strein Grand Hotel, in the elevator.

The girl stood behind the man, observing her attire through the elevator doors.

"Mr. Jonas, are you certain Miss Shigure Ryouko is monitoring us?" Eiffel's voice sounded somewhat awkward, seemingly uncomfortable with her current guise.

Eiffel's current style was vastly different from her usual demeanor. The snug-fitting pencil skirt accentuated her figure, while the black stockings showcased her perfect leg shape.

Jonas stood beside Eiffel, speaking softly: "If things go as planned, she's likely breached the surveillance."


The elevator doors opened slowly, revealing the meticulously arranged presidential suite before them.

A double bathtub, panoramic windows, and a king-sized bed sufficient for four to five people.

"What's next, Mr. Jonas?" Eiffel's voice tinged with nervousness.

"We must play our parts convincingly," Jonas replied calmly.

"Hmm?" Just as Eiffel was puzzled, Jonas scooped up the girl and deposited her onto the bed.

Her head landed on the soft pillow, and as Eiffel opened her eyes, she met her own reflection in Jonas's eyes.

Sensing a tingling sensation in her calf, Eiffel struggled for a moment before feeling Jonas grasp her leg.

"Don't move," Jonas's voice came as he restrained her.

As his palm traversed from her calf to her knee, Eiffel blushed slightly, biting her lip as she reproached, "Is it necessary to go this far, Mr. Jonas?"

"Shigure Ryouko is cautious. If our act isn't convincing enough, she may detect something," Jonas's tone remained tranquil, calming Eiffel.

Taking a deep breath, just as Eiffel was about to speak, she heard him ask, "What brand are the stockings you bought, Miss Eiffel?"

Hearing this, a blush crept onto Eiffel's cheeks as she retorted, "I don't know."

Jonas genuinely complimented, "They're of good quality."

As Eiffel gazed at the man before her, she wished she could pry open his mind to understand his thoughts.

Was now the time to mention this?

"Alright, that's enough," Jonas suddenly spoke as Eiffel found herself lost in thought.

"Prepare to close the net."

Hearing this, Eiffel tensed her body, took a deep breath, and dismissed her stray thoughts.


As Jonas had speculated, Shigure Ryouko had already infiltrated the surveillance system of the Strein Grand Hotel.

Through the hotel's surveillance, witnessing the intimate actions of the two in the presidential suite, Shigure Ryouko clicked her tongue.

A leopard can't change its spots. Despite all the caution, it still ended up in the hands of a woman.

With a sigh, Miss Shigure resolved not to let this rare opportunity slip. Without hesitation, she switched to all the surveillance scenes of the Strein Grand Hotel.

The surveillance footage blinked momentarily before returning to normal.

Dressed in a disguise of combat attire, Shigure Ryouko headed towards the hotel.

Encountering no obstacles along the way, she breached the hotel's security system, opening the secure passage directly, and swiftly climbed the stairs.

Arriving at the presidential suite where her target resided, Shigure Ryouko took a deep breath and pressed her fingertips to the fingerprint lock on the room door.

Authorization scan initiated, scan passed.

With a click, the room door opened.

But the next moment, Shigure Ryouko instinctively felt something amiss and dodged backward.

A gust of wind swept by, barely avoiding her.

Before Shigure Ryouko stood the emotionless gaze of the girl.

Without missing the opportunity for pursuit, another leg sweep came her way.

Unable to dodge in time, Shigure Ryouko stumbled, but fortunately, the force wasn't too strong, preventing her from losing balance.

Just as she let out a sigh of relief, a spray appeared before her.

Some unknown gas rushed into her nostrils, causing her brain to instantly feel groggy.

A sense of impending danger arose within her as she attempted to stop her breath, but it was too late, as she had already inhaled a large amount of the hypnotic gas.

Feeling her body growing weaker, Shigure Ryouko looked up at the person before her, only to find it was the same girl she had seen cozying up to Jonas in the surveillance.

Falling into a trap.

With her teeth clenched, Shigure Ryouko attempted to fight back, only to be easily evaded by the other party.

Feeling a heavy blow to her knee, she involuntarily knelt down.

In the next moment, a clean kick landed on her temple, rendering her completely defenseless.

Her body collapsed to the ground, and the last sound she heard before losing consciousness was the faint laughter of the man.

"The fish has taken the bait."