
Chapter 67: The Feeling of Being an Elder Brother

The Six Street Gang wasn't out of men, just out of organization.

Gangs are like this—if it were corporate security, they'd hold out to the last minute and then continue to send military forces incessantly.

As long as the enemy hasn't truly taken over core assets, the fight won't stop.

But the core asset of a gang is rather intangible— it's their level of organization.

This kind of thing grows when they're winning, but it can vanish without a trace especially during a major setback.

In just a moment, as they watched Valentino's convoy brazenly rush into Aloroy, the underlings felt their souls fly away in fright.

Even with a few skilled men by the sergeant's side, it didn't make much difference—when Valentino had already shit on your face, underlings would invariably entertain other thoughts.

So it's best to just talk it out and put an end to things here.

Lille sat in the chair, arrogantly swinging his legs up onto the negotiation table.