

Adam Smasher started shooting all of his HMG rounds at Roman, causing him to ducking behind a long vent and pulling out a Fragmentation grenade, throwing it at Adam's location.


Adam saw the Frag grenade, being thrown from Roman's cover, and shot at it in mid-air, causing fragments to go flying everywhere.


Adam dodged the fragments and resumed his shooting at Roman's cover, and riddled the vent, full of bullet holes, destroying the vent, but Roman wasn't there.

As in that split second in which, Adam shot the Frag grenade, Roman already moved from his previous cover to another vent, making Adam perceive him as not a threat, causing Adam to ignore him, and causing Adam's laser and radar detectors to not know where he is either, as he is a blind spot to them.

The vent Roman took cover behind, was shorter and closer to Adam, Roman stopped to think for a nanosecond.

"Now's the time to reveal my strength, as now's the time for me to become a bona fide Night City Legend, and not just some random gonk with a nickname, and show off a little."

[Now playing: A92 x Fumez The Engineer- Plugged In Freestyle; by Fumez The

Engineer, A92, Offica]

Adam stopped shooting at that vent, and started looking for Roman, as he realized that he now couldn't perceive him,and his detectors wasn't showing Adam where Roman was either, Adam started shooting randomly in every direction, hoping to hit Roman. Eventually he ran out of bullets.


Adam, threw his gun away after running out of bullets, and looked at all the destoryed vents, when his Reflex booster told him he was going to get punched in his side.

Adam pulled out his climber claws, that's in his armor that can be used as a weapon or a way to climb over objects, and blocked the attack, but just barely as his claws started cracking a little bit.

Adam also flew back hitting one of those large metal gates on the sides of Arasaka's roof, making a huge dent in it.

Roman was now standing in the open, looking at Adam with confidence and composure.

Adam didn't have the time to be confused on how Roman threw him, when he is wearing a 1.13 ton armor. As Roman appeared in front of Adam, faster than his Reflex booster could react, and got punched in his chest.

Adam felt all of his components in his chest disappeared, he looked down and saw a huge gapping hole, where his chest used to be, but since his whole body is made out of cyberware, he didn't feel any pain, instead error sounds were ringing around in his helmet.


Adam keeled down on Arasaka's roof, with errors ringing around his helmet, and Roman in front of him.

"Any last words for the one who was almost a full borg?"

"Fu-fu-fuck y-yo-yo-you."

Roman kicked Adam's head, kicking it off and flying through one of the long metal gates on either side of Arasaka tower roof.

Just as Roman kicked Adam's head, Arasaka started blowing up.


But Roman didn't have no intention of leaving.

"If I survive a nuke, wouldn't I become even more of a legend?"

The explosion rang out all around Night City, and everybody in Night City saw Arasaka burning, including a old man, wearing black glasses, a black komodo with no designs, a brown undershirt with straps, black komodo pants with no designs on them either, and sandles with socks.

He was looking at this through a glass, in a room, that had a cool and sleek urban design.

"Find whoever did this, and bring them to me."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

Everybody on the ground was going crazy, as Arasaka got blown up, cars were racing out of Night City, some stores were robbed during the chaos, and things were being set on fire.

Some smart residents and gangs of Night City started evacuating, while some less smart and reasonable residents and gangs stayed to watch the fireworks.

Meanwhile, Roman searched all the bodies on the roof, and found some cigars and a few pairs of sunglasses, he took a cigar and lit one with the fire on the roof, put on one pair of golden covered Aviator sunglasses, and watched how Arasaka was crumbling.

Roman then heard a AV, closing in and looked up.

"Arasaka moves pretty fast."

The Arasaka AV landed on a helicopter pad and opened the huge door, to reveal a 5 man group of highly trained, highly armored, Arasaka personal, with automatic weapon, and many cybernetic enhancements. As they were getting out. They saw Roman, wearing his clothes from the night before, having a trimmed beard with long slick back curly hair, smoking a cigar, and wearing golden covered Aviators, standing near Adam Smasher's corpse.

"He was in my pack watch list, also Adam died because he didn't have no thermal vision."

The personal didn't know what he was talking about, and put their guns, with laser sights, on him.

"Are you sure you want to do this, you could go back to your wife and kids if you just put down thoses guns and get back in that AV."

The personal remained, with their guns on Roman still.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't give you no chance in the afterlife.

Roman disappeared from their sights, and they all started shooting.


They emptied a whole magazine, shooting in the open, hoping to hit him, but Roman teleported behind them, the personal tried to react to this, but Roman was faster than them, and exploded 4 out of the 5 men group bodies with but a punch.

The last guy saw all the brain matter, gore, and blood of the others. All over the walls of the AV, with some on him as well. He felt like throwing up and scared but held back that urge, to fight Roman.

"You have two choices, you can either go back to your boss and tell him what happened here, or die, right here like all your other team members."

"I-I chose option 1."

"Good choice, now go."

The last guy stayed in the AV, as it flew back to where it came from.

"Arasaka is going to hunt me down for sure, but I'll be a legend, so it cancels out."

Roman jumped off Arasaka, creating a huge crater when he landed and stood in it.


This chapter took so long cause I was thinking bout how to "kill" Adam Smaher and make it believable. By the way, did you know Cyberpunk 2077 have no Thermal vision or night vision?