
Year 2069 (Prologue)

Progress has allowed humanity to build a glimmering society supported by technology. When you observe the major cities from different countries, you notice a neon-filled utopia marvel of human advancement. When you look at the people inside these cities, you see how of a high life they are living. The skyscrapers, the technologically infused homes, robots doing some of the jobs humans didn't want to do. Walk long enough in the street and you might even see an autonomous android capable of simple thoughts.

Were you listening, or were you distracted by the smoke that was emanating from the distance? You can see people are still fighting for the environment using protests and such. Of course, human hasn't deviated too far from their roots. The government? Still a democracy for most and much more transparent and competent than back in the days. But should you be content with what you see in front of your eyes? Will you stop going further down the rabbit hole just because you are satisfied with staying on the surface?

A great philosopher I admired called Mill once said: "Better be an unsatisfied human than be a satisfied pig. " Follow me if you wish or stop here if you lack empathy. Either way, the revolution will not be halted.

I see you made the right decision. Did I tell you about WW3? Oh, of course, humanity won't stop at the Second World War, won't it? It happened back when I was still a young man but that's a story for another day.

At the bottom of society, you will find the silent majority. People working with minimum wages without a way to pull themselves out of their misery. Living in unaffordable housing without the urge to even procreate. Why don't they revolt against the government? Because they are kept virtually satisfied through the use of virtual reality and heavily drugged by the drugs in the food they consume. The governmental system will locate anyone who even thinks of revolting against the system, and then inject massive amounts of synthetic drugs into his drinking water, so he will become obedient again left without any will to fight.

Now, you were probably wondering what the smoke cloud you saw earlier was. Let me take you there and see for yourself. After teleporting to the place where the smoke cloud was generated, you were met with the sight of a massive protest. The mass was attacking the police and destroying and looting properties all in the name of protecting the environment.

You weren't expecting an environment march to devolve into such a madness? Well, you can blame the education system. To keep the population stupid, the government intentionally made it so that schools don't teach you to think critically. Instead, they aim to make you give in to your childish thoughts and obey the system. The government is cleaner, yes, like I told you before, cleaner on the surface that is. Because people were so brainwashed that they couldn't see past the superficial.

Of course, there are exceptional people trying to actually make a difference but want to see what happened to them? Let's go to one of these people's electoral campaigns. Upon arriving at the speech given by one of the candidates of the US 2069 election, there was a crowd composed of mostly normal labour workers and a few people dressed with more colourful attires.

[Candidate] - "Ladies and Gentlemen... "

[Spectator] - "Excuse me, there are people who don't identify as a man or a woman! "

[Candidate] - "Oh pardon me, Ladies, gentlemen, people who identify as something else, the LGBTQRRSTUHKJSD++++ community, the none-human of the group and such others... "

There was suddenly a canister of orange paint that was thrown on the stage which exploded and painted the candidate orange. Soon after the attack, a group of militants arrived on stage and held up a flag urging people to switch to a vegan lifestyle to save the animals. Despite the circumstances, the candidate pushed on with his speech.

[Candidate] - "I'm sick and tired of the society we are living in. I'm going to be simple about it! I want to become president, so I can give a proper livelihood back to you, the people. I want to increase the wage, so you people could at least not worry about housing. Look at us, our country has the highest homeless population in the world with more than 10 million homeless people. "

[spectator] - "What about the social injustice toward the LGBTQRRSTUHKJSD++++ community? Aren't you going to address that? "

[Candidate] - "There is no social injustice! Our nation has been extremely tolerant toward any community for decades. America is the most inclusive than it has ever been and I will not give into the narrative that major injustice is still being committed against such communities! "

[Spectator] - "How dare you! You are nothing but a misogynist pig! Thousands of people from the LGBTQRRSTUHKJSD++++ community die every day because of your bigotry! "

[Candidate] - "Die where? Where? You claim to speak facts but where are your proofs? What about the millions who still dwell in poverty and homelessness? "

At first, upon hearing the candidates' words, the silent workers in the crowd showed a hint of a smirk but soon, as the argument devolved into chaos with many more of the noisy spectator's supporters joining the mess, the workers once again returned to a state of silent despair.

He has been warned to not make that speech by government agents. Like the many that came before him, you will find him dead in his house due to a heart attack despite him never having any prior heart condition. I believe you do not need me to explain in detail what I'm referring to.

While the silent majority suffered real societal problems, the vocal minority used their power to propose false societal issues. All this was thanks to the divisive education system which purposely avoided talking about the real societal issues while introducing fake societal problems for people to worry about instead.

Now, now, our tour is not finished.

You were suddenly transported to the skies of Congo.

Precisely in 3 hours, a massive asteroid will strike Congo and destroy most of central Africa. Why isn't humanity doing anything about it? Oh please, as long as it doesn't concern their interest, the big countries wouldn't bulge even if this meteoroid destroyed the entirety of Africa.

Whether it be China, the USA, Russia or the European Union, none of them are willing to send a rocket to intercept the small asteroid. The rich are too busy making more money at the expense of the poor and vulnerable. There are people who desire justice in this world but they are only human after all. In this world, you can be virtuous but society won't provide you anything to make your virtue a reality. Such ideas have no room to grow when profit is the idea's price.

Amongst the whole population of the Earth, I chose you, a random person to take on a tour. Why? Simply put, destiny chose you, I suppose. I want to ask you, does your heart resonate with all I have said? Because a revolution is coming. I have something which will break humanity out of its dark fate. Like good and evil, when fate becomes too dominant, freedom will find a way to rise.

Who am I? I'm Sniper, the court of judgment for the immoral and a guiding light for the virtuous. Unlike the masses, I have no restraint. I'm a God. Humanity shall only know me as a leader, a messiah but they will not learn of the power me and my Cyberknights hold. I chose you because I want you to join me on this journey. You arrived at this conversation because you have a desire to see change.

Suddenly, you and Sniper were teleported to space just above the Earth's atmosphere.

[Sniper] - "Look at the horizon, cities in the night without light. Not because they don't have light but because the electricity they use is so expensive, they only dare use it when absolutely necessary. Our first mission once the revolution begins, is to bring the bare necessities back to the place we liberate. As a Cyberknight, your job will be to lead my armies into battle. As for me, I will deal with administration and politics. "

You turn around with Sniper to see the incoming asteroid flying toward Earth.

[Sniper] - "Now, sunny, I want to clarify one thing before we start. You will be given tools to make your virtues a reality and the only price is loyalty. I do not engage in combat not because I can't, but because when I do, it means humanity no longer has any hope. "

As the asteroid grew closer, a set of crystals on Sniper's forearms started to glow with a bright blue light. In a flash, Sniper launched himself at the asteroid and punched the massive rock with his fist. In an instant, the asteroid measuring over a few kilometres disintegrated into a fine cloud of dust above Earth. As you watched the dust burn in the atmosphere, Sniper tended his hand forward toward you.

[Sniper] - "Welcome to the revolution, Sunny. "

In Italy, as the people went on with their day, a massive earthquake suddenly shook the country. At the Italian coast, to the people's shock, massive aerial battleships and carriers rose up from the bottom of the sea. Their massive figures cast shadows that left entire cities in the dark.

Meanwhile, the same happened in the Arabian Sea where massive aerial vessels rose up from the bottom of the water. By the end of the process, at least 15 gargantuan carriers, 40 battleships and hundreds of other types of smaller ships floated above the different seas.

The revolution has begun.