
A demon in sheep's clothing (part 1)

**Sorry again, I'm currently reworking this chapter from the previous version to the new one so please do not read this chapter or further yet. Once I'm done, this message will be gone and you will be able to continue enjoying the story. Again, please be patient, I promise it's worth the wait.

Content warning! This chapter contains emotional and physical abuse.

A glimpse of light shined into Kadyn's eyes as she slowly opened them. As she slowly regained consciousness, the smell of bitter medication assaulted her nostrils and made her gag. As she tried to move her limbs, she felt little to no control over them. Confused, she looked to see all of her four limbs wrapped in thick layers of bandages.

[Kadyn] - "Ugh... what the bloody hell... how many days has it been? "

Kadyn felt her tummy rumble when she saw the plate of food by her nightstand. But unlucky for her, no one is around to feed her while both of her hands are wrapped in bandages.

[Kadyn] - "Mother f- what kind of sick joke is this? "

Yelled Kadyn in anger.

[Senju] - "Kadyn? Is that you? "

Replied Senju from the bed separated from Kadyn by a curtain.

Kadyn shot up from her bed.

[Kadyn] - "Senju! You alright? "

[Senju] - "Not so much but still alive. "

[McCree] - "What are you two talking about? "

Said McCree as he abruptly walked into the room.

[Kadyn] - "Oh, looks like you were the only uninjured one here. "

[McCree] - "Yep, I'm lucky jus' like that. Unlike Deadpool over there. "

Said McCree as he sat on a chair by Kadyn's bed.

[Senju] - "Oh, fuck you, McCree! "

[McCree] - "Love yeh too, buddy. Anyways, need a helping hand with your food? "

Although McCree smirked at his own jokes, Kadyn instead showed him a cold annoyed expression. One of Kadyn's wrist blades suddenly shot through her bandage.

[Kadyn] - "I can deal with this myself. "

Said Kadyn before impaling a piece of apple from the plate and bringing it to her mouth.

[McCree] - "Oh. Ingenious though. "

[Kadyn] - "By the way, where is Arthur? Is he alright? "

[McCree] - "Oh... let's see... "

McCree seemed to hesitate on how to answer Kadyn's question. After a few seconds, Kadyn started to get suspicious of what was going on.

[Kadyn] - "Take me to him now! I know something went to shit, McCree! "

[McCree] - "Well, not exactly, eh... "

[Kadyn] - "NOW! "

Screamed Kadyn as she ripped out the IV tube embedded in her arm.

Left without much of an option, McCree helped Kadyn onto a wheelchair before pushing her through the hospital's hallways. As Kadyn rolled past the halls, she noticed the number of wounded men and women sleeping on the hallway floors due to the lack of rooms. After rolling past a few exhausted nurses, Kadyn finally arrived at a single-bed room where screams could be heard.

Once inside, Kadyn saw a few health workers around a clearly mad Arthur strapped to his bed. Despite his wounds, Arthur wiggled and screamed with such vigour as if his life depended on it.

[Arthur] - "Let me go! I need to escape! He's coming back for me, he's coming to get me! I can't deal with this! I can't be held here! "

Screamed Arthur in a distressed tone.

[Kadyn] - "What the hell is his deal? "

[McCree] - "He got his ass handed to him by whoever he fought against. He has been like this for days already. "

Despite the fact that he is Arthur, his face is still Mike's face. Seeing him distraught like this still brought pain into Kadyn's heart.

[McCree] - "You gotta try to convince him to calm down. We tried everything but he's still agitated like this. "

[Kadyn] - "Bring me closer to him. "

McCree obliged and pushed Kadyn closer to Arthur's bed. Kadyn gently tried to grab Arthur's hand but he recoiled in fear.

[Arthur] - "Don't touch me! No one fucking touch me! Let me go! "

[Kadyn] - "Tell me what happened, come on. I won't bite. "

Said Kadyn in an unusually gentle tone.

Somehow, as if a single string of connection remained between Arthur and Mike, Arthur calmed down bit by bit.

[Arthur] - "I'll talk but you have to promise me that you'll release me after this. "

[Kadyn] - "Just talk. Tell me what happened. "

After a few hours of struggle, Arthur finally confessed to Kadyn what truly happened that day as he fought against War. After listening to everything, Kadyn simply checked the wounds on his body before rolling away on her wheelchair.

[Arthur] - "Hey! I told you everything! Release me now! You promised! "

Kadyn simply kept rolling away while paying no mind to Arthur.

[Arthur] - "You bitch! I suffered through all this and told you everything! Fucking release me! You can't disrespect me like this, I'm a hero of the Allied Forces! You fucking promised! "

Screamed Arthur in complete hysteria.

With these words, Kadyn stopped by the door before jumping out of her wheelchair and charging toward Arthur. Before anyone in the room could stop her, she slapped Arthur so hard in the face that one of his teeth came off. Kadyn was quickly restrained by 3 doctors.

[Kadyn] - "You stinking piece of shit, give me back my Mike! You took his body and put it through such humiliation! You fucking cunt-sucking dick-blowing mother of all bitches! You almost dragged him down to hell with you! Don't you think you are safe! If you die, I'll come to hell and drag you back to the living to kill you again! "

Kadyn cursed with vigour but beneath all that rage lies a sorrow that has been repressed for too long. With every curse word in her mouth, Kadyn could feel a knife stabbing through her heart.

[Kadyn] - "Mike... "Sob" Never looked so pathetic like you. You dragged him through the mud! You... "sob" piece of garbage... "

Later, Kadyn spent a few days tied to her bed like Arthur. When her injuries were fully healed, her assault charges were dropped thanks to her contribution in killing Famine. Right after being discharged, Kadyn was brought down by a bad case of depression. Thanks to Dane's help, she got permission to stay most of the time confined to her room.

She spent her days on her bed without a word while the dim light illuminated her room. Although McCree and Senju were concerned about her situation, she refused to receive any help or see anyone. Eventually, she stopped eating altogether.

Meanwhile, the situation wasn't better for Arthur as he became addicted to alcohol to soothe his PTSD. They were both silent for about two weeks until one night, Kadyn finally felt hungry enough to exit her room and look for some food. As she walked through the hallway half-naked, she accidentally came across a room with a heavy stench of liquor.

With a heavy fog inside her head, she decided to fetch some liquor for herself instead of food. The moment she set foot into the room, she saw Arthur putting a nose around his neck before kicking the chair below his feet. Kadyn's eyes abruptly grew wide.

[Kadyn] - "You... Nooo! "

Said Kadyn weakly.

Without noticing the obvious weakness in her legs, Kadyn rushed toward Arthur only to fall into a sea of vodka bottles. She tried to push herself off the ground but to no avail; She was simply too malnourished to stand up.

[Kadyn] - "Mike... Don't go. "

As Arthur's body dangled on the rope, an expression changed inside his eyes. Suddenly, Arthur's hands raised up and grabbed a broken bottle. With the sharp glass, Arthur cut off the cord around his neck before abruptly falling into the sea of bottles below his feet. Upon seeing this weird miracle, Kadyn gathered her strength and pushed herself off the floor.

With a swing of his fingers, Arthur cleared the bottles around him and Kadyn using his ability. A lively expression slowly returned to Kadyn's eyes as she slowly started to crawl toward Arthur.

[Kadyn] - "Could it be? Mike? "

There is a different look inside the man's eyes that doesn't seem like Arthur or Mike. Although this should've been alarming to Kadyn, her judgment at that moment was simply too clouded.

[Jagger] - "Yes, dear, it is me. "

Kadyn forced a smile before being pulled to her feet by Jagger. At that moment, she might not have realized it but she will soon regret ever approaching this even more dangerous personality. Just as Kadyn used her weakened arms to hug him, she suddenly felt a needle on her neck. Before she could react, an unknown substance was injected into her vein.

[Kadyn] - "What... what did you inject me with? "

Said Kadyn in a half-coherent voice.

[Jagger] - "Something that will wake you up. "

Kadyn soon felt a surge of power through her body. Not long after, she was once more stable on her two feet. Now with a clear mind, Kadyn jumped toward Jagger and hugged with all her force.

[Kadyn] - "Mike, I missed you so much! You have no idea how- "

Just as Kadyn was getting emotional, Jagger suddenly pushed her away from him. At first, Kadyn was confused but she ignored the push and went back to hugging Jagger thinking he was Mike. In consequence, this time, Jagger pushed Kadyn so hard that she fell into a pile of bottles and cut her arm open.

[Kadyn] - "What was that for? "

[Jagger] - "Oh nothing. It's an accident. "

Said Jagger with a smirk.

Kadyn stood up and tried to gently push Jagger as she usually does with Mike when he accidentally caused her harm. But Jagger responded aggressively by slapping Kadyn in the cheek.

[Kadyn] - "What's wrong with you, you psycho! "

Now that Kadyn's mind was clearer, she took a good look at Jagger's face before noticing that something was wrong.

[Kadyn] - "No... No! You are not Mike! You are someone else. "

[Jagger] - "Oh, you figured it out! Took you long enough! "

Kadyn backed off in shock. Just as when she thought things would get better, it gets worse.

[Kadyn] - "Why are you doing this? Where is Mike? "

Jagger approached Kadyn and stared her down with a sadistic smile.

[Jagger] - "I have no reason to do this but I do it anyway. Let me tell you a secret; Unlike Arthur, I know who is Mike, thus I know who you are. "

Kadyn frowned with anger.

[Kadyn] - "So what? I'm not scared of you! "

[Jagger] - "Oh, such a defiant attitude. I love it. "

Jagger suddenly grabbed Kadyn by the neck but Kadyn quickly aimed her blade at Jagger's throat.

[Jagger] - "Look at poor Arthur. He was broken, traumatized and afraid. You didn't even show him any mercy. How cold of you! But would you imagine if you were in his position? "

Jagger approached his neck until the tip of the blade made contact with his flesh.

[Jagger] - "Come on, stab me. Kill me! "

Jagger approached his neck to the point where a small trail of blood appeared on the shiny surface of the blade. A look of concern quickly appeared in Kadyn's eyes.

[Jagger] - "Come on! STAB ME! Make me and Arthur pay for taking Mike away from you! "

As Jagger approached his neck further toward her blade, Kadyn immediately recoiled and retracted her blade.

[Jagger] - "Oh! How unfortunate! You are afraid of desecrating your poor Mike's body? "

Said Jagger before forcing Kadyn to stand up by holding onto her neck.

[Jagger] - "You must've missed your dear Mike's body. Let me reward you with it. "

For the first time in her life, Kadyn looked at Mike's face with an expression of pure terror. She didn't get to speak before she was turned around and pressed against the wall. Jagger groaned as Kadyn held back tears. After a dozen minutes, Jagger pulled his pants up before leaving Kadyn alone against the wall.

[Jagger] - "Looking into Mike's memories, you were nothing but a play doll. The only reason he kept you around was for that body of yours. Don't you worry, by the way, I'll come around to please you, just like Mike did. "

Said Jagger with enjoyment in his voice.

[Kadyn] - "No... No... I don't want this... "

Whispered Kadyn in a broken voice.

That night, Kadyn squeezed herself inside her closet and cried herself to sleep while curled up in a ball. For the first time in her life, she tasted utter despair and defeat. The resolve in her heart, along with her mind, is breaking apart. Is this rock bottom or is there still hope?

To be continued...