
Passing time

Much like safi jiiva Alex got the [escaton judgement] trait from alatreon's corpse but in an unexpected twist the trait fused with [star] trait to become the unique rank [judgment star] trait. It was a unbelievable trait that gave Alex the the ability to create and store three stars within his body that he could detonate internally and release the full force of from his body without harming himself at all. Basically Alex had become a walking nuke that could be triggered at will to catch whatever he fought of guard in what would likely be a highly fatal surprise attack.-

He immediately chose to create a dragon energy star followed by a Tenshou star and finally a world star. Should the first two stars blasts damage the surroundings too much Alex could detonate the last star in order to "heal" and revitalize that area and a vast area around it. As powerful as fatalis was however Alex very much doubted that it would walk away unscathed from a tri elemental fused element star blast going off at point blank range. It may not die from the attack but taking serious damage was a foregone conclusion.-

Things slowed down considerably for half a year after that though that Alex used to fully master his new prowess and gain a couple new traits from the explorations he had been doing in the unexplored areas of the new world and hoarfrost regions. Nothing game changing but still useful things like [complete camouflage] and [herbolosis] that let him create new species of plants by forcefully crossbreeding them regardless of compatibility. This trait interestingly enough actually directly used his elder domain to work alongside his energy. This was the only trait he had that did so which was a very important thing in his opinion.-

Using this trait he had created a few interesting things that while not useful at all in combat were godly in other ways. for example he had crossbred the medicinal plants with the antidote plants to create a cyan colored leafy plant that healed and cured poison at the same time which after being mixed with honey and water created a potion that had much more concentrated effects. The guild had sent Alex a massive order for as many of the plants as possible due to how supremely useful they were to normal hunters.-

The best thing he had produced in his opinion was the dragon vegetables that were hade by crossbreeding regular vegetables with the giant kelp of the hoarfrost region to make version of the vegetables that while requiring more water to grow also grew almost a tall and wide as a person on average. Thanks to this it had literally never been easier feeding Alex and the entire population of astera and seliana. He had so far only made giant cabbages , carrots and potatoes so far but he had plans for further plants as well. The guild had also bought seeds of each plant to be grown in the old world to feed everyone.-

Besides this though most of the dangerous things that popped up was taken care of by Zane who had been very active during this time. More and more people had been slowly trickling into the new world from the old world in the past five months as well. This also included members of the other sapient races on the planet , the Troverians and sea people. Troverians were a short race that tended to have dark skin despite living mostly underground and a lifespan actually shorter than that of humans at about sixty years on average to the humans hundred.-

They were also well known as the "workaholic" race due to growing depressed and sad when no longer having work to do. The sea people on the other hand were a rather debated topic of origin as they were nearly identical to humans in all regards save a short but important few. Unlike the humans sea people had webbed hands and feet as well as semi long hard and sharp nails as well as slightly translucent skin that takes on interesting colors in sunlight.