
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

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43 Chs

Chapter 30.1 - The Custom Made Split?




(A/N: I was sick for a week straight, had neck pains, was unable to sleep properly, and couldn't write due to a migraine.

Lost my will to write. I seriously thought all writers used sickness as an excuse sometimes till I got hit with the death stick. I'm working on some other things that tie into the lore and will be posting more chapters of that.

Hard to write one of the stories considering I need my friends to make their moves. The other story however should be interesting to a few of you.

"Why Is My Group Chat So Broken?" I will be posting this soon as I have ten chapters of it so far.

Enjoy this short chapter.)

If you told me one day I would have my soul split into fragments and then be dragged into Danmachi, I wouldn't believe you.


But if you then told me those soul fragments would take life in their home universe and become as great or greater than me, then I would have asked for what you were smoking.


However, now I sit in a black void with a brown table and a few chairs being the only thing in it.


I was the first to show up, and this happened after I won that mansion from Apollo. In one of the chairs sat... "What were your names again?"


"The freedom devil."


"Azaogdesz Sukuna."


"Lord Azaogdesz, Son of the Dominator of the Universe."

"Decessusax. Son of Dragonlord Placidusax and Y Ddraig Goch."


"How the fuck did that happen?" My mouth moved on its own once I heard what Decessusax had said.


"I was originally a multiple-race hybrid until someone took the Vergil route and stabbed himself with the blade known as 'the ritual of separation.'


My bloodline was randomized a while before that, and I had gotten a mix of both my parents." Decessusax almost sighed, and I could see him get angry at something.


There was a weird cast of characters here. Decessusax is a large black dragon with stone scales. His horns pointed forward, and the underside of his wings were a bright gold.


The freedom devil looked exactly like Eren Yeager and held his same green eyes and dark brown hair.


Azaogdesz Sukuna had four red eyes, and black hair, and was currently wearing a black robe. He was radiating this malevolent aura that I swear he could turn off.


Then we finally had Lord Azaogdesz, who seemed to be the son of the alien from One Punch Man. Lord Boros.


He was wearing sleek golden armor that had a red (kind of) royal cape, bright pink hair with blue skin, and only a singular blue eye. He was the weirdest out of the group.


"Explain this to me again; I'm not sure I heard the idiotic words coming out of your mouth correctly." Sukuna practically spat the words out with as much disdain as possible.


"Fine, once more from the top. We were once called 'Order,' otherwise known as Azaogdesz. This being was split, and this dimension here has brought you to bring us back together.


I'm sure this isn't the last time I'm going to have to explain this as more of us get here, considering Decessusax was part of another being, but who cares?"


Everyone looked around at each other before they looked back at me.


"So... how is life treating you? Decessusax first!" I had a goofy smile on my face, as I knew I couldn't have gotten the short end of the stick.

"I spent the majority of time sleeping in some random world that apparently was connected to some video game in another world. Many tried to defeat me in my time there, but eventually, I took the principle of ineluctability and left the world.


I was planning to recombine with my others before being dragged here. I could claim to be lucky, as I was loved by two principles, one of which was death. The other is ineluctability."



I could feel everyone, including myself, giving the dragon a bombastic side-eye. Two principles? Dragons sure had it easy.


"Sukuna, next go!" I pointed to Sukuna. I swear, I saw him sigh.


"I was fighting a being known as Omni Gojo-"


"You mean an alternate version of Satoru Gojo?" I interrupted him.


"Yes, now be quiet." He shushed me as he held the bride of his nose. "As we fought, I cut him in half and thought it was the end, but apparently not. The brat had gone into what he said was 'a second awakening.' He claimed he was an honored one and learned the power of gravity. Kept screaming about some melody.


After figuring out he could control time by combining his abilities revolving around space and time, he then tried to end me.


Using the abilities of the brat I took over, I copied Omni Gojo's ability over gravity. We both threw a punch with the mass of a black hole before being teleported into space and landing our punches, sending us flying.


He seemed to be reversing time on his body, so he didn't need to breathe, while I am a god and, in my other forms, don't need to breathe.


We landed on a moon in the solar system and began fighting. He somehow used gravity to rip apart the surface of the moon and sent all the rubble into space above. As I couldn't tell up from down, he rushed me with a series of omnidirectional punches and-"


"Stop!" I immediately cut Sukuna off from his rant. "It sounds like you're just reading from the One Punch Man manga at this point."


"The what?" Sukuna looked confused at what I said, but I started to tune him out.


"Lord Azaogdesz, you're next."

"I didn't get to do much before I was sent here. I took over a couple of planets, made life better for the civilians, got rid of the corruption from their governments, and right as I was done with my training and about to go to Earth, I was teleported here." Lord Azaogdesz kept the paragraph of his life short and to the point.


"I already had a conversation with the freedom devil, but why did you guys all get put into better situations than me?" 


It couldn't be put into words how jealous I was about how they got better powers than what I was given. I mean, while I'm stuck with being a chainsaw man, they were able to punch with the might of a black hole and control concepts!


"Ah right," I spoke up because I forgot to say something. "All of us are connected by our fragmented mind and express more of a certain trait than others. For the freedom devil, that's freedom; for Sukuna, that's malevolence; and whatever y'all probably don't care."


""""We don't."""""


"Y'all didn't need to say it, though!"


I would have to deal with more of these guys. Man, this sucks more dick than a guy who needs 20 dollars!


Wait... these guys are me! Why the fuck am I such an asshole?

"Well, Decessusax, can you show me Juggernaut Drive?" My question was driven by the desire of someone who wanted to see something cool but didn't want to see Issei do it.


"Fine. The greater will doesn't pay me enough to deal with this shit."

"I who shall awaken!" 


An incredibly massive gust of wind blew off from where the dragon stood. Its slim body drew bulkier as its size grew slightly.

(His mind-rendering Majesty!)


(Nothing will save you from this!)


Black floating spheres began to circle around it as two of them spoke.

"I am the eldritch dragon who is loved by the principles of ineluctability and death!"


A dark aura grew around the dragon's body as its claws became larger.


(She loves you so!)


(Until time ends and beyond!)


Two different black spheres spoke, yet they all seemed to have female voices so far.

"I reject the infinite and disregard the dream!"


The rest of the dragon's body seemed to finally grow bigger with that sentence.


(The object of desire!)


(The unobtainable!)


"I shall become the eldritch dragon god that spreads chaotic ruin to all!"


(Morality, immortality, demise, ruination, or other—no matter what transpires, you always take the path to insanity!)


This final voice, however, sounded like a male.


"Concepts, principles, laws—none of them matter in the face of my inescapable power, Juggernaut Drive!"


'So cool.' That was really the only thought I had as more wind blasted into my face and the roars of the large black dragon rang in my ears.