
Custom Made Demon King : Real Monster

The protagonist dies and is reborn in cmdk . Intelligent protagonist, always looking for his maximum benefit and evil. English is not my first language

Mug_6692 · Komik
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2 Chs


After that, it was all dark, I could not see or hear anything, the only thing I felt was a viscous sensation that ran through my whole body.

I did not understand what was happening, where I was, why that demon appeared there, what he wanted, why he killed me for no reason, and why me?

I asked myself a lot of questions that had no answers, my head could not process what had happened.

Some of these questions were solved when a dark red screen appeared in front of me, I had several options but the one that stood out the most was the creation one, it allowed me to create skills, objects and even life, drawing what I wanted to create.

After drawing it there was a section to add the description , of the attributes and qualities of what I created , the more detailed it was and the more useful it was , the more souls it would cost.

There, I realized. I had been reincarnated in Custom made demon king , still , the questions remained unanswered , why the fuck the demon had appeared in my room , I guess I will have to go discovering it over time.

Now then , I'm screwed , for starters I have no idea how to draw , it will be the first skill I create , I'm also in hell , full of creatures that could murder me if I make a single wrong step .

While having my internal monologue , a system prompt popped up ,

[1 minute to natural birth, get ready].

Then this slimy feeling is the inside of the egg , now everything made more sense .

After this I started to hit the shell with all parts of the body , I felt something weird on the top to my ass , I guessed it would be the tail , right now it is of no great importance , I will also hit with it .

Immediately a crunching sound began to sound and a reddish dazzling light began to fill my eyes.

As I came out of the egg, look at the upper right side of the system.

[40 seconds to natural hatching]

Well, this meant that I had 40 seconds to kill as many as I could before they hatched.

I was on a beach with thousands of eggs , it was quite impressive , I did not know how to react , what I did know was that I had to survive and take advantage of this opportunity , finally I have a different feeling , I do not know if it will be fear or excitement but I will seek to achieve maximum power in this life.

To my right I had a pair of eggs which I immediately went to and smashed , without even giving the demons a chance to leave , going to pick up the two floating souls on top.

[2 low rank souls obtained]

I quickly opened the creation part and drew a kind of club to be able to kill the enemies more easily.

[Simple wooden club , +Resistance

(1 soul) ]

[Actual birth time 4 seconds ]

I ran a few meters ahead where there were 6 more eggs , I hit 3 of them with my club , shattering the fragile shells with a single blow.

[Actual hatching time 0 seconds]

[Hatching completed]

Immediately the remaining 3 were born , and three strange horrible demons appeared , one was like some kind of fly , the other was gray and had only one eye and the last one was red and with two small horns .

Automatically they begin to kill each other , this , I take advantage of it and despite hesitating , I end up hitting the gray demon with the club , killing him with one blow . This draws the attention of the remaining two who come to attack me on seeing it , the first to attack was the fly demon , who tries to scratch me with some kind of . claws? I don't know what it is, but it had the intention of killing me, I was sure of that. I dodge it by turning my body to the right and hit it with the club in the neck, killing it instantly.

The red demon is the last one , I give him a low kick that knocks him to the ground , and hit him in the head killing him , after that I collect the 6 souls of the ones I had killed.

[6 low rank souls obtained]

Around me there are killing thousands of demons , it is a disgusting scene , but at the same time I feel a kind of excitement , I wanted to be stronger and survive , rising up in the world.

I killed a few more demons without much complication , acquiring 4 more souls , I did not want to risk being cornered by several and be killed easily , so I did not go for more . I also had to throw away the club that had already broken , getting rid of the only weapon I had to defend myself , apart from my claws , teeth and tail , well my whole body in general.

As I think about what I will do to survive , the volcano behind the beach begins to roar , I knew I had to go and jump , to enter the top of hell .

All the demons go there and I will not be the exception , I did not stop to kill any more and climb as I could the volcano , jumping at the beginning of my new life .

I hope you liked the chapter, I'm currently at the beach and it's complicated to write with my cell phone.

The system is not the same as Roy's , as there are many things I don't remember , and I don't think Roy is in this story , give me your opinion.

Also suggest me skills and attributes for my protagonist.