
Cursed with Infinite Rebirth in the Apocalypse (Dropped)

An unprecedented apocalypse dawned on Earth, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Monsters appeared out of nowhere, killing and destroying everyone and everything along their path! Guns? Useless. Atomic Bombs? A good way to make the monsters sweat. Amidst hopelessness and chaos, a saving hand appeared. The Hero Creation System! Allowing everyone to gain enough power to fight for themselves, letting them have random, unique skills upon binding! In the center of it all, a single streamer became the only hope for humanity. His powers? The Curse of Infinite Rebirth! But wait... "Why would I bother saving the world? Let it burn!"

ChronoQuill · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

A Little Service Would be Good

The distance from the Military Camp to the Pine Mall can be covered in about an hour. However, we are taking the drive leisurely right now, so it should take about twice as long.

It's not because I was enjoying the soft sensation pressing against my back or the dainty arms wrapped around my waist. Definitely. The reason I was being careful was that the road at night is dangerous, and I am not wearing a helmet right now.


In the end, it took us a full three hours to reach the mall's parking lot. After Garuda got off, I also parked the bike in the very middle of the 10th floor before getting off.

"Now that we're here..."

I turned to look around, seeing the familiar view of the lowest basement floor. "First of all, we should check all hallways and connecting paths. Create a mental map of the entire floor and..."

"I'll go and check the east side, then you go check the west."

Before I could finish explaining, Garuda had already started walking to one end of the parking lot. Didn't she say she was going to listen to my commands? Anyway, she was already out of view before I could even call her back.

Having no other choice, I started on my task as she said, checking out the paths on the west side. There were a total of five elevator shafts scattered around, with three emergency staircases spaced evenly.

At the center of the west side, there was the storage site for the mall's goods. "The entrance is narrow, and the space inside is quite wide... This should be the perfect place to use as our base location."

To whom am I talking? Of course, to the viewers! I was the one carrying the GoBro right now, as Garuda left the helmet alone after getting off the bike.

Checking my phone, the number of comments slowed down to a trickle. It was as if the earlier flood of comments during the long drive was just a lie.

"Hmm? The place is too dark? Well, we can just set lanterns there and there for that."

There should be a lot of battery-powered lights somewhere on the hardware side of the mall. If there's none, then I can just pull an extension wire through the vent and use floodlights. Yep, I think that'd be better. It'd also work to blind the incoming enemies, adding an advantage to our side.

"Nice. With that planned, it's time to get to work!"

There's roughly 24 hours left until the start of the monster invasion. We still have a lot of time to set up.

"Still, the mall's basement at night sure does have quite a scary vibe. It's like something would pop out at any moment. I wonder if Garuda's fine over her side."

"You called?"


Where did you pop out of?! I bowed down, breathing deeply as I tried to calm my pounding heart. Garuda reached my back without my notice.

"Anyway, I had no luck on my side. But it looks like you found a good site. Here, catch."


She threw something into my chest, so I had no choice but to catch it. It was slightly heavy, but not unbearable. When I scrutinized what it was, the thing in my hand was a "borrowed" emergency light! Seeing the "EXIT" sign hanging below it, I could already guess where she got it.

"We can use that as the light source for tonight. It's almost midnight, so we should save our energy and sleep," Garuda began to explain as she moved through the storage room. "There should be... found it. Cushions!"

As expected of the storage room, they have a lot of things in here. After that, I helped her pull out one of the cushions but found that we had no space to spread it over. There's just not enough empty area.

We had to move a few heavy crates just to make enough space for one bed cushion. Honestly, it was hard work. But probably due to my level 2 stats, it was easier than I expected.

"Now, let's set up another bed..." Just as I turned to get one more, I noticed that we would need to move more crates to make enough space for another one.

"One bed should be enough for the two of us," Garuda said, her expression as flat as usual. "Come, let's sleep. We have a long day tomorrow."


This girl... Is she for real? Before I could think if she was inviting me or not, she had already crawled on top of the bed and laid down in the middle. The bed is just enough for two if we respect each other's space, so...

"Anyway, viewers, that's it for today. Wait for updates tomorrow!"

I quickly turned off the camera as I watched hundreds of curses flash on the screen. Hah, there's no way I would turn my stream into content for a different kind of site!

I turned to look at Garuda, who was already releasing a faint sleeping noise as she lay sideways. "Can't you scoot over to one side?" I tried to ask, but she didn't respond.

This girl...

I slowly crept onto the bed, trying to stay at the edge as much as possible, but as expected, I couldn't avoid touching parts of her body like this.


A short moan left her lips as she twisted her body, as if ticklish. Her voice sounded so sensual that it excited me.

"If you're not moving over to the other side, then don't blame me for this."

Whatever goes. I laid down sideways, my body facing her back. The scent of her shampoo tickled my nose as the soft sound of her breathing filled my mind. I gently moved my hand, placing it atop her waist, treating her like a body pillow.


She's not budging at all. If she's fine with this much, then what about this? I gently wrapped my right arm over her waist to her stomach, pulling her body closer to mine. Her warmth was passed directly to mine from her back, touching my chest and stomach.


Another sensual moan escaped her lips, making me feel like bursting already. "Garuda. If you don't move away from me now, I'll take that as your consent..."


She still remained silent... but she moved her hips ever so slightly, her plump ass, grinding them against my stomach.

.... That's it. I warned you.

Popcorn? Does anyone want some popcorn?

(*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)

ChronoQuillcreators' thoughts