
Cursed Rebirth: The Hero Who Became the Demon Prince

Alone, abandoned, with no one to trust, and drowning in a world of cruelty, all for the sake of humanity. The hero, who once stood against the Demon Lord, has been reincarnated as none other than... the Demon Lord’s son! Now living as Prince Zilvagias, the ideal heir of the Demon Kingdom, he must hide his true identity while plotting its destruction from within. But in order to blend into demon society, there's one cruel reality he cannot escape—he must kill humans without hesitation. The very people he once swore to protect as a hero... now, by his own hands, they fall. Yet, even if it means staining his soul with unforgivable sins, he will keep walking this path—growing stronger with each step, ready to save humanity no matter the cost. This is the story of a false prince, shrouded in inner conflict and betrayal, as he leads a kingdom toward ruin.

Konki_Doogie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Inherited Curse


My right hand throbbed in pain.

It felt like an invisible blade had pierced straight through, leaving a clean hole from the palm to the back of my hand. From the wound, the signature blue blood of a demon dripped onto the floor.

I had suffered countless injuries in my previous life and had an especially brutal death. I should have been used to pain by now, but pain is still pain, no matter how much you've experienced.

Especially since this was my first intense pain in this new body. I couldn't help but grimace.

This is the Transference Curse, huh? Upon closer observation, I could see the traces of magic clinging to the wound. The curse's remnants gradually dissipated. Meanwhile, Platifia's hand showed no sign of injury.

"You're unfazed, Zilvagias," Platifia said, impressed.

"Most children, no matter how brave, flinch at their first cut… but you're calm. You've always had strong nerves, even from a young age."

Maybe I should've acted more flustered? Well, it's too late for that.

"So, can I use the Transference Curse now?"

I didn't feel any different. My hand just hurt.

"Not yet. Next, you'll transfer the wound back to me with the curse. That's when you'll start to understand," Platifia explained, smiling softly. "Just feel it, Zilvagias. Focus on the bond between us—mother and child."

Platifia's magical energy reached out, touching my wound.

"Transference Meta Fesi."

Suddenly, I felt the strange sensation of the wound itself being pulled from my hand, as if it was being physically extracted.

For a brief moment, I experienced a vision.

I saw the history of this curse passed down through the Reiju family.

It all started with a mother—the founder of the Reiju clan—who transferred the wounds her child had suffered onto her own body. As creatures of darkness, they couldn't wield healing miracles, but the mother still wanted to ease her child's suffering in any way she could. Her love for her child led to the birth of this curse.

From then on, whenever their children were hurt, Reiju parents would take the injuries onto themselves to protect them.

Over time, the curse was refined and perfected.

Eventually, its applications expanded. The curse could be used not just for children, but also for prey and enemies. It became a tool in hunting and warfare.

—What had once been a curse born of a mother's love had evolved into a full-fledged weapon.

They even went so far as to deliberately wound their own children to pass it down efficiently.

"…So, it all started from love, huh?"

And now, it's come to this. I stared at my hand, now free from wounds save for the bloodstains.

"It's still love," Platifia replied, her hand once again bleeding.

"That's why it can only be passed down to the ones I love—my own child."

She smiled as she looked at her bleeding hand—a gentle smile, one rarely seen in the Demon King's castle.

"—Now then, Zilvagias, you're officially a beginner magician. Of course, you'll need more practice to use it effectively, but this should be enough to keep you alive as long as you don't get killed outright in an ambush."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room lightened.

I realized Platifia had dispelled the soundproof barrier.

"Garunya! Come in."

"Yes, my lady!"

A high-pitched voice answered from outside the room, and a beastwoman maid with snow-white fur entered.

I recognized her—one of the familiar servants I'd seen around.

"Garunya, I'm appointing you as Zilvagias's personal attendant. You are to serve him with absolute loyalty and act as his shield."

"Yes! I will serve Lord Zilvagias with my life as his shield!" Garunya declared, standing at attention like a soldier, though her speech still carried a hint of youthfulness. She turned to me and bowed deeply.

"Lord Zilvagias, though I am inexperienced, I pledge my life to protect you. I am at your service."

"…Uh, thanks…"

I just got assigned a very dedicated subordinate all of a sudden…

I nodded, then looked to Platifia for an explanation.

"The White Tiger Clan is a small tribe of beastmen we, the Reiju family, have long protected. In the early days of the Demon Kingdom, we saved them from human persecution. Since then, they've served us with unwavering loyalty."

"Yes! We are forever grateful for being saved from the human's fur hunts!" Garunya chirped, stroking her fluffy white fur.

…I had heard that the western human nations, now long gone, often clashed with the beastmen tribes and treated them cruelly…

I gazed at the bright, youthful beastwoman with complicated feelings.

Perhaps noticing my thoughts, Platifia added, "The White Tiger Clan's loyalty is genuine, Zilvagias. Garunya will never betray you. She can't. If anyone tries to twist her will, the oath of loyalty will take her life instead."

"Yes! I will tear out my own heart with my claws before betraying you, my lord!"

Garunya said this with the same cheerful tone.

"Loyalty is our clan's pride. Loyalty is what ensures our continued prosperity."

She spoke as if reciting a spell.

"I will serve you with all my heart!"

This girl had clearly been raised to believe that this was her destiny.

"The White Tigers never betray, and because they're beastmen, they have low magic resistance… making them ideal for use in emergencies." Platifia's smile took on a sharp edge.

She didn't need to explain further.

Low magic resistance meant Garunya would be an ideal target for the Transference Curse.

That's why the Reiju family protected them. Their loyalty was unshakable, they would die before being manipulated, and when push came to shove, they could be used as a vessel for injuries or illnesses. They were, without a doubt, the perfect servants for the Reiju clan's purposes.

"How you handle her is up to you, Zilvagias. Learn how to manage your subordinates from her. Garunya, if you ever have any complaints, tell Zilvagias directly. Your loyalty gives you the right to do so."

"Yes! Understood! Thank you very much!"

"…Well, today's been quite eventful," Platifia said, relaxing a little as she exhaled a small sigh.

No kidding. I had returned to the mortal realm from the Demon World, barely had a moment to rest, rode a dragon back to the Demon King's castle, and then learned a bloodline magic. It's been a whirlwind of a day.

"I'll arrange for you to learn the Org clan's bloodline magic later. For now, rest, Zilvagias."

And just like that, Platifia left the room as swiftly as she had entered, leaving me with my new subordinate—Garunya.

"Congratulations on mastering your bloodline magic, Lord Zilvagias."

Sophia, who had been quietly observing in the corner, stepped forward to offer her congratulations.

"Congratulations!" Garunya echoed, clearly excited.

"How wonderful," Ante chimed in from within me, as fake-cheerful as ever.

Looks like things are going to get lively from now on… Even though Sophia had essentially been acting as my personal attendant, I now had an official two-person team.

"…I look forward to working with you, Garunya. I won't treat you unfairly."

"Yes! Now, my lord, what should I do next?"

Garunya's ears twitched as she tilted her head, waiting for instructions.

"For now, arrange some food. And a bath."


Garunya excitedly dashed off to inform the other servants waiting outside.

…I hope I never have to use her as a sacrifice.

Though I'm fully committed to defeating the Demon King and destroying the Demon Kingdom, I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me.

All I wanted right now was to eat something and fall asleep without thinking about anything.

…Just for tonight, that should be fine.

"What? You're already going to bed? We could explore this Demon King's castle, you know!" Ante teased.

Leave it for tomorrow.

…Will I ever get a chance to sleep peacefully by myself again?